看板 ManUtd 關於我們 聯絡資訊
M.E.N. https://bit.ly/2VhXEgS Andreas Pereira good but Alexis Sanchez poor Man Utd vs Liverpool was a Premier League fixture that disappointed again but Ole Gunnar Solskjaer saw good performances from some players. David de Gea - 6 (恭喜又達成CS!!! Kept a clean sheet. Ashley Young - 5 Started the game abysmally with a hospital pass for De Gea and seemed cowed by Sadio Mane. Passing was rusty but picked up in the second-half. Victor Lindelof - 7 Continued his good understanding with Chris Smalling in their axis. There was some dicey defending but he still found Paul Pogba with the clearance. Tired. Chris Smalling - 8 (那個越位進球我叫出來了!!!! Vindicated his selection ahead of Eric Bailly with another assured performance against a Premier League top six side. Might be a first-teamer again. Luke Shaw - 7 Like fellow full-back Young, endured a forlorn first-half where Juan Mata was better during his cameo at left-back. Much more vigilant in the second. Scott McTominay - 6 His selection was questionable but McTominay was game throughout and used the ball prudently in difficult circumstances. Ander Herrera - 6 Typically busy and pressed Liverpool aggressively until he had to come off injured on 21 minutes. Paul Pogba - 6 Started on the left flank, where he was wasted. Came more infield and become more involved, threatening with a cross and a shot in the first-half. Juan Mata - 6 Showed Shaw how it's done with a challenge on Mohamed Salah at left-back that ended a breakaway and his afternoon, for he was forced off. Romelu Lukaku - 4 Rollocked by the fans and Solskjaer for a lack of running but fashioned a great chance for Jesse Lingard. Another unconvincing display. Marcus Rashford - 5 Suffered an injury inside the first 20 minutes that seemed to hamper him for the rest of the game. Played through the pain barrier. Subs Andreas Pereira - 7 Possibly his most accomplished performance for United in the league. Aggressive and energetic. Jesse Lingard - 5 Not 100 per cent fit, squandered a great chance and had to be replaced 18 minutes after coming on. Too much asked of him. Alexis Sanchez - 3 Barely effected the attack and his touch was often as erratic as Lukaku's. You can see why he is sixth-choice forward. -- 上半場受傷三個人我第一次看過..... -- You are my Solskjaer, my Ole Solskjaer, You make me happy, when skies are grey, When it is pouring, you just keep scoring, So please don't take my Solskjaer away. 2Olegend -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ManUtd/M.1551085608.A.C82.html
simonohmygod: 這評分 卡庫可以高一點八 都傳了兩個明顯機會的球 02/25 17:16
football: 本場比賽兩隊最有攻擊能力的是Matip v Smalling 02/25 17:17
football: Shaw是我心中最高分 02/25 17:17
legend1125: 那個越位進球不只叫出來,我還跳起來了,哈哈 02/25 17:40
Headquarter: 374的拼勁表現在高位壓迫,事實上幾球空檔沒調邊過 02/25 17:48
Headquarter: 來給他,真讓我懷疑是不是隊上的邊緣人... 02/25 17:48
Headquarter: *吊邊 02/25 17:48
football: https://i.imgur.com/iOF1Ot0.jpg 所以冰與火什麼時候播 02/25 17:55
ugm0501: 那個越位進球我還摔東西帶一串髒字XD 02/25 17:58
simonohmygod: 詐糊大叫+1 02/25 18:07
IAMSOBAD: +2 02/25 18:33
