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※ 引述《Desperato (Farewell)》之銘言: : 1. Show that if R^n = Union W_i, i = 1, 2, 3, ... : W_i are subspaces of R^n : Then R^n = W_i for some i 重新整理一下好了.. Fact. If V is a vector space over field F, I is an index set with Card(I)<Card(F), and {W_i}_{i in I} is a set of proper subspaces of V, then V≠∪_{i in I} W_i Proof. Suppose V=∪_{i in I} W_i. W.O.L.G. we may assume W_i is not contained in ∪_{j≠i} W_j for all i in I. (If I is an infinite set, we use Zorn's Lemma to find a minimal index set I' contained in I s.t. V=∪_{i in I'} W_i, then replace I by I') Hence there are w_i in W_i-∪_{j≠i} W_j for all i in I. Since all W_i are proper subspaces, we have Card(I)≧2. Let p,q in I. Consider S={a*w_p+w_q: a in F}. Since Card(S)=Card(F)>Card(I), there is no injection from F to I (Pigeonhole Principle or definition of >). Hence are distinct a,b in F s.t. u:=a*w_p+w_q and v:=b*w_p+w_q are in W_n for some n in I. Since (a-b)^(-1)(u-v)=w_p in W_p-∪{j≠p} W_j and W_n, so n=p. Thus w_q=u-a*w_p in W_p and W_q with p≠q, a contradiction (w_q not in W_p) Therefore V≠∪_{i in I} W_i. □ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Math/M.1547631669.A.03B.html ※ 編輯: XII (, 01/16/2019 17:46:40
Desperato : 沒錯就是這樣XD 01/16 17:58
panda0315 : 推 01/17 15:28
Sfly : 有個地方錯了 01/20 11:04
XII : 哪裡? 01/20 21:26