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※ 引述《TosakaRin (遠阪凜)》之銘言: : 假設f是C^2([0,∞)), 且f' is not bounded. 那麼是否一定有 : f or f" is not bounded? : 我覺得應該是對的 但不會說明 : 謝謝 這是Rudin的習題,而且習題後有Hint。 為了方便敘述,使用反證法。 pf): Suppose that f and f" are bounded by M and N respectively, where both M and N are positive. By Taylor's Theorem, given ξ ≧ 0, f(x) = f(ξ) + f'(ξ)(x-ξ) + (f"(η)/2)(x-ξ)^2 for some η between x and ξ. => f'(ξ)(x-ξ) = f(x) - f(ξ) - (f"(η)/2)(x-ξ)^2 => |f'(ξ)(x-ξ)| ≦ 2M + (N/2)(x-ξ)^2 => N(x-ξ)^2 + 2f'(ξ)(x-ξ) + 4M ≧ 0 & N(x-ξ)^2 - 2f'(ξ)(x-ξ) + 4M ≧ 0 for all x ≧ 0 i) D < 0 => 4f'(ξ)^2 - 4N*4M < 0 => |f'(ξ)| < 2(MN)^0.5 ii) If D ≧ 0, then the roots to N(x-ξ)^2 + 2f'(ξ)(x-ξ) + 4M = 0 are non-positive, so are the roots to N(x-ξ)^2 - 2f'(ξ)(x-ξ) + 4M = 0. By Vieta's formulae, f'(ξ)/N + ξ ≦ 0 -f'(ξ)/N + ξ ≦ 0 Nξ^2 + f'(ξ)ξ + M ≧ 0 (will not be used) Nξ^2 - f'(ξ)ξ + M ≧ 0 (will not be used) => ξ = 0, f'(0) = 0 Since ξ is arbitrary, f' is bounded by 2(MN)^0.5, which is a contradiction. So f or f" must be unbounded. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Math/M.1480330116.A.553.html
Vulpix : 其實i可改成檢查"D≦0",ii就直接導致"不可能"。 11/28 18:50
OppOops : 推 11/28 22:24
Vulpix : 或者用兩方程的根應對稱於x=ξ得知ξ只能是0。 11/29 01:47
※ 編輯: Vulpix (, 05/14/2017 13:39:20