看板 Mind 關於我們 聯絡資訊
彩虹卡抽抽。6/6 20:30-6/8 24:00為止。 為了避免又有不必要的誤會,會先貼一段不必要的解釋費雯麗(嗯? 然後感謝推文人以及英明的版主還本呱一個清白。 推文的朋友說的很對,每個人都有寶貴的自由意志,能隨時改變未來。 人生就像多結局的劇本。有些時候照著大綱仍然可以演出多種劇情, 這也是我只抽彩虹卡的本意。 我希望祝福大家讓大家過得更好, 而不是告訴你你的人生只有一條路可以走。 你的人生,你自己可以決定要活得多好。:) -- 彩虹卡就是鼓勵的話,不太需要解釋。 七種不同顏色的卡片,每種顏色提供三十五則充滿思想、希望、安慰、確定和愛的想法。 蘊藏智慧的字句精煉、平實,是您人生的靈性陪伴者。 所抽到的卡片反映著當下最關心的問題、心情以及內在需要。 由於彩虹卡的內容全是肯定的話語,若能經常浸潤在正面能量之中, 想法亦將趨於積極,對自己更有信心,也更能關心週遭的人。 自身使用之外,彩虹卡也十分適用於家族聚會、認識新朋友的場合。 有緣相聚的人們在此時此刻便成為生命共同體,請讓他人抽一張卡片, 然後把那份純心靈的「愛的禮物」送給對方。 -- 感激讚嘆,呱呱。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mind/M.1496752050.A.AEE.html
waitriver: 推~~謝謝!呱! 06/06 20:33
每天我都撥出時間讓自己心情和平,並與內在自我全然和一。 Every day I take time to be peaceful and to be completely at one with my inner self.
Iamwithyou: 推兒~~ 06/06 20:36
我渴望正向的改變,因此我接納目前的自己。 I wish for positive changes and that's why I accept myself as I am.
kitty26: 推 06/06 20:36
我很平安,而且一切都很順利。 I am safe and all is well.
ps90706: 推 大心 06/06 20:38
我的身體是強壯的,它會療癒自己。 My body is strong and heals itself.
ha8918: 推~ 06/06 20:38
身體是我親密的朋友。 My body is my intimate friend.
palmpeas: 推 06/06 20:40
在真理中,付出和接受是同一件事。 Giving and receiving is one.
m30501: 推 06/06 20:41
chien: 推~ 06/06 20:41
我歡迎豐盛進入我的生命。 I welcome abundance into my life.
c34c34: 推 06/06 20:43
我喜歡鼓舞並激勵我周圍的人。 I love encouraging and inspiring the people around me.
clowve: 推 06/06 20:43
我帶著信心和愛去接近別人。 I approavh other people confidently and lovingly.
rrobbit: 推 06/06 20:43
我不可以活在過去,因為那已經過去了。 I cannot live in the past because it is over.
qwert40625: 推~~ 06/06 20:45
我在周圍人們的眼裡,找到神的愛。 I find the love of God in the eyes of the people around me.
nuria: 推推,謝謝 06/06 20:45
每個人都值得擁有快樂且充實的生活。 Everyone deserves to lead a happy fulfilled life.
leeanneeali: 推! 06/06 20:46
我是有價值並且受歡迎的,我目前就是如此。 I am valuable and welcome just as I am.
drmilkdrmilk: 推~~~ 06/06 20:48
我接納自己一直保留著那些不適用的舊模式。 I forgive myself for keeping to old patterns that are no longer of use to me.
puffmei: 推~~ 06/06 20:49
我跟創造我的力量有直接的連結。 I am in direct contact with the power that created me.
sep930630: 推 06/06 20:51
我完全敞開心胸以接受宇宙提供給我的豐富與財富。 I am completely open to receive the abundance and riches the universe offers me.
yin10321133: 推~謝謝 06/06 20:51
當我被允許成為真實的自己時,我樂於付出。 When I am allowed to be who I am I enjoy giving.
kinds222: 推~謝謝你 06/06 20:54
我完全敞開心胸以接受宇宙提供給我的豐富與財富。 I am completely open to receive the abundance and riches the universe offers me.
Nianya1: 推1 06/06 20:56
我願意把每一件今天發生在我身上的事當作是生命賦予的禮物。 I am ready and willing to see everything that happens to me today as a gift of life.
milk75902: 推 06/06 20:58
我可以在愛與恨、天堂與地獄之間做選擇。 I can choose.
FRANCISocean: 不小心注音文 幫刪 謝謝 06/06 20:59
我是一個很棒的、發光的、並且充滿神性的個體。 I am a wonderful radiant divine being.
jenny1228: 推一下 06/06 20:59
我知道真實的需要和匱乏感之間的區別。 I know the difference between true needs and neediness.
silera: 推~謝謝你~ ^^ 06/06 21:00
我喜歡做我愛做的事,並因此得到金錢的回饋。 I like doing what I love and receiving money for doing it.
sakira: 推推 06/06 21:01
我的身體是強壯的,它會療癒自己。 My body is strong and heals itself.
windcolor: 推 06/06 21:01
每一天都是特別的也是珍貴的,因為我只能擁有一次。 Every day is special and precious because I only live it once.
violet29129: 推 06/06 21:02
我知道把界線設在什麼地方,並在必要的時候說"不"。 I know where to set my boundaries, saying no when necessary.
legusta: 推 06/06 21:03
我知道思想會創造實相。 I am aware that thoughts are creators.
monkeygg: 推 06/06 21:04
我傳遞愛、真理和關懷。 I speak lovingly, truthfully and caringly.
barbabe: 推推~~謝謝你!! 06/06 21:05
我瞭解每個人都想得到愛。 I see in my mind that all people want love.
justlove5: 感謝 06/06 21:05
我用輕鬆的愛來祝福自己。 I bless every single cell of my body with relaxing love.
amadeus82: 謝謝~ 06/06 21:06
我們每個人都以有意義的方式,來享受宇宙的財富與豐盈。 Everyone of us enjoys the riches and abundance of the universe in a meningful way.
thomas790: 推,感情 06/06 21:06
我使自己的身、心、靈都很健康。 I allow myself to be completely healthy.
elain75712: 推~感謝你喔:) 06/06 21:08
我給自己自由去擁有嶄新且發光的經驗。 I give myself the freedom to have new and glowing experiences.
shadowstar: 推! 06/06 21:08
我仔細地選擇我的話語,因為他們會創造實相。 I choose my words carefully because they create reality.
shadowchun: 推 06/06 21:09
我有力量和能力去過有意義的生活。 I have the power to lead a meaningful life.
dominika: 推,謝謝 06/06 21:10
我是個獨一無二的個體,我的使命會在日常生活中實現。 I am a unuque being with a purpose that comes true in daily life.
vu04: 推!!謝謝~~^^ 06/06 21:13
現在我願意自由且公開地付出及接受愛。 I am now ready to give and receive love freely and openly.
saturngirl: 推~ 06/06 21:14
我很棒,我目前正是如此。 I am wonderful as I am now.
