看板 MayDay 關於我們 聯絡資訊
五月天 瑪莎分享了五月天 Mayday 的影片。 3/29的演唱會過後,聽見很多人討論比較著二十年前的五月天,和今天的五月天到底有多 少不同。 但對我們來說,重要的不是有多少不同,而是二十年後這一天的這個舞台,我們還有多少 不變的相同。 謝謝阿山和虎神,跟你們同台的時候我發現自己會馬上切換模式,回到那個在「角頭音樂 」年代,在台上享受著跟大哥們玩音樂的自己。 謝謝國璽,你一直都讓人又愛又恨。恨每次找你來總是抓不住你要幹嘛,但不管你要幹嘛 ,又讓人都好愛。 謝謝綺貞,從20年前看你的演出直到現在,一直沒變的是總是讓人感覺溫暖且深受啟發。 在這個女神氾濫的年代,幸好你還在唱著,至少得有個正港的範本,讓人家知道女神不是 隨便說說就能搬上檯面了。 謝謝達叔,雖然20年前的這一天你什麼都忘了,但是我們可是什麼都沒有忘噢! 謝謝五月天所有的歷任鼓手,雖然對於bass手來說,換個鼓手就像是換了個情人那樣的辛 苦和心痛。還好已經定下來很久了,不然那種在海中浮浮沈沈的心慌,吉他手和主唱根本 是沒辦法理解的。(攤手) 最後謝謝這一路上陪著五月天的大家,不管你們是哪個時期開始認識五月天,或是從哪個 時期開始喜歡五月天。 May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 四分衛 四分衛阿山 脫拉庫TOLAKU 添翼音樂 TEAM EAR MUSIC -- #mayday20th #五月天人生無限公司 吉隆坡:10/28 新加坡:12/15.16.17 more...... 更多城市公布中: http://www.bin-music.com/events/mayday/2017MaydayLiFE/ https://goo.gl/uaPoS8 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MayDay/M.1493995474.A.968.html ※ 編輯: lichen2 (, 05/05/2017 22:45:56
sophymayday: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 22:45
fleurdetaiwa: 換情人XD 05/05 22:45
sophymayday: 倒數第二段是在偷抱怨嗎? XDD 05/05 22:46
bellaisa: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you.^_^ 05/05 22:46
yuxuanlin220: 我愛你們(羞奔 05/05 22:46
lichen2: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you!!! ^_^ 05/05 22:47
sophymayday: 推不變的相同,謝謝五月天,謝謝瑪莎。:)) 05/05 22:47
czrq: 推!still be with you!! 05/05 22:48
elin927: 謝謝五月天:-) 05/05 22:48
lumandog: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 22:48
bonbon0727: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you 05/05 22:48
tzuchun0214: 現在的鼓手是最好最後的情人了,謝謝五月天,謝謝瑪 05/05 22:49
tzuchun0214: 莎 05/05 22:49
tzuchun0214: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 22:49
tina840104: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 22:50
cuteya729: 情人抵定,我懂冠佑為何生日要送啾咪 (誤) May the 05/05 22:50
cuteya729: 5th, Mayday still be with you 謝謝您們一直陪著我 05/05 22:50
cuteya729: 們 05/05 22:50
mayyr: 推最好的鼓手和情人!謝謝五月天!謝謝你們 05/05 22:50
d9970042: 瑪莎這是在告白嗎?#同房的小事 05/05 22:50
chooou30: 攤手那裡好好笑 05/05 22:50
Freetown: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. XD 05/05 22:50
ohcarrie: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 22:51
fnwer: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 22:51
Yshing1206: 欸對耶,我真的沒想過換鼓手時,大貝斯手莎莎的心碎 05/05 22:51
weber60817: 又讓我回想到321的相信合唱 05/05 22:52
peacemay: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 22:53
Yshing1206: 但ok啦,定下來這個連水潤的雙唇都給你了XDD 05/05 22:53
elfish: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 22:53
candychou777: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you:) 05/05 22:54
genniama: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you!!!!! 05/05 22:54
muriel1984: :) 05/05 22:54
coco92536: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :) 05/05 22:56
soulsReen: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 22:56
tang6668: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 22:57
tang6668: 偷婊吉他手們和主唱嗎XDDDDDD 05/05 22:57
u86u86: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you 05/05 22:57
gigi0804: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. ^^ 05/05 22:58
yiyi5411: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 22:58
mickeybo: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :)謝謝你們! 05/05 22:58
wandy164: May the 5th Mayday still be with you :) 05/05 22:59
CRATA: 剛下班追完329影片就看到瑪莎po文,真的好感動謝謝你們一 05/05 22:59
CRATA: 路相伴:) 05/05 22:59
yiyi5411: 被鼓手情人的心痛笑翻XD 05/05 22:59
CP2355: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 22:59
peichien: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. : ) 05/05 22:59
peipei0410: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you.^ ﹏^ 05/05 23:00
cyr4716: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:00
vivi771222: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :) 05/05 23:00
cometmay555: 鼓手那一段是在放閃嗎哈哈哈(被打 05/05 23:02
skytsubasa: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:03
Senbonzakura: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:03
y90290: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you!!! ^_^ 05/05 23:03
y90290: 換情人也太好笑XD 05/05 23:03
ki9479: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:05
ptlin: 推不變的相同... :) 05/05 23:06
sallyke: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:07
feather555: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:08
sheepfairy: M大最近頻繁對G大示愛xD 05/05 23:08
Ting790208: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:08
sakikodoll: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:08
monshadow: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:08
lilian811: 大推不變的相同! 05/05 23:09
ken450k: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:09
enchant0408: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 謝謝你們:) 05/05 23:10
monshadow: 情人定下來就好XD 05/05 23:10
monica1231: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. : ) 05/05 23:10
xmas1224kimo: 推這句May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:12
are329: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 辛苦瑪莎大 05/05 23:13
are329: 人!!!無論是以前活潑的你們 還是現在幼稚的你們 我還是愛 05/05 23:13
are329: 的不要不要的\(^o^)/ 05/05 23:13
angelchang11: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you 05/05 23:13
ptlin: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:13
iknisc: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you.謝謝你們的不變QQ 05/05 23:15
chianming: 換鼓手那段是在討拍嗎?哈哈 05/05 23:16
laetitia0607: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:17
