看板 Minecraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://mojang.com/2014/08/minecraft-snapshot-14w32a/ ============================================================================== Update: Snapshot 14w32d fixes the problem with joining dedicated server. It should not crash anymore. ============================================================================== Update: Snapshot 14w32c has been released to fix issues with rendering block entities like chests and collision handling near walls. Here is a list of fixed bugs: [Bug MC-64425] – Can't place blocks on TNT [Bug MC-64513] – Cannot go upstairs if there is a carpet above a step [Bug MC-65230] – Collision bug when player is moving up a slope adjacent to a 3-high wall [Bug MC-65521] – Armor Stands consume armor in Creative / whole stack of Items [Bug MC-65874] – Existing/Old chests are invisible [Bug MC-65876] – Jungle Planks craft Spruce Fences/Gates [Bug MC-65935] – /entitydata doesn't change the pose tag on armor stands until you relog ============================================================================== Update: Snapshot 14w32b has been released to fix the following bugs: [Bug MC-586] – Beacon light does not travel through water [Bug MC-34815] – Hearts do not blink when regenerating (Cause identified in code) [Bug MC-59533] – Beacon beam shows but effect is not applied and can't be edited [Bug MC-59889] – Crash when seeing mobappearance particles [Bug MC-63174] – Heads Face Wrong Way in Item Frames [Bug MC-64024] – Crash report (Batching chunks java.util.ConcurrentModificationException) [Bug MC-64188] – execute with relative coordinates commands are forced to the center of the X and Z axis of the block the target is in, not the target itself [Bug MC-64536] – Entities darken when items in frames are rendered [Bug MC-65512] – Pick Block on Double Red Sandstone Slab crashes the game. [Bug MC-65524] – Unable to pick block on armor stand ============================================================================== This weeks snapshot contains absolutely nothing. Not a single thing. No bugs fixed, no features creeped. Nuhuh. No sir. Notable changes: Beacon light changes as it goes through glass. Added red sandstone. Added an armour stand. Fixed many bugs. Erased all knowledge of The Event. Bugs fixed: [Bug MC-2911] – Gamerule commands allow parameters other than true/false [Bug MC-2930] – Heart bar doesn't show how much damage is dealt to the player [Bug MC-3664] – Golden Carrot Creative Misplacement [Bug MC-3718] – Textures and Effects are off when far away from the center of the map [Bug MC-3818] – Playing stacked music discs in jukebox will duplicate them [Bug MC-3884] – No splash sound when items dropped in water [Bug MC-29431] – Search function returns some extra potion results [Bug MC-48760] – Redundant code [Bug MC-50848] – Enderprearl thrown before death teleports after respawn [Bug MC-58961] – Back button overlaps kick message [Bug MC-61565] – Spectator mode description [Bug MC-64260] – Death by lightning bolt claims players go up in flames [Bug MC-64409] – item names are in brackets [Bug MC-55228] – Sandstone spawning in Mesa Biome at cave entrances -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Minecraft/M.1407342000.A.D5B.html
gh0987:糟了! 是七彩霓虹燈 08/07 00:27
Nuaaukw:培根 (誤) 蜂火臺的光束經過玻璃後會改變顏色 XD 08/07 00:49
hit1205:我也看成培根 XD 08/07 01:17
PixiuFox:armour stand 跟 noAI 感覺做地圖的都會很開心 XD 08/07 01:32
storge:http://i.imgur.com/D1jvt4z.png 轉自reddit 好炫喔XD 08/07 07:09
stevenyat:紅砂岩kita 08/07 08:31
Nuaaukw:居然還可以調色啊!! 08/07 09:12
gh0987:雖然與現實情況不同 但是因為現實很無聊所以這樣比較好 08/07 09:20
gh0987:DinnerBone如此表示 08/07 09:20
hit1205:不過NoAI的生物好像還是受得到傷害QQ 08/07 11:33
hit1205:新增了盔甲展示架感覺好棒 08/07 11:53
hit1205:可惜不能讓他拿劍 XDDD 08/07 11:54
PixiuFox:拿道具只有survival 沒辦法而已,改nbt 就可以了~ 08/07 12:10
comettsanyue:抹去了關於事件的所有知識 是殺虫XDDD 08/07 22:19
PixiuFox:我以為The Event 指的就是noAI 這件事說 08/07 22:39
※ 編輯: sb117611 (, 08/07/2014 23:15:43
stevenyat:32b跟32d分別加了每種木材的柵欄跟門 08/09 18:28
stevenyat:http://i.imgur.com/N0ot5LN.png黑橡樹門看起來很..好吃 08/09 18:28
log56:樺樹門窗……是紙嗎 XD 不曉得能不能戳破 08/09 21:57
stevenyat:叢林跟金合歡門拿來當窗戶用感覺也沒問題XD 08/09 22:17
Nuaaukw:而且還可以開關,當窗戶不錯 XD 08/09 22:27
olys: 這些門讓一堆建築派狂爆化了 08/10 14:18
CP64: 好段時間沒關注麥塊真的變好多啊XDDDDDDDDDD 08/10 14:56
yuan860721: 很好吃是怎樣XDDD 08/10 20:03
cheko: 阿就大波露啊 08/11 01:20
gh0987: 我把日光感應器上方密封之後放紅石燈發現會變閃燈 08/11 15:26
gh0987: 四 08/11 15:27
gh0987: 所以Bug還沒修掉? 08/11 15:29
gh0987: 根據蟲字MC-5927 看來是還沒修掉 目前Reopened 08/11 21:48
※ 編輯: sb117611 (, 08/15/2014 06:25:22