XIAOFENG: 推好心 06/06 21:14
我以愛的眼光來看我的夥伴。 I look at my fellow being with loving eyes.
yzlq: 推 06/06 21:15
在我心中充滿了無限的愛。 In the center of my being there is an infinite source of love.
Starhsiu: 推 06/06 21:17
我有個洞見;地球是個美好且值得居住的所在。 I have the vision that the carth is a wonderful place that is worth living in.
IWID: 推推,感謝 06/06 21:22
我願意面對生命的改變。 I am prepared for changes in my life.
ruoa: 推 謝謝你 06/06 21:23
過去的事情已經過去了。 The past is over.
moruko: 推 06/06 21:23
藉著肯定生命並呈現活在其中的喜悅,我的愛、力量與智慧增長。 My love, power and wisdom grow by saying yes to life and showing my joy in it.
QNI: 推~ 06/06 21:23
我喜歡接觸新的想法。 I enjoy dealing with new ideas.
chunlamns: 推 06/06 21:24
微不足道的日常事物也能使我充滿快樂與平靜。 The small daily things fill me with happiness and peace.
homosunn: 推~謝謝! 06/06 21:26
在任何情況下我都是安全的。 I am safe in everything that is.
bonus1123: 會不會太累阿~ 06/06 21:29
我選擇高層意識、善解、自由和慈悲。 I choose hight consciousness, understanding, freedom and compassion.
eandmhouse: 推 06/06 21:32
我隨時都看見旺盛的生命能量。 Everywhere I see proof of the overflowing energies of life.
blue21: 推~ 06/06 21:35
我知道我是所有愛的源頭。 I know that I am the source of all my loving relationships.
happyanna: 推~謝謝你的好心! 06/06 21:37
我選擇喜悅及和平的想法。 I choose thoughts that love joy and peace.
knowmore: 推,謝謝您 06/06 21:38
不要敬稱我我會往生 只有我能夠使自己真正快樂。 Only I can make myself truly happy.
emma43: 推 06/06 21:38
藉著清楚且帶著愛的行為,我擁有清楚且帶著愛的經驗。 By acting clearly and lovingly, I have clear and loving experiences.
juan357589: 推~謝謝 06/06 21:39
我選擇喜悅及和平的想法。 I choose thoughts that love joy and peace.
loyalbeast: 推 06/06 21:39
我可以在愛與恨、天堂與地獄之間做選擇。 I can choose.
yy0412: 推 06/06 21:41
你可以在意想不到的地方找到喜悅。 You can find joy in unexpected place.
tobira: 推 感謝! 06/06 21:42
我的意識是光明、清楚並且充滿愛的。 My consciousness is light, clear and full of love.
hlfy3169: 推 06/06 21:42
我信任我的神性。 I can trust God in myself.
IiTK: 推 06/06 21:43
當下每件事物都是活力充沛的。 Everything is alive her and now.
mikomoon: 推推 謝謝:D 06/06 21:44
我敞開心胸接受快樂的解決之道。 I open up to a happy solution.
noep: 推 06/06 21:49
我活著不是為了滿足別人也不必依照他人的想法來過日子。 I am not here to satisfy others and live my life according to their ideas.
w21282: 推 06/06 21:49
我愛我獨一無二且美好的生活。 I love my unique and wonderful life.
eser: 推 謝謝 06/06 21:49
我歡愉於我的性能量,那是自然而且美好的。 I rejoice in my sexuality. It is natural and wonderful.
graykawi: 推~ 06/06 21:51
就我的夥伴而言,我是可愛的;就我而言,他也是可愛的。 I am as lovable for my partner as he is for me.
wuuyuchenn: 推~~~~~謝謝 06/06 21:52
我以慈悲心對待自己與別人。 I encounter myself and others with compassion.
r29541: 推~謝謝 06/06 21:53
在宇宙整體的意志中我覺得安全,並知道情況如此是為了全體的利益。 I feel safe in the will of the whole and know that this is so for the good of all.
sakurats: 推 謝謝 貓咪生病了QQ 住院中... 06/06 21:53
我以愛的眼光來看我的夥伴。 I look at my fellow being with loving eyes.
sue0217: 推~呱呱 06/06 21:53
在生命之流裡,我感到安全。 I feel safe in the flow of my life.
rainchan: 推個!謝謝po大上次抽的卡~~ 06/06 21:54
不要敬稱我 會往生 我信任我的神性會指引我哪些需要改變。 I trust that my divine self will tell me what I need to change.
xyvonnex: 推 06/06 21:55
我活著不是為了滿足別人也不必依照他人的想法來過日子。 I am not here to satisfy others and live my life according to their ideas.
j90933: 推 06/06 21:55
我在成人生活裡創造穩定,俾使我的內在小孩感到安全。 I create stability in my adult life so that my inner child feels safe.
pakuromi: 推~感謝! 06/06 21:57
我喜歡鼓舞並激勵我周圍的人。 I love encouraging and inspiring the people around me.
kk2245514: w推推推 謝謝 06/06 21:59
我敞開心胸來迎接生命中的愛與豐盈。 I open up to love and abundance in my life.
a25863796: 推推~ 06/06 21:59
我送給別人的東西會很多倍地回饋到我身上。 What I give to others comes back to me manifold.
mioriaua: 推推,謝謝:) 06/06 22:01
今天我有足夠的時間去做任何需要做的事情。 Today I have got enough time to do any job that needs to be done.
tachikao: 推 謝謝~ 06/06 22:03
我從經驗中學習,並認為走不同的路是絕對可行的。 I learn from experience and it is perfectly acceptable to take different paths.
Ryan113: 推。 06/06 22:05
我信任我的直覺。 I trust my intuitive abilities.
ivyquiet: 推~ 06/06 22:05
現在我願意自由且公開地付出及接受愛。 I am now ready to give and receive love freely and openly.
zoeling09: 推 06/06 22:06
我深深了解老天總是儘可能地以最好的方式來滿足我的需求。 I choose the inner knowledge that I am always provided for in the best way possible.
alliecat: 推推 06/06 22:07
我無拘無束、無罣無礙。 I am free.
pigverycute: 推~感謝上次的指引! 06/06 22:10
每個進入我家的人,都覺得受歡迎,並且被愛。 Everybody entering my home feels welcome and loved.
catsoda: 推~謝謝 06/06 22:11
無論對自己或別人,我都選擇愛的想法。 I have a choice and I choose loving thoughts concerning myself and others.
ment543217: 推 06/06 22:13
我很棒,我目前正是如此。 I am wonderful as I am now.
cherry17243: 呱呱 06/06 22:13
我了解並決定地在危機中抓住學習與成長的機會。 I am aware and decisive and see particularly in crises a chance to learn and grow.
buzz80b: 推~~謝謝!! 06/06 22:15
所有神聖的智慧帶給我的經驗都幫助我成長。 All the experiences that divine wisdom lead me to, help me grow.
beautymoment: 推 06/06 22:17
大地供應我們財富與豐富。 The earth provides us with riches and abundance.
grass5566: 推 06/06 22:17
我讓新觀念在潛意識中成長。 I program my subconsciousness with new thoughts of growth.
