看板 ManUtd 關於我們 聯絡資訊
M.E.N. http://tinyurl.com/jta5hrw Romero - 6 Had a couple of shaky moments when he was asked to come off his line but didn't have a notable save to make and couldn't do anything about the penalty. Fosu-Mensah - 6 Got forward well to hit the bar with a header in the first half but played his part in Northampton's penalty by ball-watching. Came off early in the second half. Rojo - 5 Two dangerous crosses in the first half but struggled defensively, especially with a poor header that led to Northampton's penalty. Blind - 6 Slow to react when he gave away the penalty but wasn't helped by either full-back. Didn't have his best game at centre-back. Smalling - 6 Dealt with the physical challenge of Alex Revell and looked comfortable for much of the evening. Carrick - 8 (踢的很舒服 但是體力夠支持周末先發嗎?) Controlled the game with a mixture of short and long passes and scored the first goal. Made a good case for why he should start against Leicester on Saturday. Schneiderlin - 6 Playing further forward than normal and gave the ball away too many times in the first half. Good challenge in the build-up to Herrera's goal. Herrera - 7 (這幾年看下來 Herrera好像是我們射門技術最好的球員) He was having a quiet game until he smacked the post with a shot from 25 yards in the second half. His next notable contribution was to score with a lovely strike from a similar position. Memphis - 5 Tried a lot but nothing came off and it wasn't a surprise when he was substituted early in the second half. Had little influence in his 55 minutes. Young - 6 Didn't get much luck as a right winger but was better once he was moved to right-back as Northampton found themselves pegged back. Rooney - 5 (他的停球真的太糟糕了....) Started as the striker but missed a simple chance after six minutes and his night didn't get much better. Switched to the right wing once Ibrahimovic came on and will be lucky to keep his place on Saturday. Substitutes Ibrahimovic (for Young, 55) - 6 Quiet cameo. Rashford (for Fosu-Mensah, 55) - 7 Got a goal through his hard work. Fellaini (for Schneiderlin, 73) - 6 Brought on to see out the game. Not used: Johnstone, Darmian, Lingard, Mata. -- 這是不可思議的90分鐘 這是可以與屠殺羅馬的老特拉福德夢幻之夜媲美的90分鐘 這是之前只存在於曼聯球迷所能幻想的最美好世界中的90分鐘 這是埃弗頓以及切爾西球迷所能預料的最糟糕世界中的90分鐘 這是讓所有觀察家和評論家跌破眼鏡的90分鐘 ! Glory MANCHESTER UNITED. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ManUtd/M.1474535427.A.4C3.html
purpleboy01: 魯尼10號不行9號不行 下一場可以別再上嗎 09/22 17:41
rei1980: 以前VG是不是說H21射門技術不好,要他一定要先停球再射 09/22 17:57
rei1980: 不可以第一時間射門? 09/22 17:57
football: +2是對每個人都要先控球再做下一個動作 安全至上 09/22 18:06
five07: 講反了吧...我怎記得當時是說H21太喜歡第一時間 09/22 20:48
five07: 喔喔我說的跟樓上沒衝突sorry 09/22 20:49
hazel0093: 對岸好多阿共都在酸魯尼餅王跟毒瘤 09/22 21:46
hazel0093: 還說老爵爺本來想洗掉他,但天才直接給長約續掉 09/22 21:47
classskipper: 怎麼覺得樓上這內容完全沒問題 09/22 22:00
football: 我怎麼以為這是事實 有趣的是那時候他離開的話會去車車 09/22 22:21
Muarean: Moyes最大的錯誤就是宇宙級頂薪續約乳尼 比梅西當年還高 09/22 22:28
Muarean: 而且還是5年長約... Orz 09/22 22:28
Muarean: 所以沒人要的話我們要忍受他到2019年 09/22 22:30
Muarean: 一個魯尼可以養6個Rashford惹....(默 09/22 22:32
rik: http://tinyurl.com/gr7fz4k 那時候的herrera真的很神 09/22 22:45
sfh20230: 胖子還有5? 3 4剛剛好 09/22 23:49
football: 贏球還5 大概就是不該先發的評分 09/23 00:10
mmonkeyboyy: h21就是很愛一腳+2不爽XD~ 其實是魯胖無法一腳 09/23 03:21
IAMSOBAD: 球王剛剛在fb上面po了一個新的fifa影片有點想玩哈哈 09/23 08:28
IAMSOBAD: https://goo.gl/Zaac4Y 09/23 08:30
classskipper: Depay到底是中什麼邪… 09/23 08:46
moksonline: 想看H21踢433 09/23 08:56
football: 本週的執法裁判是丁丁… 09/23 09:40
abenacci: 新的FIFA有曼聯新人的劇情模式,沒主機或是不想玩的 09/23 14:26
abenacci: 我到時會開實況XD 09/23 14:26
abenacci: 不過我也玩得很爛就是 TOTZ 09/23 14:26
abenacci: 這裡有比較完整的預告片 09/23 14:29
RedDevil: 數位板已預購XD 09/23 16:29
zwe: ps4版誠徵隊友唷XD D 09/23 16:42
owens214: 曼聯板可以組一隊曼聯嗎?哈哈 09/23 17:13
ugm0501: 還在考慮是否要預購中 09/23 17:28
simonohmygod: 想等xbox one s的bundle 09/23 17:34
sog: 每年的FIFA遊戲任務就是帶領曼聯拿完所有冠軍 09/23 18:07
ugm0501: 很好奇魯尼回應批評 如果週六板凳但贏球媒體又要高潮了 09/23 18:22
ugm0501: 嗎 09/23 18:22
football: 但今天最大的新聞是關於木鳥的書阿 09/23 18:26
ugm0501: 是說他在皇馬跟切爾西都想買魯胖那則嗎 09/23 19:55
DiMammaMia: 英超最佳教練的評審是誰這個嗎? 09/23 20:12
football: 我以為是他想打教授阿 哈哈 09/23 20:18
ugm0501: 哈哈哈 我是有看到打教授啦 09/23 20:33
ugm0501: M11受傷來不及歸隊 應該是拉師傅頂左路吧 09/23 21:12
p23158958: 預告片裡面牆上海報跟櫃上的簽名球員卡都是Hazard耶XD 09/23 22:30
p23158958: Demo裡面有一小段可以試玩,熱身時車迷超煩~Who are you 09/23 22:31
football: 木鳥的賽前訪問看來 胖子大概又會先發了 09/23 22:56
Tw99: 當大家對魯胖失望的時候就是他當亮點的時候了...魯胖加油 09/24 00:13
football: 老實說 他繼續渣狀態又是先發的話就不是他的問題了 09/24 00:15
football: 不過上賽季平庸到12月終於回春 只能說懷抱希望總是好的 09/24 00:16
Tw99: 不得不推一下木鳥這次的說話內容。挺自己球員就對了。 09/24 00:22
holydon: 最近很愛拿愛因斯坦來比喻XD 09/24 00:25
PSY5566: 希望魯胖只是慢熱啊… 09/24 01:18
Onine24: 我也XBOX的,不過還在想要不要買... 09/24 08:16
zwe: 我們球隊都曼聯球迷阿XDDD 09/25 04:00
sog: http://i.imgur.com/oeYaN3q.jpg 今天偷跑了!颱風天練功.. 09/26 21:23
sog: . 09/26 21:23
kevinee: 實體版真好@@ 我買數位版還在等晚上十二點開放 09/26 22:57
rockmanalpha: 趕快來買個數位版!! 09/27 00:11