看板 Mind 關於我們 聯絡資訊
反正就是這樣又那樣的 推文抽彩虹卡 8/17 2400截止 現在抽彩虹卡還流行ㄇ -- 抽卡以外追蹤一下啦拜託呱,下次我在IG抽喔(欸 https://www.instagram.com/withandfollow/ -- 把我牽著吧。不要弄丟了才好。 把我綑綁住吧。將我安全存放。 愛的綑綁 把我與你縫在一起吧。將我隨身攜帶。岩井俊二 把我做成標本吧。讓我享受專屬的目光。 把我吃掉吧。讓我從此在你的身體裡,活著。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mind/M.1660608642.A.77F.html
goldencorn: 抽一張希望能領取好運 08/16 08:13
我信任我的直覺。 I trust my intuitive abilities.
laypcu: 抽一張,謝謝 08/16 08:14
我允許自己享受性。 I allow myself to enjoy sex.
atonsun12: 推推 抽抽 謝謝~ 08/16 08:21
我很容易適應我周遭的人、地方和事物。 I easily tune in to the peoply, places and things around me.
how0963: 推,領取好運 08/16 08:49
我願意敞開心胸讓別人了解我。 I openly tell others my needs and wishes.
iamabaw: 抽一張 希望心想事成 08/16 09:07
我放下我的期待。 I let go of my expectations.
Mentha: 抽一張,希望你也能順利 08/16 09:12
我活在當下 I reside in the present.
ukim0506: 要抽 謝謝 08/16 10:12
我活著不是為了滿足別人也不必依照他人的想法來過日子。 I am not here to satisfy others and live my life according to their ideas.
orangengirl: 抽一張領取好運~謝謝 08/16 11:10
生命就是自我探索的旅程。 Life is a journey of discovering oneself.
queengu: 想抽一張 謝謝 希望有好事發生 08/16 11:57
我看到自己和每個人的美善。 I see the good in myself and in every person.
ruoa: 抽一張,謝謝 08/16 12:36
我觀照我的思維,剷除像令我痛苦的雜念,並專注於對我有益的念頭。 I pay attention to my thoughtsa, dig out like weeds those that cause me pain, and care for those that are helpful to me.
honeyflower: 抽一張領好運~ 08/16 13:16
在我心中充滿了無限的愛。 In the center of my being there is an infinite source of love.
wei76119: 抽一張,感謝 08/16 13:23
我有力量和能力去過有意義的生活。 I have the power to lead a meaningful life.
IiTK: 抽一張,謝謝 08/16 13:27
我欣賞且看重我頭腦的明晰和真實。 I love and respect the clarity and liveliness of my mind.
relieve: 想抽一張,謝謝您 08/16 13:43
我信任生命,並深信每件事的發生都是神聖完美的。 I trust life and know that everything happens in the right divine order.
lendmysoul: 想抽一張~~感謝您 08/16 13:43
無論我到何處,我總是被保護也被愛。 Wherever I go I am always protected and loved.
blue21: 想抽一張,指引方向~謝謝 08/16 14:15
我瞭解每個人都想得到愛。 I see in my mind that all people want love.
dilemma03809: 想抽一張指引方向,也祝福您,謝謝 08/16 14:28
我是有價值並且受歡迎的,我目前就是如此。 I am valuable and welcome just as I am.
bwhmj: 抽一張 謝謝你 08/16 14:47
金錢本身無所謂好壞,就看你如何認定。 Money itself isn't good nor bad. It is what you think it is.
abbyu41827: 抽抽~~ 08/16 16:28
失去控制是無傷大雅的。 It is okay to lose contol.
clowve: 臭 08/16 16:34
clowve: 我想抽(上面推錯文 抱歉(; Д `) 08/16 16:35
微不足道的日常事物也能使我充滿快樂與平靜。 The small daily things fill me with happiness and peace.
fireflyy: 抽一張彩虹卡,謝謝:) 08/16 16:52
我送給別人的東西會很多倍地回饋到我身上。 What I give to others comes back to me manifold.
tg623: 抽一張…感謝 08/16 16:56
我的目標就是在每個片刻都付出愛。 My goal is to love every single moment.
nans0214: 抽一張,感謝~ 08/16 17:29
我是有價值並且受歡迎的,我目前就是如此。 I am valuable and welcome just as I am.
