看板 ManUtd 關於我們 聯絡資訊
M.E.N. http://tinyurl.com/hykmkoj Romero - 7 Had little to do on his second appearance of the month but made a fine save from Paulinho's curler at 0-0. Fosu-Mensah - 7 There was the odd rash moment, but his confidence on the ball helped secure the defence and he crossed for the opener before receiving a warm round of applause when substituted. Bailly - 7 Rarely troubled and won the majority of his physical duels against the reticent Ukrainians. His pace was particularly impressive in recoveries. Smalling - 6 Had such a quiet evening he seemed to spend more time in the opponent's half. Must hope Daley Blind returns to corner duty. Rojo - 4 (可以準備閃人了嗎?? Blind看來很適合左後衛啊 Barely had to deal with Zorya's forwards but was skinned for their best chance and the absence of Blind and Luke Shaw affected United's attack. Fellaini - 5 Endeavoured to galvanise United but is the wrong option as the holding midfielder. Lacks Ander Herrera's urgency and Michael Carrick's passing. Pogba - 6 Tried to make things happen in the final third but to no avail. Drawn too deep, too, which slowed down United's attack. Lingard - 4 (酸爆了XD Dab錯了嗎?? He's a tutor at Dab School but still needs finishing school classes. Wasted two excellent first-half chance and seldom threatened on the ball before he was hooked. Mata - 7 Linked up productively and had plenty of the ball. His incision freed Fosu-Mensah down the right to create Ibrahimovic's goal. Rashford - 6 Almost opened the scoring but smacked the crossbar. Invariably sprinted down blind alleys on a rare ineffectual night. Ibrahimovic - 7 Came deep as United struggled to move the ball forward quickly and his perseverance was rewarded with his sixth United goal. Subs: Rooney - 6 (這到底是褒是貶XDDD Claimed an assist with mis-hit. Young - 6 Filled in reliably. Martial - 6 Had few opportunities to effect the game. -- 這是不可思議的90分鐘 這是可以與屠殺羅馬的老特拉福德夢幻之夜媲美的90分鐘 這是之前只存在於曼聯球迷所能幻想的最美好世界中的90分鐘 這是埃弗頓以及切爾西球迷所能預料的最糟糕世界中的90分鐘 這是讓所有觀察家和評論家跌破眼鏡的90分鐘 ! Glory MANCHESTER UNITED. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ManUtd/M.1475242654.A.BF6.html
purpleboy01: 魯尼的XDDD 我起先以為Rojo會是CB替補 因為LB實在... 09/30 23:52
moksonline: 樓上可以去看看去年幾場他踢CB的比賽 對面一秒變皇馬 10/01 11:01
purpleboy01: 所以我說起先嘛 結果都不行 XDD 10/01 13:28
Muarean: 一秒變皇馬 XDDD 很傳神啊 10/01 14:09
Muarean: ROJO只會靠蠻力追著球跑 無法判斷對手想做什麼 10/01 14:10
Muarean: 普通球隊對上他 人人都變成大師席丹 10/01 14:11
DiMammaMia: 比較疑惑的是怎麼派這麼多主力上場 明天還有聯賽欸 10/01 14:33
football: 因為上一場輸了 主場大概要守面子吧 10/01 15:16
mmonkeyboyy: 沒差啦 會一直贏下去的 胖子去溫凳子就好 10/01 17:30
ugm0501: 不要影響到明天的體能就好 10/01 18:19
DiMammaMia: 忽然覺得明天魯尼會先發 10/01 20:35
moksonline: 伊布先發也可以反正沒踢國家隊休兩週 10/01 21:30
ugm0501: 應該不會一個停球失誤助攻救回先發吧...希望不要 10/01 23:44