看板 MayDay 關於我們 聯絡資訊
What is a dream, and what is reality? These questions always occur in my mind. I ask myself, are dreams, and reality, absolute or relative? Could we actually realise whether we are in a dream or not? I still have no answer yet, but I have luckily had an opportunity to work with a Scottish singer and songwriter on the topics of these questions which all h umanity might ask. What does this world mean to us, and where do we belong? Ar e we human, or just a conscious entity? I thought, before we awake from a dream, we can’t know. Questions will remain, we just have to remind ourselves how to let the unexpec ted be and not cause it. I do hope you like the song, and have a good dream when you listen to it. #CONSEQUENCES Kim Edgar Creative Scotland https://youtu.be/srqdcZC2mWs
https://www.facebook.com/maydayfenderstone/ https://instagram.com/mayday_stone?igshid=NmZiMzY2Mjc= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MayDay/M.1657293050.A.7B4.html
cutenelly77: 超驚喜的 07/08 23:53
tzuchun0214: 推 07/09 02:05
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