看板 MobileComm 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這網站好像不能算新聞 我分類就用閒聊了 https://goo.gl/Y6Mziq Google still doesn’t want to sell smartphones: Here’s why 2017年11月03日 作者 Bogdan Petrovan For a company that now touts the virtues of closely-integrated AI, software, and hardware, Google’s mobile platform started out pretty unintegrated. 作為一個現今整合軟體硬體和AI的師爺級公司 谷歌的手機平台有些不整合 Beginning with the first Android phone, the 2008 T-Mobile G1, Google was happy t o give manufacturers (and even carriers) ample control over user experience. In hindsight it seems a bit suicidal, but it worked. A decade later, Android is eve rywhere. 在2008年第一隻安卓手機問世 當時的谷歌很樂意讓製造商和電信商對用戶體驗有 完整的控制 現在回顧這看似自殺的行為確實奏效了 十年後 到處都是安卓 But the times, they are a’changin’. Google’s strategy of spreading Android fa r and wide is approaching its limits. More importantly, the company is no longer mobile-first; it’s now an AI-first company. And good AI — the kind that’s in distinguishable from magic — requires tight integration with hardware, software , and services. That’s why Google is now making its own line of devices it cont rols top to bottom. 但現在他們在改變 推廣安卓的策略接近極限了 更重要的 現在不再是手機優先而是AI優先 這需要軟硬體和伺服器緊密的整合 這也是為何谷歌開始自己做手機 Enter the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, two amazing phones Google doesn’t actually w ant to sell in meaningfully large numbers. Pixel 2和Pixel 2 XL 兩隻驚人的手機谷歌其實都不想賣太多 Google cannot be this bad at selling phones 谷歌不應該在賣手機上表現的這麼糟糕 Google is arguably the biggest and most influential company in the world. It emp loys tens of thousands of brilliant people who work on solving insanely complica ted problems. Selling smartphones is not insanely complicated, so why is Google so bad at it? 谷歌是全球最大最有影響力的公司 有著成千上萬的優秀員工解決極為複雜的問題 但相較之 下賣手機並不是件太複雜的事 那為何谷歌在此表現得如此糟糕呢 Even by the most optimistic guesses, Google hasn’t sold enough original Pixels to move the needle. According to comScore data from August, just 0.7 percent of US smartphone subscribers use a Pixel. The graphic below speaks volumes. 就算樂 觀的假設谷歌賣的Pixel還不夠多到足以有顯著的影響 根據comScore的資料 只有0.7%的美 國智慧型手機用戶使用Pixel https://i.imgur.com/3qXiVgA.jpg
You could say that 0.7 percent (or a few million units) is still respectable for a device’s first year on the market, but this is Google, not OnePlus. And it l ooks like the second year on the market won’t be much different, either. 你可能會說第一年有0.7%不錯了 但這是谷歌不是一加 而且看來第二年也不會有太多改變 Sales of the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL are held back by the same issues that hamper ed the first generation of “Made by Google” smartphones: Pixel2和Pixel2XL都被相同的問題所阻礙 They are expensive, especially considering that Google doesn’t need a big profi t margin to sustain itself like most Android OEMs. Also, the Pixels’ pricing ru ns against Google’s mission statement to bring Android to billions of new users in developing countries, at least philosophically. 