MickeyMike: 抽一張 謝謝!! 08/16 17:41
透過工作我學習拓展我的視野。 Through my work I learn to broaden my horizon.
optimism118: 抽一張,謝謝。 08/16 18:07
我放下我的期待。 I let go of my expectations.
s92090: 抽一張領取好運,謝謝! 08/16 18:23
我肯定我自己 I say yes to my self.
angryhwc: 感謝您! 08/16 18:36
每天我都更愛我自己。 Every day I love myself more and more.
qwop: 抽一張 謝謝您~ 08/16 18:37
我隨時都看見旺盛的生命能量。 Everywhere I see proof of the overflowing energies of life.
bsmile602: 推 感謝! 08/16 18:46
我不但富有且多才多藝。 I am rich and versatile.
flyingbirds: 想抽,感謝! 08/16 18:54
當我學著發展自重和自愛的時候,我對自己更有耐心。 I'm patient with myself whilst learning to develop self-respect amd self-love. 求追蹤IG啦哭哭喔Q_Q
elain75712: 推,謝謝妳:) 08/16 19:05
我的想法會迴向到我身上而成為經驗。 The thoughts I send out come back to me as experiences. 順手點IG 救救小青蛙
cian: 想抽一張 謝謝 08/16 19:48
我由衷地感謝所有我需要的東西都有人供應。 I am thankful that everything that I need is provided.
xfifix: 想抽一張,謝謝 08/16 19:51
我喜歡學習、成長和改變。 I love learning growing and changing.
baudrons: 抽一張,開開心心 08/16 20:17
我愛自己並喜歡以偉大、神聖的方式來過日子。 I love myself and enjoy being a great and divine expression of life.
MysticFan: 小精靈想抽一張 謝謝 08/16 20:32
我在周圍人們的眼中,找到神的愛。 I find the love of God in the eyes of the people around me.
sunglow: 想抽一張,謝謝 08/16 20:46
過去的事情已經過去了。 The past is over.
mintee: 想抽一張,謝謝! 08/16 21:04
我敞開心胸接受快樂的解決之道。 I open up to a happy solution.
yufall: 抽,謝謝 08/16 21:08
我喜悅地敞開心胸來接受生命中快樂的轉變。 Joyfully I open up to the happy turn my life takes.
jessielin308: 想抽一張~謝謝! 08/16 21:17
真愛裡面沒有憎恨。 True love knows no resentment. 順手追ig 救救小青蛙
cha2350: 抽抽~感謝 08/16 21:22
我放下我的期待。 I let go of my expectations.
bluebean: 想為自己抽一張,感謝! 08/16 21:30
開悟意味著自我探索並了解真實的自我。當我真正愛自己時,開悟就發生了。 Enlightenment means to go within myself and to know who I really am Enlightenment happens when I truly love myself.
dede010172: 謝謝 08/16 21:40
我知道我值得擁有美好的生活。 I know that I am worthy of having a great life.
XIAOFENG: +1 謝謝 08/16 21:57
我觀照我的思維,剷除像令我痛苦的雜念,並專注於對我有益的念頭。 I pay attention to my thoughtsa, dig out like weeds those that cause me pain, and care for those that are helpful to me.
kitty26: 抽一張指引方向,謝謝 08/16 21:58
金錢本身無所謂好壞,就看你如何認定。 Money itself isn't good nor bad. It is what you think it is.
kgbheart: +,感恩 08/16 22:07
今天我盛宴款待自己,因此整天都容光煥發。 Today I am giving myself a treat and therefore lightening up my day.
saddog: 卡卡的,抽一張,感謝 08/16 22:07
我愛他所以在他面前我毫不隱瞞,呈現真實的自己。這是我感謝他的原因。 My love to him opens door to the deepest levels of my being. That's why I thank him.
studiophile: 幫抽,謝謝 08/16 22:20
我把工作做得很好,並受到每個人的肯定與讚美。 I do my work well and it is cherished by everyone.
auterqe: 想抽一張,謝謝 08/16 22:27
我奉獻我的一生去探索並實踐我的願景。 I dedicate my life to exploring and fulfilling the visions that are in me.
moruko: 推,謝謝 08/16 22:30
我送給別人的東西會很多倍地回饋到我身上。 What I give to others comes back to me manifold.
fobqoou: 抽~~謝謝 08/16 22:50
我的身體是強壯的,它會療癒自己。 My body is strong and heals itself.
recorder1989: 抽一張牌,感謝~ 08/16 23:09
我結合了愛與光,因而創造了一個嶄新的世界。 I connect to all that is love and light , thus a new world.
crystal8342: 推~謝謝 08/16 23:14
我了結所有的仇恨,並在生活中創造和諧。 I can all enmities and create harmony in my life. 幫追個IG麻><
amyhai: 領取好運,感恩 08/16 23:57
我面對的終究只有自己。 It is always only myself that I am encountering.
