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Lumia粉這次比較了這兩台 而且看敘述他從S7以後就對三星失望,不過這次驚喜 Camera comparison. I have been disappointed by the Samsung phones since the Galaxy S7. This was a pleasant surprise. Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite vs. Lumia 950XL https://youtu.be/VzleXMc7n1Y
時間序 0:00:11 Specs 硬體 S10 Lite 主鏡imx586+OIS 0:00:39 Daylight 白天 0:03:02 Lowlight 弱光 0:05:25 2x zoom - daylight 2倍放大 白天 0:06:52 2x zoom - lowlight 2倍放大 弱光 S10 Lite的 0:08:19 Samples - ultra-wide 超廣角 0:09:07 Samples - macro 微距 0:09:34 Samples - full resolution (48mp) 最大像素 0:10:26 My conclusion 結論 Personally I liked the S10 Lite more than the Galaxy Note 10 Plus. Autofocus isn't as good as in Samsung's flagships. The 2X zoom quality should be better. But the overall image quality is very good. Macro lens isn't useless like in Xiaomi devices. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1581432377.A.1D7.html
issemn : 沒想到950XL還能屌虐當代的手機... 02/12 01:05
oscarnevan : 我真的覺得lumia不錯,可惜了 02/13 05:51