太貴了 尤其考量到谷歌不需要像其他OEM廠商一樣獲得巨大的獲利來支撐自己 這也與谷歌 把安卓帶給上億個開發中國家的使用者的目的不符 Domestic availability is limited. Looking at the Google Store, many versions are out of stock or shipping with delays of 3-5 weeks. Availability may be better t han last year, but that’s a very low bar. Additionally, the Pixel are still onl y available at Verizon. Surely, Google had the clout to make deals with more car riers if it wanted to? 國內很難買到 Google Store要麼缺貨要麼要等三到五週 是比去年好一些了 但還是很糟 而 且只有與Verizon合作 谷歌想要的話一定可以與更多電信商合作的 International availability is very limited. This is a perennial problem with Goo gle products and services. The company seems to think most markets are simply no t worth the hassle. 國際上也很難購買 這是谷歌產品和服務多年來的問題 谷歌看來似乎 覺得大多數的市場不值得他們麻煩 Their hardware barely stands out. There’s no headphone jack (don’t even bring up microSD). There’s no striking hardware feature and the design of the Pixel 2 is dated. Is this the best product Google could come up with? 硬體沒有突出的特色 沒有耳機孔 沒有SD卡槽 這是谷歌能做出來最棒的產品嗎 All of these issues are the result of calculated decisions by Google. You could come up with reasonable explanations for each of them, but it’s hard to believe that Google couldn’t do a better job selling phones. 這些都是谷歌精打細算的決定 每個問題都能有合理的答案 但真的很難相信谷歌在賣手機這 件事上不能做得更好 This is no hobby 這不是個消遣 If we accept that Google is not grossly incompetent at selling smartphones, the only reasonable explanation remaining is that Google doesn’t want to sell smart phones in high volumes. But why? 如果我們接受谷歌並非沒有能力賣手機 唯一合理的解釋是谷歌不想賣太多手機 為什麼呢 Is hardware just a “hobby” for Google? That’s hard to believe. Both Google CE O Sundar Pichai and head of hardware Rick Osterloh have stated the company is se rious about hardware, which they hope to turn into a meaningful revenue source w ithin five years. Google made close to $90 billion in revenue in 2016, so when w e say meaningful we’re talking about tens of millions of units sold. 難道投入硬體只是谷歌的消遣嗎 這很難令人相信 谷歌的執行長和硬體部門的主管都表明對 硬體的態度很認真且希望五年內轉化成意義重大的收益 谷歌在2016年賺了約九百億 所以當 談到"意義重大的收益"我們是在講賣出上百萬的量 Some embarrassing failures aside, Google has already taken some steps that sugge st it actually is serious about hardware. It set up a unified hardware operation (under Osterloh, former head of Motorola); it acquired a large part of HTC’s e ngineering team; and it poured money into TV ads and other marketing activities. Its hardware-related message in the past two years has been remarkably consiste nt, which is a bit unusual for a company known for flip-flopping in other areas. 撇除一些尷尬的失敗 谷歌已經採取一些行動表明他們在硬體上是玩真的 建立硬體部門 買 來許多宏達電的工程師 花錢買廣告 兩年來這些跟硬體有關的明顯訊息並不像是在其他領域當兒戲 With friends like these… 有著這些夥伴 Why is Google pouring money into smartphones, but deliberately holding back when it comes to selling them? For a clue, we can take a look at a recent survey of global market share by IDC. 為何谷歌花錢在手機上 但賣手機時卻有些保守呢 從IDC的全球市占調查中能探出端倪 https://i.imgur.com/OeQiOeM.jpg
