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http://tinyurl.com/yxbdufdv 大致翻譯 週五蘋果官方正式宣布結束airpower計畫 蘋果認為airpower無法達到蘋果對產品極致的追求 2017九月發布的airpower是果粉最期待的產品之一 Dan Riccio 蘋果的資深副總裁證實airpower已經被取消 他們感到很抱歉辜負果粉期待 這是蘋果歷史上少數 發布後卻遭到取消的產品計畫之一 有些人認為蘋果取消airpower是明智之舉 airpower在太少的面積上最太多的事情 因為當初展示的時候他可以跟所有的蘋果裝置連動 airpower是近年蘋果堅持無線化的公司政策的產物 Apple has officially canceled its AirPower wireless charging mat project. The company on Friday said AirPower didn't meet its standards and noted it won't be releasing the much anticipated product. Since being announced in September 2017, AirPower was one of Apple's most-awaited products. The company promised that the oval wireless charging pad would arrive sometime in 2018 but later pushed out that deadline. "After much effort, we've concluded AirPower will not achieve our high standards, and we have cancelled the project," said Dan Riccio, Apple's senior vice president of hardware engineering, in a statement. "We apologize to those customers who were looking forward to this launch. We continue to believe that the future is wireless and are committed to push the wireless experience forward." Now playing: AirPower: Apple's charge-everything tech 1:07 AirPower's cancellation is a black eye for Apple. It tends to announce products only when they're ready to ship, which made AirPower's delays notable. But it's not the only misstep Apple's made in recent years. Its Mac Pro computer, popular with creative professionals, has gone without a major update since 2013. The product's redesign has faced multiple delays but is expected sometime in 2019. Apple also has had various bugs in its iOS software, including an autocorrect bug with iOS 8.0.1 and a Group FaceTime problem with iOS 12.1. Some Apple watchers said it was smart for the company not to release an inferior product. SEE ALSO RIP, AirPower: Apple's charging pad is dead despite being teased on new AirPods packaging AirPower wireless charging pad could be a powerful 2018 iPhone accessory AirPods 2 vs. AirPods: What's changed with Apple's new earbuds? "If AirPower was overheating, which is what some had said, Apple could not bring it to market," Creative Strategies analyst Carolina Milanesi said. "Considering others have multi-device mats, Apple could have brought to market a different design, but I think that would have been even more disappointing." AirPower had been expected to work with Apple's newer iPhones, the Apple Watch and the new wireless-charging AirPods case. And it would charge multiple devices at the same time, something available in other charging mats like Samsung's Wireless Charger Duo. Apple's new AirPods, unveiled last week, even come with information on the packaging about working with AirPower. But AirPower was about more than just wireless charging. It also aimed to help devices communicate with each other to manage power consumption. Apple's AirPower demo in September 2017 showed the iPhone screen tracking all of the devices on the charger, displaying their battery status. At the time, it wasn't clear if the product would work with non-Apple devices, or if the technology had been built into a current iPhone as well as the AirPower pad. When Apple ditched its headphone jack in 2016's iPhone 7, it said it viewed the future as wireless. At the time, its head of marketing, Phil Schiller, said the move took "courage." Since then, Apple has rolled out iPhones that support wireless charging, and its newly updated AirPods have an optional wireless charging case. AirPower was meant to be the first Apple-designed wireless charging technology. But its wireless devices all work with third party chargers. --------------------------------- 心得: 果粉應該很難過吧 不過當初展示真的酷到卓粉下面都濕了 落到這個下場 應該沒有人想要看到 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1553901738.A.620.html