Afafa: +3 02/25 18:48
baggio717: +4 02/25 19:09
ELF007: 整場叫兩次都是小林 02/25 19:10
leo07251413: 雙林跟Shaw是心目中最高分 Andreas的拼勁也好棒 02/25 20:59
leo07251413: 卡古除了跑動以外 傳球跟防守都不錯 但是大哥你是前 02/25 21:00
leo07251413: 鋒啊... 02/25 21:00
LiamTiger: 今天後防線+小佩雷拉表現真的很棒 阿羊是有點短路就是 02/25 22:23
LiamTiger: 了 02/25 22:23
LiamTiger: 很難得曼聯打強隊 香腸沒有神撲 02/25 22:24
ChiumaO: 阿羊大概是想說如果後防一定要有人放火 那就我來影響會小 02/25 22:59
ChiumaO: 一點的概念 02/25 22:59
mimimoumou: shaw這場很有存在感,曾經差點被放棄的現在表現這麼 02/25 23:05
mimimoumou: 好真的很棒!難得神腸沒什麼表現機會~ 02/25 23:05
V8: Martial, Shaw, Pobga,Pereira...曾經都快轉會 02/25 23:36
gaykou: 我也覺得374很邊緣啊 02/26 00:32
LiamTiger: 佩雷拉是離開進行式 他合約只剩幾個月而已 而且貌似不 02/26 01:00
LiamTiger: 想續約 02/26 01:00
cloud654: 羊應該更低分的 這場真的不行 02/26 04:50
Kyushu1012: 因為沒進球 前鋒群分數才那麼低嗎 02/26 07:29
OtisChen: 推簽名檔 02/26 08:00
ugm0501: 這場波霸如果有中場支援 肯定能找到決定比賽的時刻 02/26 09:24
rik: 這場的防守真的值得稱讚 02/26 09:24
IAMSOBAD: 如果ole可以找到佩雷拉的說明書 說服留下來當板凳也不錯 02/26 10:58
football: 以他的年紀 我覺得如果在這邊踢不出來 離開對他比較好 02/26 11:31
football: 這個年紀都需要大量上場時間 所以好好把握機會吧 02/26 11:34
rik: Pereira, McTominay, Fred應該留一個就好了.... 02/26 15:29
vanPersie20: 要考量戶口本問題啊啊 02/26 15:52
NexToU: 脫歐後青訓名額很重要 怎可能說放就放 02/26 16:05
football: M8 M11 M31 林嘎 H21 Jones 瓦倫達叔青木 週中皆不能上 02/26 18:07
football: 師傅評估中但不上的機率較高Garner Gomes Chong會隨隊 02/26 18:08
football: 這一波傷病來的凶狠 02/26 18:08
football: Rojo歸隊 加上師傅的話 最多會缺席十人.... 02/26 18:11
football: Jones是因為生病 02/26 18:20
ChiumaO: 好誇張… 02/26 18:47
Onine24: 突然就爆一波傷病潮,好慘 02/26 20:25
s9321312: 唉 偏偏是對上水晶宮 水晶宮是對上豪門會爆氣那種.... 02/26 21:34
Afafa: 對利鳥看到上半場傷了三個就知道接下來糟糕了 沒想到這麼糟 02/27 00:06
Afafa: 等大家傷好賽季差不多就結束 健康準備下賽季..誤 02/27 00:06
kodo: 會這樣傷病一波就是因為Ole上任之後甚少輪替啊 02/27 12:27
DiMammaMia: 今晚到3/7號 三場比賽..... 02/27 12:45
bleakviva: 明天(清晨)對水晶宫,11台兩頻道都沒直播,XDDD 02/27 13:03
simonohmygod: 居然沒播 02/27 13:44
johnny7157: https://i.imgur.com/QoOnnO6.jpg 02/27 14:23
ian1036ya: 真的沒播欸....QQ 02/27 14:48
legend1125: 這票數的差距真慘烈 02/27 16:46
football: 付錢沒得看 只好找連結 02/27 17:08
football: 不過平常時候我自己也會想邊看北倫敦德比就是 02/27 17:09
rockmanalpha: 現在是付費買直播還要去臉書灌票才有球賽看 02/27 17:40
rockmanalpha: 那我寧願你多收點錢 讓我自己挑要看哪一場 02/27 17:45
simonohmygod: 真的 付錢沒得看 居然還要灌票才看得到 02/27 17:55
simonohmygod: 之前看superbowl53 NFL官網的介面跟功能就做得不錯 02/27 18:00
simonohmygod: 跟11一樣都是用Neulion的方案 NFL功能硬是多很多 02/27 18:02
simonohmygod: 也不會看一看斷掉 (或是看美式足球的人更少@@) 02/27 18:03
simonohmygod: 一樣都是720p 02/27 18:03
simonohmygod: 不過SB53單場就賣20鎂了 02/27 18:05
football: 我日前買NBC PREMIER LEAGUE PASS 先講結論可以不用買 02/27 18:06
football: 要掛美國VPN 然後電視有轉播線上就不會播 02/27 18:06
football: 那我幹嘛不看網路連結就好了 02/27 18:07
football: NFL PASS之前也買過幾年 就是貴阿 USD199.99/後來124.99 02/27 18:08
football: 不過我後來手機一直不能正常開啟APP 無法連線就不看了 02/27 18:09
football: 基本上我現在還蠻能花錢看比賽的 但大多數還是得看連結 02/27 18:10
football: 所以如果某天PLP捲土重來 我還是會付那個錢 02/27 18:12
football: 結果晚上是先車刺戰搞錯了 02/27 18:18
steven2942: 那個灌票數太誇張了 02/27 18:29
simonohmygod: 200鎂..如果英超能包括那些及時數據/分析 我會付錢 02/27 18:51
Aqery: 一樣都要掛VPN,我推薦日本DAZN,1750円/月,五大+J聯賽 02/27 20:50
Aqery: 英格蘭方面的話就英超,聯賽盃,FAcup,然後還有歐冠 02/27 20:51
Aqery: 缺點就是大比賽都是日文轉播,沒英文... 02/27 20:51
Aqery: 第一個月免費,有興趣的人可以試試看 02/27 20:53
Aqery: 除了足球外,還有 NPB/MLB/F1/NFL,但我沒再看 XD 02/27 20:57