Tcxpe5201: 推~ 06/06 22:18
我願意以嶄新的方式來體驗每一天。 I am ready to experience every day anew.
zxcasdzsd: 推~ 06/06 22:19
我突破了父母為保護我而設立的規範。 I outgrow my parents' boundaries.
FRANCISocean: 推 06/06 22:20
我愛自己並喜歡以偉大、神聖的方式來過日子。 I love myself and enjoy being a great and divine expression of life.
jedy129: 推 謝謝~ 06/06 22:20
我信任我的神性會指引我哪些需要改變。 I trust that my divine self will tell me what I need to change.
eggrz: 謝謝您 推~~~ 06/06 22:20
會往生~~~不要敬稱我~~~(崩潰) 我面對的終究只有自己。 It is always only myself that I am encountering.
crayon714: 推~謝謝呱呱,謝謝你上次的指引~ 06/06 22:22
我的想法會迴向到我身上而成為經驗。 The thoughts I send out come back to me as experiences.
tumble: 推!!3q 06/06 22:23
我很容易適應我周遭的人、地方和事物。 I easily tune in to the peoply, places and things around me.
timinie: 推呱呱 06/06 22:27
我愛他所以在他面前我毫不隱瞞,呈現真實的自己。這是我感謝他的原因。 My love to him opens door to the deepest levels of my being. That's why I thank him.
l040408g: 推 謝謝你~~:) 06/06 22:28
今天我開始過嶄新的生活。 Today I am starting a new life.
goldseed: 推推 06/06 22:30
我很平安,而且一切都很順利。 I am safe and all is well.
cyes80334: 推 很喜歡前一篇你抽的彩虹卡 正是我需要的鼓勵 06/06 22:30
藉著肯定生命並呈現活在其中的喜悅,我的愛、力量與智慧增長。 My love, power and wisdom grow by saying yes to life and showing my joy in it.
AKIAKIYO: 推一個! 06/06 22:33
我對體內那不可思議的能力感到讚嘆。 I am full of wonder at the incredible abifities of my body.
tomoya10810: 推~ 06/06 22:34
我願意面對生命的改變。 I am prepared for changes in my life.
aquine03: 推推 06/06 22:39
我瞭解每個人都想得到愛。 I see in my mind that all people want love.
freecash: 推~~謝恩 06/06 22:39
我要吐血了喔不要降-口-沒有什麼恩 該是我為自己設想的時候了。 It is time to think for for myself.
insterfors: 推推~感謝 06/06 22:40
我覺得我真實的使命是和宇宙和諧。 I find my true purpose in harmony with the universe.
rock123987: 推~呱~ 06/06 22:40
今天我開始過嶄新的生活。 Today I am starting a new life.
angel83726: 推推 06/06 22:43
我很平安,而且一切都很順利。 I am safe and all is well.
scusb05: 推~ 也要謝謝po上一篇慷慨回覆的指引 06/06 22:43
真愛裡面沒有憎恨。 True love knows no resentment.
urbane: 推,謝謝您。 06/06 22:44
下次要規定敬稱我我就要跳過(吐出幾口蛙血) 我觀照我的思維,剷除像令我痛苦的雜念,並專注於對我有益的念頭。 I pay attention to my thoughtsa, dig out like weeds those that cause me pain, and care for those that are helpful to me.
paeony: 推謝謝 06/06 22:44
在生命之流裡,我感到安全。 I feel safe in the flow of my life.
Mentha: 推 非常感謝 06/06 22:45
無論我到何處,我總是被保護也被愛。 Wherever I go I am always protected and loved.
fantaly: 推!感謝您~ 06/06 22:46
不要敬稱~~不~~~~ 我在工作中呈現愛和創造力。 I express my love and my creativity in my work.
yasunprince: 推 謝謝 06/06 22:47
我選擇對我念力所產生的力量負責。 I choose to be responsible gor the power of my thoughts.
kgbheart: 推,謝謝 06/06 22:48
我知道我很有力量,並且用不同的方式來使用它們。 I know my strengths and use them in different ways.
vivianenjoy: 推 06/06 22:49
我結合了愛與光,因而創造了一個嶄新的世界。 I connect to all that is love and light , thus a new world.
sophie60341: 推~~~♡♡♡ 06/06 22:49
被愛是美好的。 It is good being loved by others.
iey: 推 06/06 22:50
我以愛的眼光來看我的夥伴。 I look at my fellow being with loving eyes.
jihen: 推 06/06 22:50
我知道我是所有愛的源頭。 I know that I am the source of all my loving relationships.
alice120111: 推~謝謝~呱 06/06 22:52
我信任生命,並深信每件事的發生都是神聖完美的。 I trust life and know that everything happens in the right divine order.
por: 謝謝 06/06 22:55
我放下所有的期待敞開心胸去體驗差異帶給我的豐盈。 I release all my expectations and open my heart to experience the abundance of diversity.
jeyang: 推~ 06/06 22:55
我讓新觀念在潛意識中成長。 I program my subconsciousness with new thoughts of growth.
pclighttt: 謝謝~~~ 06/06 22:57
我有力量和能力去過有意義的生活。 I have the power to lead a meaningful life.
nev: 推推 再次感謝 上一篇的指引很受用 06/06 22:59
愛自己始於寬恕自己。 Loveing myself starts by forgiving myself.
waitabout: 推! 06/06 23:04
我總是得到天時、地利、人和之便。 I am always with the right people in the right place at the right time.
gamababy: 推 06/06 23:05
只有我能夠使自己真正快樂。 Only I can make myself truly happy.
starry0418: 推 06/06 23:06
每個人都有足夠的空間,喜悅地表達我們獨一無二的創造力。 There is enough space for everybody so that we can joyfully express our unique creativity.
exilem: 推! 06/06 23:09
我很容易適應我周遭的人、地方和事物。 I easily tune in to the peoply, places and things around me.
lot85042: 推推 06/06 23:11
我的工作是理想的,並帶給我樂趣。 My work is ideal for me and brings me pleasure.
a912234: 推~~~ 06/06 23:12
與神同在,就無對錯,也無善惡。 With God there is no right or wrong, no good or evil.
epirate: 推~感謝! 06/06 23:13
只有我能夠使自己真正快樂。 Only I can make myself truly happy.
dentijan: 推,上次謝謝您! 06/06 23:13
不要敬稱我(醜哭) 所有神聖的智慧帶給我的經驗都幫助我成長。 All the experiences that divine wisdom lead me to, help me grow.
yenyuu: 呱~ 06/06 23:15
我允許恐懼向雲一樣的來去自如。 I let my fears come and go like clouds.
hassle: 推~呱呱 06/06 23:15
無論我的伙伴是否認同我,我都覺得安全。 I feel safe and survive whether my partner is at my side or not.