air1007 : 極致(價格)的追求03/30 07:24
ceaserman : 對產品極致的追求(X). 利潤不夠高(O)03/30 07:27
tt1069 : 蘋果沒有加值足夠信仰辣03/30 07:30
LaBoLa : 說好的重新定義無線充電?03/30 07:32
chadhsieh : 哈哈 笑死03/30 07:46
yoshilin : 重新定義定義03/30 07:46
yoshilin : 結果小米做出來03/30 07:47
SKYHas : 笑死03/30 07:50
simo520 : 被小米海放03/30 07:54
JhouHank : 笑死03/30 07:56
janeration : 內文是2017年9月03/30 08:05
w9103 : 三星不是出一個可以充兩個的?03/30 08:11
pininfarina : 幫寶適做不出來嗎03/30 08:13
ooxxman : 沒比別人厲害還比較貴,不做了不錯了03/30 08:15
BnkJ : 想看重新定義03/30 08:21
wayne311 : 看了那麼久 還是沒看懂這產品有什麼價值 貴的要死03/30 08:24
wayne311 : 使用體驗上只差在要不要對準放03/30 08:24
b2305911 : 不是就可以亂擺的無限充電板嗎 你果怎麼玩到爆死QQ03/30 08:27
wayne311 : 估計是做得出來 只是真的推出要嘛賺不了錢 要嘛被03/30 08:28
wayne311 : 罵翻影響公司形象 索性懸崖勒馬 讓大眾繼續幻想曾03/30 08:28
wayne311 : 經存在一個顛覆無線充電的產品03/30 08:28
Aerogel : 結果六月九月的發布會........就打臉了03/30 08:34
MBAR : 這也算創舉了吧,厲害了我的果03/30 08:38
Nuclear5566 : 果粉還一直護航 笑死03/30 08:49
xhole : 那敦南拉貨是拉假的嗎==03/30 08:55
seraphic298 : 可能發現拆成三台出比一台充三種裝置更賺03/30 08:57
Bastille : 既然都敢發佈了 代表做得出來吧 幹嘛砍掉 不賺錢嗎03/30 08:59
Bastille : 這種周邊不是超好賺的 感覺做出來超過7K也一堆人買03/30 08:59
hotshot00 : 搞死台灣供應商就是了03/30 09:00
faze : 和碩qq03/30 09:01
n7555235 : 不是做不出,是$$賺太少不想出03/30 09:05
pttcrux : 笑一波~~03/30 09:06
neomaster : 不是隔空5公尺充電嗎03/30 09:09
yogurt0313 : 會不會是這個名字沒有買回來03/30 09:10
doom3 : 發布後還取消== 真的少見03/30 09:27
wangtenghong: 可惜了,想看重新定義後眾卓抄,最後連中階也普及無03/30 09:35
wangtenghong: 線充電03/30 09:35
urban01 : 這間公司已經讓支持者絕望失望七年多了03/30 09:52
f40075566 : 蘋果不意外 果粉不意外 2019做不出來估計這公司沒03/30 09:54
f40075566 : 啥救03/30 09:54
Athanasius : 都是果粉信仰充值不夠,一年沒買3支手機作奉獻03/30 09:55
LiamTiger : 卓粉高潮噴汁ing03/30 10:04
桌粉嘴巴真臭 蘋果做出來買不起抄襲cost down山寨 做不出來開始罵失望垃圾蘋果一定倒 ※ 編輯: c52chungyuny (, 03/30/2019 10:07:49
hitsukix : 只是要隨便放的話,panasonic已經作過單個的了 03/30 10:09
DarenR : 果粉:無線充電果然是沒用的技術 03/30 10:16
chienyu2001 : 卓粉高潮 如果只要做小米那種等級的概念到量產不用 03/30 10:16
chienyu2001 : 半天 03/30 10:16
kikikinds : F 03/30 10:28
iverson07777: 產品支援無線充電,但做不出原廠無線充電板,以後無 03/30 10:42
iverson07777: 線充電有問題還可以怪消費者使用非原廠充電了,幫 03/30 10:42
iverson07777: 蘋果扣死盪 03/30 10:42
qss05 : 做不出差異化,又沒充比人家快,發現腦粉變少了當然 03/30 10:47
qss05 : 趕快收手 03/30 10:47
casper955033: 太自以為結果趕不上市場變化 03/30 11:03
sai1268 : 無線充電盤竟然做不出來? 03/30 11:11
jakert123 : ->開發失敗的成本轉嫁到各產品售價中 03/30 11:14
nptrj : 要放太多線圈,導致效率差 和過熱 03/30 11:27
readytodie : 我真的不知道蘋果養這麼多人才都在幹什麼吃的 03/30 11:40
shlee : 做得出來是一回事 產品功能和其他方面考量有沒有辦 03/30 11:47
shlee : 法達到公司內部要求是另外一回事 03/30 11:47
twinmick : 幹嘛不賣呢...反正5瓦豆腐頭也配了,效率不夠又沒差 03/30 11:47
MBAR : http://i.imgur.com/RsKorGm.jpg 大家輪流高潮噴汁 03/30 11:51
MBAR : 很公平啊不要以為我們卓卓都性冷感嘛 03/30 11:51
kouta : 用心跟最後不出有衝突嗎 截圖引戰王 03/30 11:56
kouta : Get a life 03/30 11:57
love52557 : 笑死 看了真舒服 03/30 11:59
clubee : 安卓直接快充 洗個澡就充飽 誰跟你放在板子上慢慢耗 03/30 12:01
pininfarina : 我也在想養這麼多人結果專利只有微軟谷歌零頭這到 03/30 12:07
pininfarina : 底是人才普還是高層爛 03/30 12:07
MBAR : 原po出來了快朝聖啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 03/30 12:10
BenJMAS : 今天真的一看到這一篇就整個大噴汁。 03/30 12:21
kelvin0004 : 重新定義重新定義 03/30 12:34
ohmylove347 : 我卓粉可是我覺得蠻可惜的耶,蠻想看到的 03/30 12:49
OscarShih : 說穿了就是利潤不好不符合apple的超賺錢路線吧 03/30 13:08
OscarShih : 什麼 檢舉王來了嗎 03/30 13:09
jacky40383 : 好慘 03/30 13:09
erisiss0 : 1月底還有媒體發新聞「傳」會上市勒 03/30 13:17
erisiss0 : 果粉整天給這些媒體業配的都失去判斷力了 03/30 13:18
iwinlottery : 是想看看賈伯斯被氣到什麼程度才會彈起來嗎 03/30 13:48
dwyanelin : 好慘,研發不出來 03/30 13:49
fuhoren : https://i.imgur.com/xC4WoNz.jpg 03/30 14:03
wryyyyyyyy : 笑死 03/30 14:05
louis0724 : 蘋果最近的技術力真的讓人堪憂... 03/30 14:32
sunshinelee : 出了一塊無線充電版, 要教賣有線充電線的商家怎麼生 03/30 15:03
sunshinelee : 存呢? 03/30 15:03
sunshinelee : 幫合作伙伴保留生存之道,不趕盡殺絕偉哉大蘋果公司 03/30 15:04
yuinghoooo : 本來就做不出來吧 03/30 15:13
sligiho : 沒有賈伯斯的蘋果... 03/30 15:15
MARTINA3016 : 其實有線快充就超好用的了 03/30 15:33
comit : 他們不是5V就夠了嗎 03/30 17:07
insidelonely: 重新定義 03/30 17:13
greg7575 : 重新定義做不出來:我做不出來 03/30 18:17
herryherry : 推文圖下面馬上主角就出來 笑死XDD 03/30 22:37
xxxrecoil : 偉哉蘋果 03/31 12:37
bk8879576 : 哇賽 刪我箭頭欸~ 04/07 14:55