看板 ManCity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
6/11 @City_Watch: L'Equipe: City have offered in-demand Juventus star Paul Pogba (2 2) a whopping ꌱ2m/year contract to join the club. http://t.co/AfZrS0lX4s 法隊報:曼城用年薪1200萬鎊勾引Pogba @City_Watch: Daily Mail: City are willing to listen to offers for forward Edin Dzeko (29) but would not let him go cheap and expect at least ꌲ0m. 曼城說哲科至少要賣2000萬鎊 @City_Watch: City's retained/release list confirms departures of: John Guidetti Micah Richards Adam Drury Greg Leigh Dominic Oduro Good luck to all! 曼城官方宣布這五人正式離隊 @City_Watch: El Confidencial: Despite interest from Madrid, City consider Kun non-transferable and Sheikh Mansour would offer him a blank check to stay. 曼城表示kun是非賣品 @City_Watch: L'Equipe + France Football: PSG are furious to learn their FFP sa nctions continue while City's are to be lifted. PSG can't fund Pogba deal. PSG今年仍受財政公平限制,POGBA競爭者少一人 @ManCityPhotos: Micah Richards has officially been released by City. All the b est Meeks! [graphic by @Shaun_C_sXeGFX] http://t.co/Q0jWPaf2jj 米卡再會啦 ------------------ 6/10 @City_Watch: Jeune Afrique: City have agreed a deal with Arles-Avignon to sign France U18 midfielder Isma螔 Bennacer (17). http://t.co/VHqFn1jV0e 曼城簽下法國中場小將 Isma螔 Bennacer @City_Watch: Marca: Valencia will pay City the obligatory ?23.5m (€32m) for N egredo but seem to regret the buy. Named in Marca's worst team of the year. 瓦倫西亞付清內閣的轉隊費2350萬鎊 @City_Watch: City's value has jumped from US$510m to US$800m, making them the 4th most valuable brand in football. (Brand Finance) http://t.co/xNuFgj6YpL 曼城品牌價值升為世界第四 @City_Watch: Calciomercato: Roma are working on a deal for City star Edin Dzek o. Their attempt: loan deal worth ?2.2m w/ the option to buy for ?10m-?13m. 羅馬想要哲科 先租後買:220萬鎊+1300萬鎊 @City_Watch: One City target down as Kevin De Bruyne's adviser confirming KDB plans to stay at Wolfsburg next season after City, Bayern and PSG interest. @City_Watch: De Bruyne claims his adviser (Didier Frenay) never told Bild that he was staying at Wolfsburg next season. (via @BelgoFoot) 德布勞內宣布續留狼堡 @City_Watch: Mirror: City have asked the Premier League to let them begin the season with an away game to ensure the expansion is fully operational. 曼城要求英超下賽季先踢客場,好檢查球場的擴充是否安全 ---------------- 6/5 @City_Watch: Andrea Pirlo is set to join Frank Lampard in NYCFC's midfield acc ording to AS, having accepted an offer to join them. http://t.co/Las8dprOOB Pirlo可能加盟紐約城? @City_Watch: Telegraph: City are set to promote Jason Denayer (19), Marcos Lop es (19) and Kelechi Iheanacho (18) to the first-team squad next season. 曼城有意讓Denayer Lopes Iheanacho上一線隊 @City_Watch: Telegraph: City intend to promote the talented youngsters even if top targets Paul Pogba, Raheem Sterling and Kevin De Bruyne are signed. 