Sunwer1997: 推~ 06/06 23:17
無論對自己或別人,我都選擇愛的想法。 I have a choice and I choose loving thoughts concerning myself and others.
yunerhs: 推 06/06 23:17
我很高興我在這裏。 I am happy to be here.
adioswu: 謝謝 06/06 23:18
我喜歡學習、成長和改變。 I love learning growing and changing.
kamikaze76: 推~ 06/06 23:19
每一天都是特別的也是珍貴的,因為我只能擁有一次。 Every day is special and precious because I only live it once.
evilsura: 上次的有準 06/06 23:19
我喜歡接觸新的想法。 I enjoy dealing with new ideas.
uknowyoga: 推 06/06 23:22
我瞭解每個人都想得到愛。 I see in my mind that all people want love.
emountain: 推 06/06 23:22
與神同在,就無對錯,也無善惡。 With God there is no right or wrong, no good or evil.
sounan: 推 06/06 23:23
我知道真實的需要和匱乏感之間的區別。 I know the difference between true needs and neediness.
ctlaer87: 推推~ 06/06 23:23
有益健康及有營養的食物給我能量,並且讓我保持均衡。 Healthy, nourishing food gives me energy and keep me in balance.
chingyg: 推推 06/06 23:24
我喜歡做我愛做的事,並因此得到金錢的回饋。 I like doing what I love and receiving money for doing it.
WinAsh: 推 06/06 23:24
我的工作是理想的,並帶給我樂趣。 My work is ideal for me and brings me pleasure.
mizuflame: 推~ 06/06 23:27
我信任我的神性會指引我哪些需要改變。 I trust that my divine self will tell me what I need to change.
qtyn: 推,謝謝你 06/06 23:28
我瞭解每個人都想得到愛。 I see in my mind that all people want love.
myrie72: 呱呱呱 06/06 23:30
我可以自由自在地去任何地方旅行。 I travel wherever I desire.
lovegygy: 咕呱! 06/06 23:30
我喜悅地活在當下。 I rejoice in the moment.
hybridchild: 推,迷惘中 06/06 23:31
我了解並決定地在危機中抓住學習與成長的機會。 I am aware and decisive and see particularly in crises a chance to learn and grow.
alaskatomato: 推推 06/06 23:32
我總是得到天時、地利、人和之便。 I am always with the right people in the right place at the right time.
cobrasgood: 推 06/06 23:33
我有力量和能力去過有意義的生活。 I have the power to lead a meaningful life.
pig3229872: 推!!上一次的彩虹卡完全說中我的現況~ 06/06 23:35
我活著不是為了滿足別人也不必依照他人的想法來過日子。 I am not here to satisfy others and live my life according to their ideas.
queen450036: 推推<3 06/06 23:40
我突破了父母為保護我而設立的規範。 I outgrow my parents' boundaries.
winghope: 推~~ 06/06 23:41
絕對沒有什麼事情好擔心。 There is absolutely nothing to worry about.
fralice: 推 06/06 23:44
我放下對生命的抗拒。 I give up my resistance to life.
pfik: 推推推,謝謝 06/06 23:44
絕對的靜謐,常駐我心。 Powerful silence fills me.
a0939832: 推 06/06 23:46
內心的清明思維能療癒外在的負面表徵。 I am filled with a bright inner light with which I can see a healing core behind negative appearances.
Jamie319: 推 06/06 23:49
由於我體驗到內在的愛與平靜,所以我也願意給出愛與平靜。 I am now ready to give love and peace and that's why I am experiencing love and peace in myself.
starry0713: 推~~~ 06/06 23:50
所有我需要知道的事都會有人在適當的時間、適當的地點告訴我。 Everything I need to know I am told at the right time and in the right place.
subtle2: 推~謝謝你 06/06 23:52
我突破了父母為保護我而設立的規範。 I outgrow my parents' boundaries.
jfanny: 推 06/06 23:53
我是個獨一無二的個體,我的使命會在日常生活中實現。 I am a unuque being with a purpose that comes true in daily life. --- 先到這~ ---
Kaorukenshin: 推~ 06/06 23:54
我懷著感謝與愛的心情來付出自己的帳單。 Thankfully and lovingly I pay my bills.
ilikeit999: 推推 06/06 23:56
我自由地、帶著愛去創造那些使我生活更豐富、更美好的事物。 I freely and lovingly create the things that make my life richer and more beautiful.
LIABOC: 推推推推推推推推推推推推! 06/06 23:56
我知道我很有力量,並且用不同的方式來使用它們。 I know my strengths and use them in different ways.
jpopgirl: 推~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/06 23:58
我敞開心胸來迎接生命中的愛與豐盈。 I open up to love and abundance in my life.
agirleva: 推,感謝 06/07 00:02
我讓感覺適度宣洩,從中學習,然後繼續前進。 I let my feelings come, learn from them and go on.
whybanish: 推 謝謝 06/07 00:05
有捨才有得。 By losing something, something new can come into my life.
thehome: 推推 06/07 00:11
我身體的每個細胞都對我積極的心像做喜悅的回應。 Every cell of my body reacts joyfully to my positive mental images.
ashine7150: 推 謝謝你~ 06/07 00:16
活在當下使我充滿力量。 Living in the present empowers me.
orz0617: 推 謝謝分享! 06/07 00:17
我懷著愛與感恩的心情來照顧我的身體。 I care for my body lovingly and thankfully.
money0917: 推 06/07 00:21
我放下對生命的抗拒。 I give up my resistance to life.
liuzhi152: 推~需要正能量~ 06/07 00:26
我把工作做得很好,並受到每個人的肯定與讚美。 I do my work well and it is cherished by everyone.
digusy: 推 謝謝 06/07 00:29
我快樂地分享我的知識和能力給那些對我敞開心胸的人。 I happily share my knowledge and abilities with the people who are open to me.
qazxc9641: 推 06/07 00:34
我讓內在的指引來帶領。 I let myself be led by my own inner guidance.
cainlain: 感謝!祝一切安好! 06/07 00:34
我愛自己並喜歡以偉大、神聖的方式來過日子。 I love myself and enjoy being a great and divine expression of life.
typhant: 推 06/07 00:36
我送給別人的東西會很多倍地回饋到我身上。 What I give to others comes back to me manifold.
JuJuMi: 推~呱~ 06/07 00:37
每天我都撥出時間讓自己心情和平,並與內在自我全然和一。 Every day I take time to be peaceful and to be completely at one with my inner self.
petegriffi68: 推! 感謝~~~ 06/07 00:38
有了錢,我想創造生活中最美好的事物。 With money I wish to create the best in my life.
