看板 MobileComm 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.原文連結:連結過長者請使用短網址。 https://bit.ly/3FuO6pr 2.原文標題:標題須完整寫出(否則依板規刪除並水桶)。 The latest Motorola tablet looks an awful lot like an existing Lenovo tablet 最新的Moto平板看起來很像現有的聯想平板 3.原文來源(媒體/作者):例:蘋果日報/王大明(若無署名作者則不須) Phonearena/Adrian Diaconescu 4.原文內容:請刊登完整全文(否則依板規刪除並水桶)。 https://i.imgur.com/nNWkk6y.png
It's a well-known fact that the coronavirus pandemic caused the mobile industry a lot of harm from both a manufacturing and consumer demand perspective, but what you might not be aware of is that the tablet market has actually expanded since the start of this global public health nightmare. 從製造商跟消費者的需求角度來看,武漢肺炎大流行對於行動裝置行業有了很大的傷害是 件眾所皆知的事實,但你可能不知道的是自從這全球性的健康惡夢開始流行起,平板電腦 的市場實際上已經擴大了。 Lenovo just so happens to be one of the major companies that had the most to gain from this unexpected market recovery these last couple of years, and in addition to being incentivized to release more and more budget-friendly mid-rangers under its own brand, the tech giant was encouraged to revive Motorola's Android tablet line as well. 聯想恰好是過去幾年從市場意外復甦中獲益最多的主要公司之一,除了受到刺激以自有品 牌發表越來越多低預算的中階產品外,這家科技巨頭也致力重振Moto的 Android平板系列 。 Of course, the Xoom name is dead and buried, so Motorola's parent company opted instead for a somewhat generic Tab G20 label a few months back. The same goes for the Moto Tab G70, which is the brand's sophomore tablet effort under Lenovo's leadership. 當然,Xoom這個名字早已死了,因此Moto的母公司在幾個月前選擇了一個有點通俗的Tab G20名稱。Moto Tab G70 也是如此,這是該品牌在聯想營運下的第二款平板。 Discreetly made official in Brazil and India, the hot new 11-incher may look oddly familiar to cash-strapped Android slate enthusiasts in countries like the US. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that, as the Moto Tab G70 takes more than a few cues from 2021's $260 and up Lenovo Tab P11 Plus. 這款熱門的 11 "新機種在巴西和印度悄悄的正式發表,對於如美國等國家中手頭拮据的 Android 平板電腦愛好者來說,這平板可能看起來異常熟悉。對此有一個非常合理的解釋 ,因為 Moto Tab G70 從 2021 年的 260 美元及更高的聯想 Tab P11 Plus 中汲取了很 多線索。 https://i.imgur.com/Ao2SmOA.png
In fact, this seems to be little more than a rebranded device, with the same exact 2K IPS LCD panel, octa-core MediaTek Helio G90T processor, 7,700mAh battery capable of 20W charging, 13MP rear-facing camera, and 8MP selfie shooter in tow. 事實上,這似乎只不過是一個貼牌機多了點小修改。搭載相同的2K IPS面板、八核聯發科 Helio G90T處理器、支援20W快充的7700mAh的電池、13MP主鏡頭及8MP自拍鏡頭。 Even the dual-tone aluminum design has gone unchanged, so naturally, the Moto Tab G70 apes the Lenovo Tab P11 Plus dimensions while curiously tipping the scales at 10 grams more. Somewhat disappointingly, the "new" tab is also set to run the same Android 11 software as the "old" model out the box. 甚至連雙色調鋁合金設計也沒有改變,所以很顯然地Moto Tab G70效仿了聯想Tab P11 Plus的尺寸,同時有個奇怪的事情是重量插了10g以上。有點令人失望的是這"新款"平板 跟"舊款"平板搭載相同的Android 11作業系統。 In Brazil, a 64GB storage variant with 4 gigs of RAM also on deck is officially priced at the rough equivalent of $390, which sounds excessive... but doesn't really matter for potential US buyers, as we don't expect the Moto Tab G70 to ever expand around those parts anyway. 在巴西,一個64GB/4G RAM的官方價大約為390美元,這聽起來似乎有點過分......。但這 對潜在的美國買家來說並不重要,因為我們並不指望Moto Tab G70會拓展到美國市場。 What's important to note is that Lenovo continues to pay more and more attention to its Moto brand, which can only be considered good news by hardcore fans worldwide. Who knows, maybe one of these days we'll actually see an "original" tablet released under the Motorola banner. 值得注意的是,聯想對Moto品牌投入越來越多的關注,這對於全球的鐵桿粉絲來說只能算 是好消息。誰知道呢,也許有一天我們會真正看到在Moto旗下發表的“原創”平板電腦。 5.心得/評論:內容須超過繁體中文30字(不含標點符號)。 https://i.imgur.com/Z8HehhD.jpg
不是 這根本一模一樣阿XDDDDDDDDD https://i.imgur.com/Ikopnyo.png
只是換個Logo跟顏色而已XDDDDDD 但這要怎麼讓這兩台平板差到10g以上 這也是挺妙的 https://i.imgur.com/CZOuzkS.jpg
兩個OS看起來也只有Icon有沒有套框框的差別而已啊XDDD 倒是P11 Plus現在才發現居然有內建前置ToF 相當於類似Face ID的概念 不過應該就沒指紋辨識了 現在看來moto真的都挺無感的機種 畢竟都賣給聯想了 moto魂也差不多死透了 就跟今年ThinkPad一樣 整個Z系列ThinkPad元素一堆都沒了 -- https://i.imgur.com/UrRsR5t.jpg
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Clarkliu: g90t是哪裡撿的 s615應該是打錯字 01/14 03:30
Stupidog5566: 看到這LOGO我還以為是2005年 01/14 05:53
NX9999: 這LOGO超復古 01/14 09:20
NX9999: https://i.imgur.com/NC8UZ1O.jpg 01/14 09:20
orange21: 行動裝置moto聯想同一家阿 01/14 12:43
n3688: 小摩 PAD plus 01/14 22:12
tzuen000: 他現在就是中國品牌 有什麼大驚小怪的呢 01/15 02:02