Out of the top five smartphone sellers right now, Google has no one on which to rely for achieving its vision of “AI + software + hardware.” Leaving out Appl e for obvious reasons, we’re left with: 前五個廠商中沒有一個能夠和谷歌合作達成"AI+軟體+硬體"的目標 先撇除蘋果 來看看剩下 那些公司 Samsung – A hugely resourceful and rich company. It has ample control over the way people experience Android and seems to desire ridding itself of Google’s co ntrol. 三星—一個有錢有資源的公司 它對使用者體驗有著完全的控制 而且渴望甩開谷歌的控制 Huawei – Samsung 2.0 in the making. 華為— 正在成長的三星2.0 Oppo and Vivo – They’re owned by the same corporation (BBK Electronics) and fo cused on China and developing markets; these two players care about high volumes only. That means a focus on iPhone-like designs and increasingly extreme beauti fication modes, rather than AI and tight integration with Google. Oppo和Vivo 都是步步高集團的子公司且專注於中國跟開發中國家 這兩位都只重視銷售量 著重於類似iPhone的外觀以及日益極端的美化模式而不是AI或是和谷歌緊密合作 Together, Samsung, Huawei, and BBK account for almost half of all Android smartp hones sold right now. Google can’t count on any of them in the long term. 三星華為和步步高持有近半數的安卓市場 谷歌無法與他們長期合作 LG, Xiaomi, and a few others have a shot at entering top five, but when you lose money quarter after quarter, you’re in no position to shape the ecosystem. Eve ryone else is too small to count. 樂金 小米以及其他人有機會擠進前五 但當一季又一季的虧損 便無法塑造生態系 其他公司都太弱小 不可靠 Now is not the moment 現在還不是時候 Put yourself in Sundar Pichai’s shoes for a moment. You know that smartphones h ave reached a plateau and all the big improvements will come from AI goingforwa rd. You need to find ways to put AI at the heart of every smartphone. Here’s th e problem: you can’t trust your most successful partners, and the small ones ar e barely making ends meet. 試著以執行長的角度想想 你知道手機市場正接近一個高原 而AI將會是向前的一大步 你需要想辦法把AI放入每個手機的核心 問題來了:你無法相信最成功的夥伴們 而小伙伴們 都入不敷出 So, what do you do? You start making your own smartphones and try not to destroy everything that you’ve built so far. 那你該做什麼 你開始自己做手機並試著不要摧毀你至今的成果 Google created its own smartphone lineup to further its greater agenda. The Pixe l line pushes less cooperative OEMs, and inspires friendly ones, to follow its p ath by shaping the public perception of what Android smartphones should be. If a ll else fails, Google could even go nuclear and tackle Apple and Samsung head-on . 谷歌創造自己的生產線 Pixel推開了合作意願低落的OEM商並與友善的廠商合作 意圖讓大眾 知道安卓手機該有的樣子 如果失敗了 至少谷歌也給蘋果和三星帶來很大的壓力 Google definitely needs to be a competitive smartphone maker, but it doesn’t ne ed (or want) to be a competitive smartphone seller —at least not for now.? 