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※ 引述《GSXSP (Gloria)》之銘言: : Let 0< x_0 < 1 and x_{n+1} = x_n - x_n^2. : Is x_n summable? x_{n+1} = x_n - x_n^2 ≦ 1/4 for all n ≧ 0. and we see that the rest of the sequence is unaffected by changing x_0 into ( 1 - x_0 ). W.L.O.G., we may assume that x_0 ≦ 1/2. claim): x_n ≧ x_0/(n+1) for all n. the case for n=0 is surely true. x_{n+1} = x_n - x_n^2 ≧ x_0/(n+1) - (x_0)^2/(n+1)^2 ≧ x_0/(n+1) - x_0/[2*(n+1)^2] = x_0 * { (2n+1) / [2*(n+1)^2] } ≧ x_0/(n+2) so the claim is true, by MIT. so Σx_n is greater than a harmonic series, and hence diverges. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Math/M.1483799878.A.4F1.html
WES2163818 : 請問那個claim的下界怎麼想到的? 01/07 23:22
Vulpix : 是算了一些x_n以後,才發現差不多是一個調和數列。 01/08 00:36
GSXSP : Tks! 01/08 02:10
znmkhxrw : x_n - x_n^2≧ x_0/(n+1) - (x_0)^2/(n+1)^2 這行 01/08 15:50
znmkhxrw : 是怎麼來的呀?? 前面正 後面負 01/08 15:51
znmkhxrw : 是怎麼看出>=的?? 01/08 15:51
Vulpix : 用到x_n<=1/2 01/08 16:09
Vulpix : 還有f(x)=x-x^2在[0,1/2]上遞增。 01/08 16:09
znmkhxrw : 喔喔!! 謝謝 01/08 16:14
※ 編輯: Vulpix (, 05/29/2017 20:15:20