HornShow: 推 06/07 00:39
絕對的靜謐,常駐我心。 Powerful silence fills me.
cha0417: 推 06/07 00:48
與神同在,就無對錯,也無善惡。 With God there is no right or wrong, no good or evil.
blackiam: 推推 06/07 00:53
我知道真實的需要和匱乏感之間的區別。 I know the difference between true needs and neediness.
shuei1022: 推推推推 06/07 00:54
我無拘無束、無罣無礙。 I am free.
megadisc: 推,謝謝 06/07 00:54
我可以感受我的情緒而不覺得受到傷害。 I can feel my emotions without feeling endangered.
saert: 感謝呱! 06/07 00:55
我放下對生命的抗拒。 I give up my resistance to life.
hanaviki: 推,謝謝 06/07 00:55
我怎麼想就會看見什麼。 What I think is what I see.
qwaszx9989: 推推 感謝~~ 06/07 00:56
我以慈悲心對待自己與別人。 I encounter myself and others with compassion.
lian1030: 推推,謝謝 06/07 00:57
微不足道的日常事物也能使我充滿快樂與平靜。 The small daily things fill me with happiness and peace.
song139871: 推,謝謝~ 06/07 01:00
我懷著感謝與愛的心情來付出自己的帳單。 Thankfully and lovingly I pay my bills.
september279: 推 06/07 01:02
在我心中充滿了無限的愛。 In the center of my being there is an infinite source of love.
ysrwp: 推 06/07 01:04
我允許恐懼向雲一樣的來去自如。 I let my fears come and go like clouds.
luckykotoko: 感恩^_^ 06/07 01:10
我在成人生活裡創造穩定,俾使我的內在小孩感到安全。 I create stability in my adult life so that my inner child feels safe.
na1028: 推推~ 06/07 01:20
我喜歡活用我的錢。 I love working with money that comes to me.
rubytsou: 謝謝 06/07 01:20
當我把憤怒的能量轉變成愛的療癒能量時,就會產生美好的轉變。 Many wondeful changes can occur when I put the energy of anger into the healing energy of love.
sam31376: 推 06/07 01:21
我肯定我自己 I say yes to my self.
studenthi: 推一個 06/07 01:22
我信任我的神性。 I can trust God in myself.
sala1119: 推推 06/07 01:25
當我帶著愛去關心身體,我逐漸了解身體所傳遞出的隱密願望。 By caring for my body lovingly, I get to know my secret desires.
wishmaple: 推 感謝 06/07 01:31
我喜歡逐步地認識新朋友。 I love getting to know new people.
cy1107: 推推 06/07 01:33
愛自己始於寬恕自己。 Loveing myself starts by forgiving myself.
venana: 推~ 06/07 01:35
在生命之流裡,我感到安全。 I feel safe in the flow of my life.
phoinixa: 推 06/07 01:35
我歡愉於我的性能量,那是自然而且美好的。 I rejoice in my sexuality. It is natural and wonderful.
messfang: 推!謝謝你! 06/07 01:38
我很高興我在這裏。 I am happy to be here.
charm110: 祝大家雨後都能見彩虹~~推 06/07 01:38
愛自己始於寬恕自己。 Loveing myself starts by forgiving myself.
yozhen: 推推 06/07 01:45
我是一個很棒的、發光的、並且充滿神性的個體。 I am a wonderful radiant divine being.
gzilla: 推 06/07 01:47
愛自己始於寬恕自己。 Loveing myself starts by forgiving myself.
ocean10053: 推推~ 06/07 01:51
我是真理,我是生命,我跟宇宙萬物和一。 I am truth, I am life and I am at one with all things.
jo3m6: 推推 彩虹卡很棒 06/07 01:53
我的身體是強壯的,它會療癒自己。 My body is strong and heals itself.
weiwei0420: 推推> < 06/07 02:17
我選擇對我念力所產生的力量負責。 I choose to be responsible gor the power of my thoughts.
kimlin0112: 推:) 06/07 02:34
我就是我,我很好。 I am me and I am okay.
lalaheiyo: 推 06/07 02:44
我傳遞愛、真理和關懷。 I speak lovingly, truthfully and caringly.
empresscute: 推,呱,感情 06/07 02:50
被愛是世界上最輕易的事情,因為那是我真實的本性。 Being loved is the easiest thing in the world because it is my true nature.
ForgerEames: 推 06/07 02:52
我們每個人都以有意義的方式,來享受宇宙的財富與豐盈。 Everyone of us enjoys the riches and abundance of the universe in a meningful way.
betty051184: 推~謝謝! 06/07 03:00
我不但富有且多才多藝。 I am rich and versatile.
september: 推推 謝謝 06/07 03:02
我選擇高層意識、善解、自由和慈悲。 I choose hight consciousness, understanding, freedom and compassion.
qqwater: 推推 06/07 03:07
我喜悅地敞開心胸來接受生命中快樂的轉變。 Joyfully I open up to the happy turn my life takes.
amoicl: 推 06/07 03:09
我觀照我的思維,剷除像令我痛苦的雜念,並專注於對我有益的念頭。 I pay attention to my thoughtsa, dig out like weeds those that cause me pain, and care for those that are helpful to me.
jacky789: 推 06/07 03:12
我總是得到天時、地利、人和之便。 I am always with the right people in the right place at the right time.
ichigoakira: 謝謝,推上次的卡很有幫助 06/07 03:29
我的生命是有深度,有規律,並且放鬆的。 My breathing is deep, regular and relaxed.
ailh: 推 謝謝 06/07 03:50
與神同在,就無對錯,也無善惡。 With God there is no right or wrong, no good or evil.
jhope: 推~ 06/07 03:51
我願意把每一件今天發生在我身上的事當作是生命賦予的禮物。 I am ready and willing to see everything that happens to me today as a gift of life.
su06su06su06: 謝謝,感恩 06/07 04:14
我知道性是一種神聖的表現。 I know that sex is an expression of my divinity.
cchientting: 推!!!!!! 06/07 04:29
我覺得我真實的使命是和宇宙和諧。 I find my true purpose in harmony with the universe.
eppsiva: 謝謝,辛苦了 06/07 04:39
我喜悅地活在當下。 I rejoice in the moment.
dawnnaoki: 推! 謝謝 06/07 05:25
我愛我獨一無二且美好的生活。 I love my unique and wonderful life.
zoe0987: 推! 06/07 06:00
我學習把痛苦當做一個提醒自己去傾聽身體智慧的信號。 I learn to regard pain sa a sign that reminds me to listen to the wisdom of my body.
collwa: 推 06/07 06:21
我知道我很有力量,並且用不同的方式來使用它們。 I know my strengths and use them in different ways.
annie850810: 推~~ 06/07 06:39
只有我能夠使自己真正快樂。 Only I can make myself truly happy.
met770801: 推 06/07 06:47
當我請求別人協助的時候,我依然值得被愛。 I am still worthy of love when I ask others for help.
koice: 推!感謝好心~ 06/07 06:50
我青蛙心 我懷著愛與感恩的心情來照顧我的身體。 I care for my body lovingly and thankfully.
koogu: 推推 06/07 07:00
我總是得到天時、地利、人和之便。 I am always with the right people in the right place at the right time.
jessicatasi: 推 06/07 07:27
失去控制是無傷大雅的。 It is okay to lose contol.
cute785277: 推!!! 06/07 07:36
就我的夥伴而言,我是可愛的;就我而言,他也是可愛的。 I am as lovable for my partner as he is for me.
