看板 Math 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好~ 不好意思我當時在做這個題目時 真心覺得是簡單的題目 但是被改出來卻沒有拿到半點分數@@ 加上老師奇怪的堅持不公佈答案 我只好po上自己的答案並來向大家請益 題目是英文 但很好理解的 先謝謝大家了 A manufacturing plant has 3 different machines denoted M1, M2 and M3; 20%, 35% and 45% of the production comes from machines M1, M2 and M3, respectively; 3% of the production from M1 is defective, 2% of the production from M2 is defective and 1% of the production from M3 is defective, all at random. a. Calculate the percent of defective items from the entire manufacturing plant. b. A truck load of items is brought to a quality control clerk who randomly selects one item and finds it to be defective. What is the probability that this item was manufactured by machine M2? 我的答案是 a.1.8% (0.018) b.0.02 (2%) 我的想法就是設定全部products是S M1 0.20S M2 0.35S M3 0.45S 而其中有缺陷的 就用M1:0.2S^(缺陷的比例) 所以a小題的答案我就會用所有的有缺陷的比例去除以S 這樣做錯了嗎? 老實說很訝異我沒有拿到這題分數:( 請大家不吝指點小魯~ 謝謝! -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Math/M.1537419931.A.DBA.html