即使曼城買到Pogba 斯特林 德布勞內 也會讓他們升上一線隊 @City_Watch: Mirror: David Silva is having surgery in America to cure a long-s tanding ankle problem that has troubled him for several years. 燒肉在美國動腳踝手術 @City_Watch: Mirror: City midfielder Seko Fofana (20) is one of five targets f or Sunderland and would be a loan signing. http://t.co/Pf0mFFFT30 黑貓有意小將Fofana @City_Watch: The Sun: City have made official contact with Liverpool over the potential sale of Raheem Sterling (20). http://t.co/D4EuY78WQG 曼城已正式接洽利鳥談斯特林 -------------------- 6/3 @City_Watch: Official: Celtic have announced the signing of Dedryck Boyata (24 ) from City on a 4-year deal. http://t.co/cjItotpa7p 官方:Boyata 正式轉會到Celtic @City_Watch: Mundo Deportivo: City are preparing a new offensive for Real Madr id playmaker Isco (23) who they see as the natural heir to David Silva. 曼城再次追求Isco @City_Watch: Sky Sports: Patrick Vieira was due for talks with Newcastle today but they have ended their interest in the City EDS coach. 空體:紐卡不想簽Vieira了 @City_Watch: For the fourth year running, Real Madrid are linked with Kun Ague ro who AS say Florentino Perez wants to sign depending on City's price. 皇馬目標:Kun @City_Watch: Real Madrid will not make summer moves for Aguero or City target Raheem Sterling, according to @GuillemBalague on Sky Sports. 但空體表示皇馬不會買kun跟斯特林 @City_Watch: Sky Italia: After failing to sign Yaya Toure, Inter are back to w orking on signing Stevan Jovetic but want City to lower their asking price. 國米繼續追求jojo @City_Watch: London Evening Standard: James Milner wanted ?150,000/week from A rsenal and they refused, leaving Liverpool in the clear to sign him. 槍手給不出milner要的15萬週薪,目前只剩留曼城跟去利鳥 @City_Watch: City made ?98.5m in Premier League prize money this season, secon d only to Chelsea. (via Daily Mail) http://t.co/Qx2CANAPDq 曼城本季營收英超第二,只比車車少49萬鎊 本季賺了9850萬鎊 @City_Watch: City have made a ?10.5m (€14.5m) bid for Torino centre-back and captain Kamil Glik (27) according to Tuttosport. http://t.co/tKdi0G91T6 新中後衛人選?Kamil Glik @City_Watch: Sevilla boss Unai Emery will talk to representatives of West Ham AND City tomorrow in London according to Sky Italia. http://t.co/7wVCXr2LeR 據說曼城將見Sevilla的教練Unai Emery ------------------ @City_Watch: Daily Record: Dedryck Boyata has traveled to Glasgow tonight to f inalise a ?1.5m move from City to Celtic, where he will sign a 4-year deal. Boyata 150萬轉會到Celtic @City_Watch: Yaya Toure to the MEN: "I will definitely stay. The fans don’t h ave to be worried." @City_Watch: Yaya says with his experience and "the players coming in", it wil l be a strong City going into next season. Yaya自行官宣續留曼城 @City_Watch: 'Official' photographs of next season's home shirt courtesy of To do Sobre Camisetas. http://t.co/nLri8LwfFq