Doordoor: 推~ 06/07 07:44
我觀察自己的感受,而非告訴他們應該如何感覺。 I observe my feelings instead of telling others how they feel.
how0963: 推~~~十分感謝唷!! 06/07 07:45
不客氣唷!~ 在任何情況下我都是安全的。 I am safe in everything that is.
jb785: 推 06/07 07:50
我知道性是一種神聖的表現。 I know that sex is an expression of my divinity.
minimaru: 推推~謝謝呱 06/07 07:54
呱啊~ 在宇宙整體的意志中我覺得安全,並知道情況如此是為了全體的利益。 I feel safe in the will of the whole and know that this is so for the good of all.
angelapooh: 推~ 06/07 07:59
微不足道的日常事物也能使我充滿快樂與平靜。 The small daily things fill me with happiness and peace.
ukim0506: 推 06/07 08:12
透過工作我學習拓展我的視野。 Through my work I learn to broaden my horizon.
f328900: 謝謝呱呱 推推 06/07 08:31
我很平安,而且一切都很順利。 I am safe and all is well.
millbect: 推 06/07 08:32
開悟意味著自我探索並了解真實的自我。當我真正愛自己時,開悟就發生了。 Enlightenment means to go within myself and to know who I really am Enlightenment happens when I truly love myself.
tinachiu: 推推? 06/07 08:38
我總是得到天時、地利、人和之便。 I am always with the right people in the right place at the right time.
cosrabbit: OuO/快拍拍我 06/07 08:46
我很感謝我能夠成為神的管道,把非凡的智慧發揚光大。 I am grateful to be able to show how the power of divine intelligence works through me. (蛙蹼拍拍)
gimmy12: 推 06/07 09:24
我喜歡逐步地認識新朋友。 I love getting to know new people.
nccuer: 推唷 06/07 09:37
在生命之流裡,我感到安全。 I feel safe in the flow of my life.
aoikawa: 推推~辛苦了 06/07 09:48
藉著自重,我的世界變得更好。 By respecting myself, my world changes for the better.
Doragogo: 推,我要成功! 06/07 09:54
今天我開始過嶄新的生活。 Today I am starting a new life.
yunshan333: 推~~ 06/07 10:02
在我的生命中,我就是發光的太陽 I am the radiant sun in my life.
jillfish: 推~ 06/07 10:19
每一天都是特別的也是珍貴的,因為我只能擁有一次。 Every day is special and precious because I only live it once.
hgytf7645: 推推 06/07 10:30
我整個身體正如我的臉和手一樣美麗與自然。 My whole body is as beautiful and natural as my face and my hands.
freedom9: 推 06/07 11:03
我觀照我的思維,剷除像令我痛苦的雜念,並專注於對我有益的念頭。 I pay attention to my thoughtsa, dig out like weeds those that cause me pain, and care for those that are helpful to me.
goyuki: 推推 06/07 11:04
我看到自己和每個人的美善。 I see the good in myself and in every person.
freya1218: 推推 06/07 11:05
我用各種不同的方式來保護並療癒地球。 In many ways I contribute to the protection and healing of the earth.
tenderpeiyu: 推~謝謝 06/07 11:20
我可以自由自在地去任何地方旅行。 I travel wherever I desire.
bears1691: 推,謝謝 06/07 11:22
生命太珍貴了,所以我不能讓自己迷失在過去的憎恨與痛苦裡。 My life is too precious to lose myself in the resentment and bitterness of the past.
gilimimi: 推推~~謝謝 06/07 11:33
我喜悅地活在當下。 I rejoice in the moment.
trader888: 謝謝推一個 06/07 11:35
我可以感受我的情緒而不覺得受到傷害。 I can feel my emotions without feeling endangered.
kaka0505: 推,謝謝! 06/07 11:48
活在當下使我充滿力量。 Living in the present empowers me.
MadCaro: 推 謝謝佛心的呱 祝福你平安健康 06/07 11:50
今天我的能量是發光且平靜的。我可以用建設性的方式來表達我的憤怒。 My energy is radiant and peaceful in a constructive way.
zxc2674294: 推 06/07 11:51
我知道在所有仇恨的背後有愛存在。 I know that behind all animosity there is love.
wei76119: 推 06/07 11:51
被愛是美好的。 It is good being loved by others.
annalin0114: 推~~謝謝您!! 06/07 11:55
金錢對我與他人都是愛與支持的呈現。 Money is an expression of love and support for me and others.
can22dy636: 推 06/07 12:11
被愛是世界上最輕易的事情,因為那是我真實的本性。 Being loved is the easiest thing in the world because it is my true nature.
sealdoom: 推 06/07 12:12
我活著不是為了滿足別人也不必依照他人的想法來過日子。 I am not here to satisfy others and live my life according to their ideas.
upinair: 推 佛心QQ 06/07 12:14
我知道在所有仇恨的背後有愛存在。 I know that behind all animosity there is love.
roufen: 推 謝謝 06/07 12:21
我放下我的期待。 I let go of my expectations.
kazami98: 推推! 06/07 12:28
天堂一直在我心中。 Heaven is always and everywhere in me.
sophiacoco: 推推,謝謝,很喜歡彩虹卡的字句 06/07 12:38
我怎麼想就會看見什麼。 What I think is what I see.
kimihiro: 推 06/07 12:49
在任何情況下我都是安全的。 I am safe in everything that is.
baudrons: 推,謝謝!!! 06/07 12:56
即使在工作的時候,我也願意跟我的高層心靈連繫。 Even at work I am ready to be in contact with my higher self.
taco1985: 推~謝謝喔 06/07 13:03
我跟創造我的力量有直接的連結。 I am in direct contact with the power that created me.
peggycherry: 推 謝謝你 06/07 13:10
我怎麼想就會看見什麼。 What I think is what I see.
qwerty5325: 推推,謝謝~ 06/07 13:15
大地供應我們財富與豐富。 The earth provides us with riches and abundance.
smtohyde: 推推推推推 06/07 13:46
我的意識是光明、清楚並且充滿愛的。 My consciousness is light, clear and full of love.
rtyu2836: 推~~~謝謝 06/07 14:22
我懷著感謝與愛的心情來付出自己的帳單。 Thankfully and lovingly I pay my bills.
minmin0916: 推 06/07 14:40
對錯不重要,重要的是從經驗中得到教訓。 There is no mistakes, only experiences.
kouyoulin: 推 06/07 14:41
我以慈悲心對待自己與別人。 I encounter myself and others with compassion.
adanglechi: 推 06/07 14:49
藉著自重,我的世界變得更好。 By respecting myself, my world changes for the better.
kiki24831: 推推推~ 謝謝:) 06/07 15:00
我送給別人的東西會很多倍地回饋到我身上。 What I give to others comes back to me manifold.
jupilight: 推 感恩 06/07 15:01
我有權力也有能力去表達我的暴怒、生氣及意見,而不會傷害任何人,也不會失去他們對 我的愛。 I have the right the ability to express my rage, anger and opinion without hurting anyone or losing their love.
a76226442002: 推推~謝謝 06/07 15:07
我享受家居生活並把這喜悅跟別人分享。 I enjoy living in my home and sharing this joy with others.
sgemini50931: 推~ 06/07 15:09
我帶著愛和喜悅來擴展創造力,而達到其極限。 I unfold my creative power to its full potential lovingly and joyfully.
kckcwii: 推 06/07 15:35
天堂一直在我心中。 Heaven is always and everywhere in me.
jamiechou: 推推推 06/07 15:40
我傳遞愛、真理和關懷。 I speak lovingly, truthfully and caringly.
