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關於rank(A^T A)=rank(A)for any A m×n的證明如下: Since elementary operations do not change the rank of a matrix. We have rank(ATA)=rank(ETATAE) , where E is a multiplication of several elementary operations which make AE=[A1,A2], where A1 is a column full rank matrix with rank(A1)=rank(A). Thus we can find a matrix B such that A1B=A2 and AE=[A1,A1P]=A1[I,P] Thus rank(ETATAE)=rank(A1[I,P])T(A1[I,P]) In this equation, the four matrices are all full rank and the rank equals rank(A) , so rank(ATA)=rank(A), completing the proof. 原文網址:http://goo.gl/A4Mg3l 我有疑問的是: 1.A是 m×n rank(A)可能小於min(m,n) AE=[A1,A2]這一定辦的到嗎? 2.為何rank(A1[I,P])T(A1[I,P])會等於rank(A)? 以上兩點請高手指點迷津 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Math/M.1444923023.A.BDF.html
deflife : 應該就是列簡梯陣 10/16 00:38
deflife : 可以看高斯消去法求pivot 10/16 00:40
deflife : 剛剛打的不太正確 10/16 02:27
deflife : 1.你的想法是對的 有些矩陣的確不行 10/16 02:27
deflife : 抱歉 我在想一下好了 有點混亂 10/16 03:06
wohtp : let v be a vector, if Av = 0, then (A^T)Av = 0 10/16 04:31
wohtp : if Av != 0, then |Av| != 0 10/16 04:33
wohtp : then v^T A^T A v != 0 10/16 04:33
wohtp : then A^T A v != 0 10/16 04:33
wohtp : 所以不只是rank一樣,整個null space根本都一樣 10/16 04:34