看板 MiamiHeat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
With his latest 10-day deal set to expire, the Heat have awarded Johnson with a contract that will keep him with the team for the remainder of the season,RealGM's Shams Charania reports. Johnson played just two total minutes during his first stint, but his second g o-around saw him average 8.6 points,3.0 rebounds and 1.6 steals in just over 2 2 minutes a night. He scored a career-high 18 points on 7-of-10 shooting in Fr iday night's loss to the San Antonio Spurs. 這下子有人要被放到交易臺了嗎 -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MiamiHeat/M.1423410931.A.197.html
TheBatman: 為什麼有亂碼02/08 23:56
cleveland32: 等等更正02/08 23:58
※ 編輯: cleveland32 (, 02/09/2015 00:00:02 ※ 編輯: cleveland32 (, 02/09/2015 00:01:53 ※ 編輯: cleveland32 (, 02/09/2015 00:02:49
Chalmers23: Cole再見^.< 02/09 00:26
Lizardon: 老查先走 02/09 00:34
joulin: 我怎麼覺得是反過來阿@@ 有了她 若能穩住 那交易就不急了 02/09 00:50
ZaneTrout: 推撿到寶 02/09 06:59
straing: 說不定會交易只換選秀籤XD.現在4個後衛 WADE歸位後會更滿 02/09 09:17
ZaneTrout: 拿智障球員去換籤其實也沒虧到啊 02/09 09:53
straing: 樓上言重了 即使打很差也不能這樣罵吧QQ..不過贊成該換 02/09 10:14
kaaa11: 那如果不交易,WADE回來COLE是不是就要被冰了阿 02/09 10:42
frankmaki: Wade已經開始練球囉,值得開心的事。 02/09 11:44
frankmaki: 另外,如果沒有好貨或好的簽,為什麼要把已經練好的兩 02/09 11:47
frankmaki: 名控衛送出去呢?油頭留他們,會有自已的打算。 02/09 11:47
b9112320: 我也覺得可以先留著等適當交易時間 02/09 12:14