Cellia: 推~辛苦了,謝謝你! 06/07 15:44
無論我到何處,我總是被保護也被愛。 Wherever I go I am always protected and loved.
MavisFairy: 推推推 06/07 15:58
我傳遞愛、真理和關懷。 I speak lovingly, truthfully and caringly.
hopeer: 推~謝謝唷 :) 06/07 15:58
我放下對生命的抗拒。 I give up my resistance to life.
kikiikik: 推! 06/07 16:01
只有當下的經驗。 There is only the experience of the present moment.
mukaku: 推 06/07 16:06
我在工作中呈現愛和創造力。 I express my love and my creativity in my work.
iluvpy: 推 06/07 16:09
我正把天堂帶到人間。 I'm bringing heaven down to earth.
babe321: 推~!!! 06/07 16:19
我願意以嶄新的方式來體驗每一天。 I am ready to experience every day anew.
s984534: 推~ 06/07 16:33
在我心中充滿了無限的愛。 In the center of my being there is an infinite source of love.
loveconan: 推 謝謝 06/07 16:34
我奉獻我的一生去探索並實踐我的願景。 I dedicate my life to exploring and fulfilling the visions that are in me.
cp120420: 推 謝謝~!^ _ ^ 06/07 16:36
我讓感覺適度宣洩,從中學習,然後繼續前進。 I let my feelings come, learn from them and go on.
Sayd20: 推推 謝謝 06/07 17:08
我懷著感謝與愛的心情來付出自己的帳單。 Thankfully and lovingly I pay my bills.
ffhikaru: 推 06/07 17:48
我肯定我自己 I say yes to my self.
macmarc: 大推 06/07 17:49
在我心中充滿了無限的愛。 In the center of my being there is an infinite source of love.
cat1988416: 推 !!感謝! 06/07 17:53
honeypig913: 推~~ 06/07 17:55
我願意面對生命的改變。 I am prepared for changes in my life.
ryo1703: 推,謝謝:) 06/07 18:28
我敞開心胸來迎接生命中的愛與豐盈。 I open up to love and abundance in my life.
kikikikaka: 推!謝謝你! 06/07 18:37
我一直在尋找的寶藏就在我心中。 The trasdure that I am looking for is in my heart.
floravs: 推 06/07 18:42
我用愛和關心的想法來滋潤自己。 I nonrish myself with loving, caring thoughts.
forthcoming: 推 06/07 18:55
我的生命是有深度,有規律,並且放鬆的。 My breathing is deep, regular and relaxed.
a2525911: 推~~ 06/07 19:15
每個人都有足夠的空間,喜悅地表達我們獨一無二的創造力。 There is enough space for everybody so that we can joyfully express our unique creativity.
mollusca: 推推~~~ 06/07 19:21
我歡迎所有令我快樂的事情。 I welcome everything that makes me happy.
cat1988416: 補推!不好意思。 06/07 19:29
沒關係XD 箭頭也可以 對錯不重要,重要的是從經驗中得到教訓。 There is no mistakes, only experiences.
tinroro1206: 推 06/07 19:31
我知道我是所有愛的源頭。 I know that I am the source of all my loving relationships.
lydia227: 推!! 06/07 19:33
沒有所謂的難題,有的只是有限的觀點。 There are no problems, only limited viewpoints.
vivian652378: 推 06/07 19:56
我的意識是光明、清楚並且充滿愛的。 My consciousness is light, clear and full of love.
k120: 推 06/07 20:11
我用各種不同的方式來保護並療癒地球。 In many ways I contribute to the protection and healing of the earth.
stargazers: 推~~ 06/07 20:20
因為我選擇愛的想法,所以我感覺身處在了愛的環境。 I choose loving thoughts which is why Iperceive a loving environment.
atnsmahlt: 推,謝謝:) 06/07 20:41
當我需要幫助時我詢問內心或宇宙。 When I need help, I ask my heart or the universe.
leanapan: 推~ 06/07 20:47
我愛我獨一無二且美好的生活。 I love my unique and wonderful life.
yunbi1994: 推推~ 06/07 21:10
你可以在意想不到的地方找到喜悅。 You can find joy in unexpected place.
cactusinsky: 推推推 06/07 21:35
我歡愉於我的性能量,那是自然而且美好的。 I rejoice in my sexuality. It is natural and wonderful.
polysmile: 推 06/07 21:38
我接納自己一直保留著那些不適用的舊模式。 I forgive myself for keeping to old patterns that are no longer of use to me.
jim71036: 推 06/07 21:40
我身體的每個細胞都對我積極的心像做喜悅的回應。 Every cell of my body reacts joyfully to my positive mental images.
HTKJW: 推~ 06/07 21:47
我了解並決定地在危機中抓住學習與成長的機會。 I am aware and decisive and see particularly in crises a chance to learn and grow.
zscst: 推推 謝謝 06/07 21:56
我們每個人都以有意義的方式,來享受宇宙的財富與豐盈。 Everyone of us enjoys the riches and abundance of the universe in a meningful way.
zardgasuki: 推 06/07 22:23
我知道我很有力量,並且用不同的方式來使用它們。 I know my strengths and use them in different ways.
yocean: 推,謝謝 06/07 22:42
我讓新觀念在潛意識中成長。 I program my subconsciousness with new thoughts of growth.
reearA: : ) 06/07 22:47
當我被允許成為真實的自己時,我樂於付出。 When I am allowed to be who I am I enjoy giving.
qwer1515: 推 06/07 22:48
我有力量和能力去過有意義的生活。 I have the power to lead a meaningful life.
irene29: 推,謝謝。 06/07 22:59
我允許自己自由地跨越障礙。 I give myself the freedom to cross barriers.
Rosemystere: 推~謝謝~ 06/07 23:16
我敞開心胸來迎接生命中的愛與豐盈。 I open up to love and abundance in my life.
w22142: 推~謝謝:) 06/07 23:19
我願意面對生命的改變。 I am prepared for changes in my life.
dreamamy1: 推 謝謝 06/07 23:21
有了錢,我想創造生活中最美好的事物。 With money I wish to create the best in my life.
lunapapa: 推~ 謝謝你! 06/07 23:23
在我的生命中,我就是發光的太陽 I am the radiant sun in my life.
