看板 Movie-Score 關於我們 聯絡資訊
此次有幸直參適逢50週年之San Diego Comic-Con 2019! 並於週四上午衝進Ballroom 20前排,與台下眾多原聲帶頭們一同聆聽; "7th Annual Musical Anatomy of a Superhero Film and TV Composer"講座, 原聲帶作曲名家列席,加上Michael Giacchino主持(個人偶像), 一個小時的講座實在不過癮,內容充實、風趣且流暢精采! 當天有幸錄下本講座完整內容,與板友們一同分享,希望各位喜歡: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkxKspdV8Eo
講座簡述: Music has always been an important supporting character in movies; it goes to another level in the superhero film genre where the music sets a tone that helps define a character, an impending battle, or a triumphant moment. The annual Musical Anatomy of a Superhero returns with a Justice League/Avenger panel of superhero composers of superhero films. Unreleased music and video clips from upcoming and recently released projects will be featured. Leading Hollywood composers will explain the process and challenges of creating music behind the superhero genre, along with collaborating with the director, producers, and the franchise. Composer panelists include Pinar Toprak (Captain Marvel, Krypton), Benjamin Wallfisch (Shazam!, Hellboy), Sherri Chung (Batwoman, Super Girl), Blake Neely (Batwoman, The Flash), Christopher Lennertz (The Boys, Agent Carter), and moderator Michael Giacchino (Spider-Man: Far From Home, Dr. Strange), with introductions by Ray Costa (Costa Communications). *講座後還有幸獲得Michael Giacchino親筆簽名,這本蜘蛛人離家日日版場刊 勢必成為家族珍寶XD https://i.imgur.com/0GRqlLn.jpg
**目前同樣在今年SDCC進行的Bear McCreary "The Music of Monsters: Kaiju Concerto with Composer"講座尚在剪輯當中,完成後將儘速與板友們分享! -- N@B ──── £0.10p SWEAR BOX BAST*RD ─ £0.20p SHI+  ─── £0.50p ALL PROCEEDS TO THE F*@K  ─── £1.00p RESTORATION OF THE CUNT  ─── £2.00p     CHURCH ROOF  -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Movie-Score/M.1563977415.A.A2F.html ※ 編輯: ACGamigo ( 臺灣), 07/24/2019 22:13:22
ian8275: 超羨慕! 07/26 22:01
wakeupzero: 好棒 07/30 00:32