看板 MiamiHeat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://twitter.com/MiamiHEAT/status/1379176366436806657?s=20 #MEMvsMIA INJURY UPDATE: KZ Okpala (health and safety protocols) has been ruled out of tomorrow’s game vs the Grizzlies. KZ 應該是確診了,不然不會隔離那麼多天 Gabe 有傷,但應該會出賽 https://twitter.com/flasportsbuzz/status/1379185413886197766?s=20 NBA teams who are seeds 1 to 6 get about a week off before the playoffs (while play-in games take place). Heat - currently 4th in East - would use that time wisely if they are a top 6 seed, but Spoelstra said Heat won't be going to Boca Raton for a training camp in that scenario. 東西區1-6名的球隊會在季後賽前休假一週 這一週就是讓7-10打外卡的 等於7-10名打完可能休個一天就要繼續季後賽了 對於體力是硬傷 https://twitter.com/IraHeatBeat/status/1379187774855729154?s=20 Victor Oladipo said not to overstate his health concerns, "I'm healed." Adds, "I'm getting stronger, I'm getting better, and I'm healed." Ola希望大家不要誇張他的傷病,他認為自己已經健康也再持續變強壯 https://twitter.com/IraHeatBeat/status/1379196839250001920?s=20 Victor Oladipo has first Heat practice; Justise Winslow out for Tuesday’s Grizzlies visit. 今天是Ola第一次跟隊伍訓練 Winslow會隨隊來邁阿密 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MiamiHeat/M.1617664235.A.22E.html
Teng0615: 一直沒看到補人的消息,4/8前要補一個欸 04/06 07:11
Arigatosam: 歐拉還能再變強有點期待 04/06 07:44
s9554xga: 真的等不到補人的消息... 04/06 09:56
Joey1999: 不是聽說有在觀望dedmon嗎?沒其他消息的話可能是他? 04/06 10:12
thb96300: 今天歐拉才第一次隊訓 那不用擔心適應問題了 期待進攻 04/06 17:35
thb96300: 能找回來 04/06 17:35
frankmaki: 說不一定最後是簽Greg Monroe當球隊的替補內線球員~ 04/06 20:39
frankmaki: 因為他一直待在Miami與Ariza一起練球 亂猜的 04/06 20:41
Xgaoifcc: 都簽了啦XD 04/06 22:07
Joey1999: 不過就我老歐迷長年觀察,他也是屬於要球權才能熱起來 04/06 23:15
Joey1999: 的類型,但是在熱火他應該沒有過去在溜馬那種一哥待遇了 04/06 23:15
Joey1999: ,除非他能自己轉變角色 04/06 23:15
dipunchman: 為什麼有Winslow 04/06 23:36
pi020412: 贏慢在明天要打的灰熊阿 他之前受傷本來以為不會隨隊 04/07 00:15
thb96300: Dedmon來了 04/07 06:10
kahn298: Dedmon算是最後人選中期望中最好的吧 04/07 06:31