谷歌現階段需要成為有競爭力的製造者但不是有競爭力銷售者 Google doesn’t want to anger or alienate Samsung even more. It happened before with the Motorola acquisition. In 2014, Google was reportedly so “dismayed” wi th Samsung’s efforts to alter the Android experience, that the two companies ha d to sit down for peace talks. Soon after, Google offloaded Motorola to Lenovo. Not much has changed since then. Samsung has lost some market share, but it’s s till the most influential Android phone maker out there. Its homegrown Tizen OS is ready and waiting. 谷歌不想再惹毛三星(這段看不太懂QQ 推文有好心人補充了) Google also doesn’t want to weaken the platform it worked so hard to create and maintain. With so many Android OEMs already struggling to make money, the arriv al of a strong new player could precipitate a wave of exits and consolidation. T his could give Samsung and Huawei a stronger bargaining position and Apple even more market share. 谷歌也不想弱化其努力創造與維持的平台 當許多OEM已經很掙扎的賺錢 多一個強壯的選手可能會帶來市場大震動 這會讓三星和華為 有更大的話語權 也會使蘋果有更多市占 Selling smartphones is a means, not an end. Google won’t turn itself into a hig h-volume smartphone maker if it can be avoided. It’s a complicated, labor-inten sive, and highly competitive industry that’s spiraling into commoditization. W hat Google really wants is to keep doing what’s worked so well until now: contr ol the platform and let others worry about supply chains. 賣手機是手段而不是目的 谷歌盡量避免自己成為大製造商 這是個複雜的產業 谷歌真正想 要的是維持現況: 控制平台 讓其他打工仔去擔心供應鏈 https://i.imgur.com/qvPXUQF.jpg
Five years from now 五年後 Speak softly and carry a big stick, says the old adage. The Pixel line is the st ick that Google will use when all else fails, at the risk of damaging a platform that was built over a decade of soft speaking. 俗話說拿著棒子輕聲細語(中文有對應的諺語嗎) Pixel是個一切都失敗了的時候的棒子 有 可能傷害谷歌十幾年來打造的平台 The beauty of the stick is you don’t need to use it, you just need to be seen c arrying it around. Google doesn’t need to sell a bunch of Pixels in order to ma ke a point. But that doesn’t mean it won’t, if it comes down to it. 棒子的美妙之處在於不需要使用他 只需要拿著到處晃就好了 谷歌不需要賣很多Pixel 但不 代表當情況變糟時他沒有能力這麼做 The worst-case scenario for Google is to become a “real” smartphone maker who competes in earnest not only with Apple, but also with Samsung, Huawei, and all the other Android OEMs. If that happens, the next five years could be very turbu lent in the Android world. A conflict with Samsung would be inevitable, as the K orean giant would fight back against Google’s encroachment on its hardware turf . The entire ecosystem could become less diverse, as small players get bought ou t or simply shut down. Competitors like Amazon or Microsoft could try to swoop b ack in and offer a tempting alternative to Google’s mobile and AI platforms. 