jo0913: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:17
adgjk: 推不變的相同!! 我們也是啊~~愛五月天的心沒變過XD 05/05 23:17
tototototola: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:19
sunnybaby258: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you:) 05/05 23:19
chicken531: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. : ) 05/05 23:21
conny81327: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :) 05/05 23:23
enzyme: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:23
ting03251206: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:23
sharonjpn: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you:) 05/05 23:24
conny81327: 謝謝鼓手和貝斯手一直穩穩地安定我們的心<3 05/05 23:25
mscc525112: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/05 23:25
enzyme: 腦中浮現貝斯手和鼓手深情對唱的畫面"看著我的眼睛~"XDD 05/05 23:26
samdi: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. ^^ 05/05 23:27
orange11: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:28
enzyme: 謝謝你們不變的相同:) 05/05 23:29
qa1724: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:30
loveci: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you:) 05/05 23:32
sheepfairy: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:33
feimu: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:34
barbie0924: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:37
may110535: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:37
kbolm: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:38
emcat: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you~ 05/05 23:42
qmaloy: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :] 05/05 23:43
tsc10220259: \多元成家/啊不是 推不變的相同!謝謝五月天 05/05 23:43
mxsonly: 謝謝你們:) 05/05 23:46
tsc10220259: 希望能多有這種機會 看你們在不是太大的舞台上玩音 05/05 23:46
tsc10220259: 樂 就只是玩音樂 盡情的享受 05/05 23:46
emilyts: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you:) 05/05 23:47
jashpek: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/05 23:57
racening: 難怪m大最怕主唱打鼓XDD 05/05 23:58
CRATA: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :) 05/05 23:58
shiyachi: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you.:) 05/05 23:58
ghit699: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you! 05/05 23:59
firstling: :)\ 05/05 23:59
mei519: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 00:01
lininj1991: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 00:01
yfdm24: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :) 05/06 00:02
ab87321: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 00:04
mayyr: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 00:05
kt50555: 找到歸宿了~ 05/06 00:08
sj10801: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 00:08
sherryimayda: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 00:11
Kscking: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/06 00:16
MathowTS: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 找到對的人就 05/06 00:16
MathowTS: 好~ 05/06 00:16
ringika: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 00:18
wendy85625: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 00:20
tif24: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you... : ) 05/06 00:21
hikaruxsho: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :D 05/06 00:24
silogane: 怎麼覺得節奏組有放閃的感覺XD,恭喜瑪莎找到最好&最後 05/06 00:27
silogane: 的“情人“ 05/06 00:27
wanwan88: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you 05/06 00:27
silogane: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. : ) 05/06 00:33
chu8751: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :) 05/06 00:36
z7604082000: 推情人~May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/06 00:37
BON555: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 00:39
bonbon0727: 難怪321阿信叫他們多元成家XD 05/06 00:42
prapra: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :) 05/06 00:43
sasaga: 五月天生日快樂!(我終於能推文了! 05/06 00:45
WACLEE: 今天邊看邊哭~謝謝你們(愛心) 05/06 00:53
suba1121: 恭喜你們找到彼此~ 05/06 00:59
suba1121: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/06 00:59
WACLEE: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 01:02
lincelia: May the 5th, mayday still be with you :) 05/06 01:05
starsky2001: 恭喜找到對的人XDD 05/06 01:15
dreamer5: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 謝謝五月天! 05/06 01:16
bibiwei: 我還記得角頭音樂時期的五月天 05/06 02:22
bubblet: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :) 05/06 02:28
HOAMOON: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you : ) 05/06 02:33
littlesoler: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you :) 05/06 02:44
skybluemay: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you 05/06 03:32
shima1018: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you 05/06 07:50
melia1216pmc: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. :) 05/06 08:18
melia1216pmc: 鼓手那段好好笑還攤手哈哈哈 幸好終於定下來了~ 05/06 08:18
angelae086: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you 05/06 10:40
allyp7985: 瑪莎放閃無誤XD 05/06 10:48
VinaYang: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you:) 05/06 10:58
mypttaccount: 節奏組有什麼要公開了嗎xD 05/06 11:41
kizy: 推不變的相同! 還有終於定下的情人XD 05/06 12:47
nicolexyz: 謝謝所有在不同階段幫助過五月天的人,謝謝所有在不同 05/06 13:41
nicolexyz: 時期認識五月天和聽五月天的歌迷或聽眾,是你們成就了 05/06 13:41
nicolexyz: 所有和五月天有關的故事.. 05/06 13:41
piyopiyos: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you. 05/06 14:13
candyfloss15: May the 5th, Mayday still be with you:) 05/06 16:00