看板 MiamiHeat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
In case you were wondering what Josh McRoberts has been doing this offseason. - McRoberts: "I can't wait for the season to get going. I'm just trying to rehab and get back here for the start of camp. I'm excited to get back on the court and do what I love to do." 身體應該是恢復得差不多了,最近也已經沒看到關於他的交易留言 希望下一季他在替補端能融入體系、發揮身手 小試身手影片: http://0rz.tw/e3WOB 外電連結: http://0rz.tw/xyM0V http://0rz.tw/qNTsu -- 歡迎版友加入熱火臉書社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/MiamiHeatTaiwanfanclub/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MiamiHeat/M.1439314625.A.C22.html
YummyBosh: 推健康蘿蔔 08/12 01:40
YummyBosh: 健康蘿蔔蹲健康蘿蔔蹲健康蘿蔔蹲完菜花蘿蔔蹲 08/12 01:40
pierce880321: 大推 08/12 01:49
heatrl: 感動的推 08/12 11:57
jack19931993: 好花俏 08/12 13:23
jonakemp: ya 08/12 20:12
bassoonboy: 他是不是能打控球阿?? 08/12 22:19
jack19931993: 樓上太高估他了 不過高位傳導可以有很大的威脅 08/12 22:59
YESWEDID: 好期待全員健康的球賽 08/13 10:57