Mad0809: 抽一張 謝謝 08/17 00:18
當我請求別人協助的時候,我依然值得被愛。 I am still worthy of love when I ask others for help.
james99995: 抽一張謝謝 08/17 00:34
面對心魔是使自己完整,並活在光中的不二法門。 Encountering my shadow is the gateway to being whole, to being the light I am.
sandewq: 抽一張彩虹卡,謝謝你 08/17 00:52
我對自己負責,不為任何事情責怪任何人。 I am responsible for myselg and not blame anyone for anything.
onlyks: 抽抽 領好運 謝謝:) 08/17 01:21
我就是我,我很好。 I am me and I am okay.
greate504125: 抽一張~感謝您! 08/17 02:02
活在當下使我充滿力量。 Living in the present empowers me.
concertotc: 抽一張領好運:) 08/17 07:40
我知道真實的需要和匱乏感之間的區別。 I know the difference between true needs and neediness.
helen31046: +1,非常感謝。心情尚不穩定,想知道彩虹卡有什麼話 08/17 08:11
helen31046: 語。 08/17 08:11
所有我需要的東西,都會適時來到我身邊。 Everything I need comes to me at the right moment.
pupss93096: 抽一張,謝謝! 08/17 08:27
我允許恐懼向雲一樣的來去自如。 I let my fears come and go like clouds.
junichi1118: 抽一張領好運,謝謝您 08/17 09:47
我懷著愛與感恩的心情來照顧我的身體。 I care for my body lovingly and thankfully.
s8534149: 抽一張,謝謝 08/17 12:24
我喜歡接觸新的想法。 I enjoy dealing with new ideas.
roadking: 幫我抽一張感謝XD 08/17 12:53
任何我希望在夥伴身上出現的特質,都可以在我內心找到。 Whatever I'd like in a partner, I find in my heart. 追一下IG麻感謝
hybridchild: 抽一張尋求一些指引,謝謝 08/17 14:24
我用輕鬆的愛來祝福自己。 I bless every single cell of my body with relaxing love.
BEAUTY3140: 抽ㄧ張領好運,謝謝 08/17 14:32
該是我為自己設想的時候了。 It is time to think for for myself.
winwhale: 抽一張~希望一切順利 謝謝 08/17 14:39
我接納自己一直保留著那些不適用的舊模式。 I forgive myself for keeping to old patterns that are no longer of use to me.
snoopy0822: 推一個,目前人生最低潮非常想死…… 08/17 15:13
生命就是自我探索的旅程。 Life is a journey of discovering oneself.
yenyuu: 抽一張,感謝溫柔協助 08/17 16:18
我不再認同自己創造出來的恐懼。 I am not my fears.
momo2205: 想抽一張,謝謝 08/17 17:17
我讓愛流入我的世界,祝福每個人和每件事。 I let love flow into my word, blessing everybody and everything.
tamade0102: 抽一張指引,謝謝 08/17 17:36
地球的健康對我而言是很重要的。 The health of our planet is essential to me.
yu65i789: 想抽一張,謝謝 08/17 18:01
當我被允許成為真實的自己時,我樂於付出。 When I am allowed to be who I am I enjoy giving.
voli: 抽一張,謝謝你 08/17 18:03
我允許自己享受性。 I allow myself to enjoy sex.
browine: 抽一張 謝謝 08/17 18:51
我知道思想會創造實相。 I am aware that thoughts are creators.
gillowish: 抽一張~感謝! 08/17 19:22
每天在生活中出現的新點子協助我跟過去和解。 Every day I live for a new idea that helps me to reconcile with my past.
kazuya1126: 抽一張 謝謝 08/17 23:54
我放下不再屬於我的一切,敞開心胸接受轉變。 I let go what doesn't belong to me anymore and open up to transformation. 截止囉
calucu24: 想抽一張,謝謝~~ 08/18 01:20
amandasjk: 抽 謝謝 08/18 12:18
※ 編輯: poppyrose ( 臺灣), 08/18/2022 15:18:46
shadowstar: 抽一張,謝謝 08/18 23:51
poppyrose: 已經截止了 我有註明時間喔 08/19 01:18