最糟的劇本是谷歌成為真正的手機製造商 需要與蘋果三星華為以及其他OEM競爭 如果發生 了 未來五年安卓世界將會波濤洶湧 必然會與三星有激烈的競爭 韓國巨人也會以谷歌侵犯他的硬體專利做出反擊 整個生態系的 多樣性將會下降 小公司會被收購或直接裁撤 其他競爭者如亞馬遜和微軟將會乘虛而入 In the best-case scenario, the current model is perpetuated. That means Google m anages to convince OEMs to follow its lead and work diligently to add Google-pow ered AI to all of their products. If that happens, I doubt Pixel phones will eve n be a thing five years from now. At best, they’ll be a boutique brand kept ali ve just to remind OEMs that Google is always capable of taking things into its o wn hands. 最好的劇本是維持現狀 這代表谷歌會說服OEM廠們跟隨他的領導 把谷歌創造的AI植入他們 的每一個產品之中 如果成功了我懷疑Pixel未來五年是否還會繼續存在 最好的方法是保持P ixel的存在 警告打工仔們老大是有能力自己跳下來幹的 Whether Google becomes a mass-market smartphone maker or not, one thing is clear – Google is dead serious about becoming the preeminent AI company, even if tha t means undermining Android in the process. 不論谷歌是否成為主流廠商 有一件事十分明確 谷歌非常像成為超群的AI公司 即使這代表 著在過程中毀了安卓 呼~第一次翻譯這麼長的文章 這大概是平常英文閱讀測驗的好幾倍的量 如有錯誤歡迎指正! -- http://i.imgur.com/BE2IyJd.jpg
NA EU 綜藝保證 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1510249342.A.5F8.html ※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 01:43:46
abc60713 : 建議文章留翻譯 原文附連結就好 不然看起來好亂11/10 01:48
歐給 ※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 01:52:15
kevinlin12 : 總是摸不透谷歌的想法,但要做也要做好阿今年的XL 211/10 01:57
kevinlin12 : 也太慘了應該把LG直接排除在代工廠名單外 11/10 01:57
mainline : 推翻譯 噓AAuthority 扯平 11/10 01:58
sDwlr : 谷歌不想再惹毛或把三星推得更遠,兩者的疏離在先11/10 02:02
sDwlr : 前的Motorola收購就開始了。2014年谷歌被指出對於11/10 02:02
sDwlr : 三星全力想要改變Android的體驗感到「很氣餒」,兩11/10 02:02
sDwlr : 方甚至開了和平對談。隨後谷歌便將Motorola丟給聯11/10 02:02
sDwlr : 想。從那時到現在情況沒什麼改變,三星損失了一些11/10 02:02
sDwlr : 市場,但仍是最有影響力的安卓製造商。他的自家Tiz11/10 02:02
sDwlr : en OS已準備好並等待著。11/10 02:02
sDwlr : 以上是中間看不懂那段11/10 02:03 y
emptie : you can’t trust your most successful partners,11/10 02:04
emptie : 為什麼trust會譯成想像?11/10 02:04
打錯了 已更正
kkcity59 : 他很想賣Pixel2,看那價格氣勢,只是剛好搞砸了罷了11/10 02:04
huami : 高原那段 是無法相信 不是無法想像11/10 02:04
該惹 有其他錯誤歡迎指正
sDwlr : 順便推有人願意花心力翻譯外文11/10 02:05
※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 02:05:45
rei196 : END11/10 02:07
emptie : 拿棒子那段就是所謂軟硬兼施吧11/10 02:07
嗯但考慮到前後文 就不修改了
emptie : over a decade 翻成數十年好像怪怪,十幾年比較合 11/10 02:08
emptie : 理11/10 02:08
已修正 ※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 02:08:26 ※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 02:10:32
twtwch : 反正壓不低,三星/中國大廠都能自己玩的很好,維持 11/10 02:11
twtwch : 平衡收授權費 11/10 02:11
twtwch : 買下小鴻海的確是權衡下最佳的決定 11/10 02:13
tom282f3 : 幹 優文欸 11/10 02:46
ETTom : 推認真翻譯 全部看完了 11/10 02:57
seemoon2000 : 跟多數人評估的內容差不多吧 其實還在建立自己的市11/10 03:01
seemoon2000 : 場測試看看 一下子太急進首當其衝就是要面對三星反11/10 03:01
seemoon2000 : 而不是蘋果 11/10 03:01
ykkai : 推11/10 03:02
mco520 : 推用心翻譯!11/10 03:03
mco520 : 是我的顯示問題嗎?我看完上面推文,但內文內容好像 11/10 03:04
mco520 : 也沒變?11/10 03:04。
eric11005 : 所以找了這個曾經的北美王者打工仔htc當合作對象11/10 03:41
eric11005 : 硬體實力htc不如人,但關於創新的部分htc做的還不11/10 03:42
eric11005 : 錯11/10 03:42
eric11005 : 可以看到這次的edge sense 移植到google身上看得出 11/10 03:43
eric11005 : 往後深度合作的端倪11/10 03:43
kamir : 合作廠商能否乖乖聽話…? 11/10 04:03
kamir : BBK能否完蛋? 11/10 04:03
