看板 Military 關於我們 聯絡資訊
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於克里米亞駐紮的俄軍士兵於去年五月加熱午餐時把旁邊的BTR-82一起燒了 長官開罵的水管連結 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRmsPK71XQI
我們聽不懂所以聽起來長官還沒有到很暴怒的感覺 不過照英文翻譯,長官也是不停的在噴 His incandescent officer - off camera - unleashes an expletive-laden tirade: 'Look at me now, wh***! How did it happen, wh***. Speak!' The red-faced soldier explained he had made a camp fire: 'I wanted to warm up my meal, I dug the ground around it…' His incredulous officer stormed: 'Where did you want to warm it? What did you dig? What? Where?' The infantryman answered: 'I dug ground around a small area, and set a small fire…' 'Did you really? And where is your machine gun?' 'Here is my machine gun.' The camera shows it lying on the grass next to him. 'Put out the fire on your grenade gun, you wh***! Pee on it, f*** you!' -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1515929161.A.C2D.html
MinoltaSTF : 一台一千五百萬...... 雲豹是五倍噢 01/14 19:58
peterchen33 : 用乾草偽裝的裝甲車有那麼容易被燒得這麼乾淨嗎 01/14 20:02
imprezasti : https://youtu.be/d7FIpqPvL7E 俄國陸軍的日常 01/14 20:16
kuma660224 : 甲車很難燒,但大量乾草應該很好燒 01/14 20:41
Su22 : 加點伏特加 01/14 20:44
Alica : 該員遭判處勞改(?)六個月 01/14 21:38
stone0504 : 高裝檢GG 01/14 21:41
ggeneration : 上級只裁定禁閉算很厚道了啦 01/14 22:23
OpenGoodHate: 應該是因為在打仗能報戰損吧 01/15 08:13
prudence : 今天午餐的點心BTR-82布丁! 報告,這布丁咬不下去 XD 01/15 08:27
ejsizmmy : 這讓我想起棉被反甲xD 01/15 08:52
ejsizmmy : 8-10秒那個:阿!搜嘎 意思跟臺灣三字經差不多 01/15 08:53
tupolevtu160: ...... 01/15 10:43
nanozako : 我只想到二戰紅軍戰駕在KV裡面生火取暖的故事 01/15 11:03
skyhawkptt : Tu-X系列又想跳水桶.... 01/15 11:46
ejsizmmy : 這讓我想起雅克141自爆那次了.... 01/15 12:03
puppy20308 : 雲豹這麼貴喔 01/15 17:44
kuma660224 : 俄國盧布崩盤過幾次,匯率讓東西便宜 01/15 17:48
SCROIX : 雲豹和BTR-82也是差20年的產物 01/15 17:55
F16V : 他不是只是打六個點而已? 01/15 19:33
stormcrow : 雲豹不是9000萬? 01/15 21:47