看板 Monkeys 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Thomas Signore https://baseballjobsoverseas.com/players/thomas-signore/ 履歷表(誤) (1997年開始在小聯盟執教) Tom got his first affiliated coaching gig in 1997 with the Montreal Expos as the pitching coach for the Vermont Expos. He remained within the Expos systems until 2002 when he accepted a job with the Florida Marlins and worked within their organization until 2004. In 2005 he was named the pitching coach of the Auburn Doubledays which are part of the Toronto Blue Jays system. He remained with the Blue Jays organization until he was hired by the New York Mets in 2011 as the pitching coach for their AAA affiliate, the Las Vegas 51s . He went back to the Blue Jays AA affiliate the New Hampshire Fisher Cats for 2012 and 2013 before settling back in with the Mets for 2014 and 2015. Most recently he was with the Pittsburg Pirates in 2016 and 2017. (3次年度最佳養成投手教練、5次明星賽投手教練) Tom was named Player Development Coach Of The Year on three different occasions and named as the All-Star Game pitching coach 5 times in various leagues. 有之前的訪談影片:https://youtu.be/fqo0dJRmTyU
**蘋果** 席格諾曾擔任過博覽會、馬林魚、藍鳥、大都會與海盜等小聯盟系統的投手教練, 在藍鳥時期曾指導過耿伯軒與鄭錡鴻。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Monkeys/M.1577662176.A.310.html
sharkhead: 期待....... 12/30 07:30
eee60109: 三毛? 12/30 07:31
※ 編輯: hopper ( 臺灣), 12/30/2019 07:32:53
lovemeteor: 三毛各家媒體都有提到可能加盟樂天 12/30 07:35
hopper: 三毛可能是牛棚教練吧? 12/30 07:36
sherry99178: 推推推 12/30 07:36
Y225: 推啦,希望二軍再一個投教 12/30 07:37
p50042220: 起飛預備? 12/30 07:38
Y225: 現在新聞都是一軍,二軍有拜託 12/30 07:38
lovemeteor: 二軍新訊息是好像正義YoYo一起扛打擊+外野教練,不過 12/30 07:40
lovemeteor: 這位外籍投教報導沒說他去一軍還二軍@@ 12/30 07:40
exciplex14: 投手養成忽然變得有希望! 12/30 07:43
hzbug11: 所以中文名可能就是湯馬仕? 12/30 08:27
Finn5566: 在這隊應該是湯猛仕 12/30 08:39
nttc5415: 估計是湯猛 12/30 08:40
currykukuo: 有消息來源嗎 想看 12/30 08:42
TheMadThanos: 希望是常駐而不只是客座 12/30 08:44
Y225: 來源是蘋果 12/30 08:45
hopper: 蘋果日報的新聞 12/30 08:50
currykukuo: 了解 感謝大大 12/30 09:20
currykukuo: 推整理 12/30 09:24
bigsun0709: 難怪不跟3號續約 12/30 09:31
macrose: 我只信真魚 12/30 09:33
stonys: 湯猛銳(?) 12/30 09:46
hopper: 這個應該是備案吧?3號本來就不要了啊 12/30 09:54
iceroy: 外籍投教去二軍培養比較好吧 12/30 10:14
zzs123344: 期待阿 12/30 10:50
lovemeteor: apple也有說最晚明天就會宣布教練團的成員 12/30 10:57
e04bank: 隨便也比3號強啊 12/30 10:58
CCptt: http://bit.ly/2F3kvab 蘋果新聞 12/30 12:07
baobao18: 我猜三毛一軍投教,老外+小寶二軍 12/30 12:23
RASSIS: 這麼快就有老外腹案 JT想換3號想很久了嗎WWW 12/30 12:26
mars21: https://i.imgur.com/WEG7LnQ.jpg 12/30 12:38
e04bank: 打教有魯汁? 12/30 12:41
hopper: 推文爆掛很久了 12/30 12:44
furret: 小寶不會放二軍了 藍也看過小寶在二軍怎麼對待他選的人 12/30 13:10