fonghai : 我記得板上之前也有討論出差不多的結果 就是怕直接11/10 04:07
fonghai : 打了其他安卓11/10 04:07
gamedf : 認真來說,他是賣廣告跟服務,硬體不算主要11/10 04:47
hohiyan : 就跟MS的Surface定了很高的價位避免打到眾家OEM 11/10 05:04
hohiyan : 但同時又可以警告OEM請他們不要老是做爛東西.... XD 11/10 05:05
hohiyan : 不然哪天真的不爽時調低Surface售價會先死的是OEM們 11/10 05:06
omyg0d2007 : 推翻譯, 高舉棒子好聲說話 11/10 05:09
omyg0d2007 : 溫言在口,大棒在手 11/10 05:35
omyg0d2007 : https://goo.gl/pyd6JS11/10 05:35
yuxds : OEM要死也很難 SURFACE的產量夠吃下市場全部的量嗎11/10 05:54
yuxds : 而且surface的售價是明顯高一截 要調低多少來促銷? 11/10 05:55
yuxds : 售價往下砍 產品質感也一定往下砍 這還能贏OEM嗎?\11/10 05:56
ms01096 : 推翻譯 內容詳盡11/10 06:15
pirrysal : 推認真翻譯 辛苦了 11/10 06:25
kkcity59 : Tizen真的敢用?很像是委託成均館建教合作的產物....11/10 06:44
kkcity59 : 我覺得三星目前沒辦法離開Android不然早就跑了11/10 06:45
※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 06:57:48
winstonuno : 推翻譯 11/10 07:00
oberonz : pixel一歲了依然爽爽用當中 11/10 07:02
※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 07:03:13
chenszhanx : 買了sp3,覺得surface就是爛東西啊 11/10 07:06
※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 07:06:53
eltonstar : 推認真翻譯 11/10 07:21
Taichun318 : 推 11/10 07:34
princeguitar: 謝謝翻譯 11/10 07:38
kaihon : 推翻譯!! 讚!!11/10 07:46
jack42107 : 感謝翻譯 這篇精彩 11/10 07:57
rogergon : 標題很難聽耶!想認真賣為何就非要大量呢? 11/10 08:05
不然怎麼翻 原始標題太長塞不進去 ※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 08:06:38
yiping0210 : 警告打工仔們要跟上XD 11/10 08:19
alanalan02 : 感謝分享 11/10 08:20
MBAR : 到底是要跟上啥?用lg的爛oled還是拔掉耳機孔? 11/10 08:24
pensees : 谷歌雖然家大業大。並不是做什麼事都可以輕而易舉好 11/10 08:25
pensees : 嘛。谷歌當然想賣手機,只是不是世界銷量第一的那 11/10 08:25
pensees : 種賣11/10 08:25
MBAR : 目前各家安卓連Google都有自己不足的地方,我不覺得11/10 08:25
MBAR : pixel有所謂的「示範作用」。了不起就更新很快吧 11/10 08:25
action526 : 推用心翻譯,感恩 11/10 08:44
maplefoxs : 一加的市占不知道多少 11/10 09:11
※ 編輯: powerdavid (, 11/10/2017 09:12:09
davidfirsttw: 推 11/10 09:12
decorum : google和三星 關係像美好的婚姻 再怎麼好也是有磨差 11/10 09:19
decorum : 摩擦是小問題 因為雙方都清楚 沒有對方都會損失慘重 11/10 09:21
MBAR : 那三星跟蘋果是啥xD 11/10 09:22
saurik : google又不缺錢,做興趣的 11/10 09:27
cc9i : 推辛苦翻譯 11/10 09:39
BlackBird : 這樣看下來感覺Google只是為了警告其他打工仔乖乖跟 11/10 09:39
BlackBird : 上,別亂搞有得沒得? 11/10 09:39
Jason0813 : 簡而言之 老大不會親自去收保護費的意思 11/10 09:42
KirkSynder : 感謝翻譯,以前當兵時士官長常講「輕話重聽」應該很 11/10 09:52
KirkSynder : 切題,但是聽過的人多不多就很難講了 11/10 09:52
kamir : 我認為BBK一種毒瘤的感覺… 11/10 10:27
bc0121 : 谷歌做手機跟軟體一樣只是玩玩,認真在弄的只有會 11/10 10:42
bc0121 : 賣廣告的那些服務 11/10 10:42
cress0128 : Google的目標是人工智慧手機 不是現在的智慧型手機 11/10 10:58
cress0128 : 攪和成本進去跟這些公司生死 會分心 11/10 10:59
WindSucker : 4 11/10 11:17
Jr0000 : 推翻譯@@再慢慢看 11/10 11:26
paulsama : 看看微軟努力賣surface的結果 11/10 11:27
Dream1201 : 推翻譯 11/10 11:40
single4565 : 推個 11/10 13:04
MattOwl : 有趣 11/10 18:55
Jiabumeow : tens of millions是千萬哦 11/10 19:58
frozenmoon : 感謝翻譯 11/10 20:29
damnche : 推 11/10 21:44
s610052003 : 優文! 11/10 22:13
Ice970107 : 優質文推推! 11/10 22:18
naoe1560 : 推翻譯 11/10 23:28
psycheee : 推 11/11 09:13
yoyibbi : 推翻譯 辛苦了 11/11 10:16