Ks950120: 推推~~ 06/07 23:27
我讓愛佈滿全身並推及他人。 I let love flow from my heart into every cell of my body and into all my relationships.
c10ud: 推! 謝謝你! 06/07 23:27
我的任務就是以自己的方式來過日子。 My task is to express life in my own way.
leftmoon: 推 06/07 23:28
我由衷地感謝所有我需要的東西都有人供應。 I am thankful that everything that I need is provided.
sharon1128: 推推~ 06/07 23:57
我傳遞愛、真理和關懷。 I speak lovingly, truthfully and caringly.
zoeling09: 謝謝~ 06/08 00:02
愛自己始於寬恕自己。 Loveing myself starts by forgiving myself.
HeinzSuB: 推 感謝 06/08 00:04
我在工作中呈現愛和創造力。 I express my love and my creativity in my work.
mdivy: 推,謝謝:) 06/08 00:25
我很平安,且一切都很順利。 I am safe and all is well.
cyj7120: 推推! 06/08 00:48
藉著清楚且帶著愛的行為,我擁有清楚且帶著愛的經驗。 By acting clearly and lovingly, I have clear and loving experiences.
ivy761112: 推,謝謝您:) 06/08 00:54
不要敬稱我~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我信任我的神性會指引我哪些需要改變。 I trust that my divine self will tell me what I need to change.
zychi: 推~~ 06/08 01:05
我完全敞開心胸以接受宇宙提供給我的豐富與財富。 I am completely open to receive the abundance and riches the universe offers me.
cutpipime: 推! 06/08 01:56
有了錢,我想創造生活中最美好的事物。 With money I wish to create the best in my life.
CHiiiA333: 推推 06/08 02:21
我觀照我內在的對話。 I pay attention to my inner dialogue.
a27666693: 推~ 06/08 02:34
我對我的生命負責。 I am responsible.
shan826: 推 06/08 02:47
我輕易和喜悅地朝著目標前進。 I move towards my goals with ease joy.
acylin: 推推 06/08 05:57
我心中充滿著愛來迎接每個嶄新的日子。 I greet every new day with love in my heart.
lair9396: 推~~ 06/08 06:01
我的意識是光明、清楚並且充滿愛的。 My consciousness is light, clear and full of love.
iqeeingh: 推推,謝謝 06/08 06:08
這世界是個豐富的地方。 The world is a place of abundance.
glitterbaby: 推!謝謝哦! 06/08 07:48
我就是我,我很好。 I am me and I am okay.
lydia227: 推 謝謝你:) 06/08 08:01
我整個身體正如我的臉和手一樣美麗與自然。 My whole body is as beautiful and natural as my face and my hands.
snnorobby: 推,謝謝 06/08 09:14
我的內在小孩教我如何放鬆並享受生命。 My inner child teaches me how to relax and enjoy life.
speedstar521: 推,謝謝 06/08 09:37
富裕就是快樂和自由 Wealth is happiness and freedom.
Alook: 謝謝~ 06/08 09:38
當我需要幫助時我詢問內心或宇宙。 When I need help, I ask my heart or the universe.
esho: 推 謝謝您! 06/08 10:06
我知道我內心經常充滿無私的愛,當我需要時,它會回應我。 I know that I am in constant contact with an unconditionally loving universe that always gives me, if I ask for it with.
nell0718: 推,謝謝您 06/08 10:08
不要敬稱~~~noooooo 我和所有活力充沛的事物合一。 I feel at one with everything alive.
FEINI: 推,謝謝 06/08 11:27
每個進入我家的人,都覺得受歡迎,並且被愛。 Everybody entering my home feels welcome and loved.
f19990930: 推推~ 06/08 11:32
該是我為自己設想的時候了。 It is time to think for for myself.
ikif: 推!謝謝! 06/08 12:01
我渴望正向的改變,因此我接納目前的自己。 I wish for positive changes and that's why I accept myself as I am.
s93137: 推 呱呱呱 06/08 12:50
我喜歡鼓舞並激勵我周圍的人。 I love encouraging and inspiring the people around me.
kimihiro: 推 謝謝 06/08 13:14
我安排時間休息。 I take the time to rest.
justmemusic: 謝謝你 推~ 06/08 13:45
你可以在意想不到的地方找到喜悅。 You can find joy in unexpected place.
tim5107sds: 推 謝謝 06/08 13:53
任何我希望在夥伴身上出現的特質,都可以在我內心找到。 Whatever I'd like in a partner, I find in my heart.
suir: 推~ 06/08 14:49
我內在的財富給我許多樂趣。 My inner wealth gives me a lot of pleasure.
a860622: 推!! 謝謝 06/08 15:41
我在成人生活裡創造穩定,俾使我的內在小孩感到安全。 I create stability in my adult life so that my inner child feels safe.
cat336060: 呱呱~ 06/08 17:49
我結合了愛與光,因而創造了一個嶄新的世界。 I connect to all that is love and light , thus a new world.
mobilesuit: 謝謝你上次的牌卡 06/08 18:46
我是一個很棒的、發光的、並且充滿神性的個體。 I am a wonderful radiant divine being.
bboom904tw: 推~推~ 06/08 19:19
我的身體是強壯的,它會療癒自己。 My body is strong and heals itself.
Leadkeita: 推 06/08 19:49
我信任我的神性。 I can trust God in myself.
farmer535: 推~ 06/08 20:42
所有神聖的智慧帶給我的經驗都幫助我成長。 All the experiences that divine wisdom lead me to, help me grow.
phenixsun: 推推!! 06/08 21:25
我放下我的期待。 I let go of my expectations.
wish0112: 推 謝謝 06/08 21:35
藉著自重,我的世界變得更好。 By respecting myself, my world changes for the better.
jingsang: 推 06/08 21:59
我願意面對生命的改變。 I am prepared for changes in my life.
anti27149: 推~ 感謝!! 06/08 22:21
我越正向地看待自己以及世界,就越吸引正向的人。 The more positively I see myself and the world the more I attract positive people.
oxalis273: 推,謝謝呱:) 06/08 22:22
在我的生命中,我就是發光的太陽 I am the radiant sun in my life.
qazch2: 推。 謝謝 06/08 22:37
微不足道的日常事物也能使我充滿快樂與平靜。 The small daily things fill me with happiness and peace.
zkdz: 推一個,謝謝,也祝福你! 06/08 22:40
我知道我是所有愛的源頭。 I know that I am the source of all my loving relationships.
crystal8342: 推 06/08 22:56
在生命之流裡,我感到安全。 I feel safe in the flow of my life.
frest: 推推~~~ 06/08 23:56
我給自己自由去擁有嶄新且發光的經驗。 I give myself the freedom to have new and glowing experiences. 謝謝呱~~~ ※ 編輯: poppyrose (, 06/09/2017 01:52:57