http://t.co/8BcXh9X9xf 官方下賽季主場球衣 @City_Watch: ESPN: City are weighing up a move for Barcelona midfielder Alex S ong (27) who would count as a homegrown player. http://t.co/w5i530N2YJ 宋!? @City_Watch: Daily Mail: James Milner is considering the option of staying at City after all, hopes to make a decision after upcoming England games. Milner還在思考 @City_Watch: Independent + Liverpool Echo: Liverpool hope to complete the free transfer signing of James Milner this week with talks set to take place. 利鳥積極追求Milner @City_Watch: City are in danger of missing out on Raheem Sterling according to The Sun, with the player set for talks over a ?45m move to Real Madrid. 皇馬4500萬鎊搶Raheem Sterling -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ManCity/M.1433241581.A.C98.html
vion321: 皇馬買斯特林~要不要賣ISCO或賓士阿06/02 18:45
titan7585: 不要宋 紀律跟狀態都有問題 不然西漢姆自己買斷就好了 06/02 21:05
titan7585: 如果斯特林要價超過5千萬 的確向皇馬詢價伊斯實際06/02 21:06
titan7585: 有說法是:實力+潛力約3000萬 戶口本1000萬06/02 21:08
singzion333: 斯特琳給皇馬最好!!!06/02 22:06
singzion333: BOYOTA走了!表示會有小將回來,但如果小將都打不上06/02 22:07
singzion333: 比賽又很浪費... 06/02 22:07
CRonaldo5566: 那球衣根本就是世界盃法國師姐衣的褪色版本啊。06/03 00:44
TocaRivera: 球衣好醜06/03 11:40
※ 編輯: BSH99 (, 06/03/2015 14:08:12
BSH99: 忘了改標題已新增6/3部分06/03 14:08
Verola: Emery也是不少人搶 堪稱本季最佳06/03 14:28
titan7585: 真別說啦 佩工跟羅屌一樣穩...兩個高層飛要等2016瓜帥 06/03 15:24
hangl0: 希望 Milner留下 06/03 20:48
titan7585: 戶口本確定留失三個囉 讓我們繼續看下去06/04 18:00
※ 編輯: BSH99 (, 06/05/2015 13:45:07
titan7585: Iheanacho 在當初內閣受傷缺陣時 就有聲音希望直接讓他06/05 14:29
titan7585: 上來踢第四前鋒 但似乎因為勞工證問題什麼的作罷06/05 14:29
welovewc: 真搞不懂STERLING哪裡好 一堆人搶@@06/05 21:25
titan7585: 斯特靈突破力進步蠻大的 別忘記我門去年奪冠 主場06/05 22:28
titan7585: 迎戰利鳥 邊裁幫我們吃掉對面一個單刀球06/05 22:28
titan7585: 一部份英國本土積極炒作戶口本 凱恩的橫空出世 陰足總 06/05 22:29
titan7585: 的新政也講明 有更多的凱恩被埋沒之類的洨話 所以才夯 06/05 22:29
Verola: 以年輕戶口本來比較的話 豈止好 根本是數一數二吧... 06/06 00:15
BSH99: 6/6 只有一條 06/06 08:30
BSH99: 曼城正式為斯特林報價2500萬鎊+500萬鎊的浮動獎金 06/06 08:31
titan7585: 這報價算合理 大約3500萬歐 但利鳥若咬定5千萬就... 06/06 09:30
titan7585: 我猜要是真的成交 大概會在4000萬上下 06/06 09:31
roy30224: 感覺 sterling 3500萬應該是極限了 在貴就不划算 06/06 21:52
roy30224: 覺得現在需要的是一個好後衛 年紀偏大 曼加拉不算穩 06/06 21:54
roy30224: 隊長狀態不如前 06/06 21:54
vion321: 鏡報報導,如無緣尤文中場波巴,曼城將轉而求購拉斯本德06/07 10:20
vion321: 歐冠踢完了~波霸趕快決定阿~~~~~@@" 06/07 11:48
vion321: JOJO又受傷了~~~痛痛人發作@@" 06/09 20:44
※ 編輯: BSH99 (, 06/10/2015 10:24:45
vion321: 不換血乳摸XDDD 整個都沒進度.... 06/10 10:28
titan7585: 瓦倫想要"拋售"內閣...真的是吼 06/10 15:34
BSH99: 曼城晚報今日特別報導06/10 19:51
BSH99: 曼城接近4000萬鎊買下德布勞內 06/10 19:52
BSH99: 曼城為Pogba開價週薪25萬 7000萬鎊轉隊費 06/10 19:52
vion321: 有種2隻都來阿!!!! XD 06/10 23:09
Verola: 內閣有點撞牆阿.. 06/11 00:04
singzion333: 內閣會變成這樣我們是不是要負責任....>< 06/11 01:02
※ 編輯: BSH99 (, 06/11/2015 07:54:07
titan7585: 種種因素交錯 如果jojo沒有玻璃 若Kun身體狀態能更好 06/11 08:48
titan7585: 高富帥能更硬 內閣就不用帶傷上陣 就不會有跟佩工的隔 06/11 08:49
titan7585: 閡 不過他去瓦倫以後一直狀態不好也是真的... 06/11 08:49