看板 MuscleBeach 關於我們 聯絡資訊
肥宅如我今天在健身房時想來個臥推 不料卻沒一張臥推床可以使用 只好先去做其他項目 做完晃回來時剛好看到有一個外國人做完要起來 立刻三步踏作兩步的上前詢問 「Have u finished??」 「oh yes」老外回答著 心裡想說槓片也剛好是我的重量,想請老外不用拆,我來就可以了 不料英文程度太差只能在心裡想Let me....個不停 不過幸好老外接著說 「我收完槓片就給你」 聽到他會說中文,我立刻「沒關係我來就可以了」 所以想請教,這種情形要怎麼翻成英文才好?! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MuscleBeach/M.1535480990.A.C60.html
hacj555555: leave me alone08/29 02:37
ms0354758: 你就跟他Leave it there就好了08/29 02:39
theshield: may08/29 02:45
xm3fu0: Sure08/29 03:02
kjkj2132: can i anal?08/29 03:19
phds: it's okay就好了08/29 03:23
zzxxzz: open your leg08/29 03:25
a0740287: Let it go08/29 03:25
morgankhs: Gg in in der la08/29 03:49
s21995303: You jump, l jump.08/29 03:51
stee7ers123: May show gun more?08/29 03:56
kenjohn: do you want go to bathroom I can help you08/29 04:06
kenjohn: may I kiss your ass?08/29 04:07
a1250423: I'm okay with this weight08/29 04:21
icefire: give me your ball08/29 04:30
talrasha: 你在台灣先說中文08/29 04:35
Audien: I'm gay08/29 04:38
burnsy0018: Just leave it, thanks08/29 06:01
lolhaha: I can do this all day08/29 06:15
peggy345: 維大利08/29 06:33
SoftCatalyst: U can leave the plates on the barbell thx08/29 06:34
heavenbeyond: 比較禮貌就說:It is ok, you can leave it there. 08/29 06:50
heavenbeyond: 說Just leave it there也可,但口氣較差。08/29 06:51
Spartan117: It's alright, just leave it there.08/29 07:23
wei12f8158: How do you turn this on ?08/29 07:26
corner0111: wanna try my anal ?08/29 07:31
elliotpvt: Fuck off08/29 07:32
SilverGpoint: suck my ball08/29 07:32
anoymouse: black sheep wall08/29 07:38
a5365389: show me the money08/29 07:46
man30cm: It's OK, just leave it.08/29 07:55
a101205307: 黑人說尼哥,白人說white pig08/29 07:58
Kyo5566: Is it good to drink?08/29 08:09
hsyuhe: 講中文啊08/29 08:13
tf262728: Sit down please.08/29 08:13
bc015128: okok,this is a book,that is an apple08/29 08:30
he01852151: How are you08/29 08:30
F1ower: Who’s your daddy?08/29 08:32
dakkk: show me the money08/29 08:38
final1120: I drive , You shot08/29 08:44
ccufcc: let me go08/29 08:48
ckHuang: 不需要用中文邏輯翻成英文,這樣反而講太多08/29 08:49
kbt2720: get out !summerbeach08/29 08:49
philip908142: 西當普力斯 08/29 08:52
jasonchengkk: I have a pen, you have an anal....bang! analpen08/29 08:54
c891: get away08/29 09:12
alloc: Just get out of here. Right now! Chicken.08/29 09:13
samwang123: Get the fk out here08/29 09:16
yeahwazzup: what are you doing madafaka08/29 09:16
dreaminc: right about now the funk soul brother08/29 09:17
xm3fu0: Cash me outside how about dat?08/29 09:27
chigo520: just get out fxxk here08/29 09:50
Kona72956: Can you be my sugar daddy?08/29 10:01
xxhunter: 大家亂七八糟的英文都很強!08/29 10:05
Tammievil: Do u even lift bru08/29 10:12
dogless: do you have dat gg?08/29 10:25
Csir: keep it08/29 10:25
Chan91143: Its fine. This weight suitable for me.08/29 10:26
haloducks: PEACE!08/29 10:27
l2l: No pain no gain08/29 10:39
kkkppp: I'm coming....I'm coming....08/29 10:40
banbee100: I'll just do you08/29 10:43
ElrosHsun: who's your daddy?08/29 10:51
INeverToldU: HI海馬BOY drink coffee 又出力 讓you胃食道逆流了?08/29 10:54
ksfable: 推文很鬧08/29 10:56
bearhwa: Let me... be your boy. 08/29 11:01
susuqi: I can handle it cuz I’m a warrior 然後抖動胸肌08/29 11:02
watwmark: 最近偶而會在三重成吉遇到53kg級世界女子健力冠軍08/29 11:05
watwmark: 我只敢說聲Hi然後就掩面跑走惹08/29 11:06
sporplo0221: Do u no de wae08/29 11:27
amarni333: you are cupcake08/29 11:41
ivan80820: 義大利08/29 11:43
moonjimmy: mei show gan mo08/29 11:51
luxylu: I am your father08/29 11:59
leisle: make America great again08/29 12:04
cosmetics: why so serious?08/29 12:22
littled207: Ready to gun you down08/29 12:29
Tomie: Get the fxxx off08/29 12:36
cuteVictor: Suck my duck08/29 12:43
kobelakers: suck my dick08/29 12:49
ArtenisV: It's good to drink?08/29 12:52
Iversonshao: Hey man freeze08/29 12:53
corner0111: say my name08/29 13:02
roturier711: you do I do08/29 13:06
nightone1022: 認真回人家說用完了你就說謝謝就好,他如果有收的動08/29 13:13
nightone1022: 作直接說you r alright /it's okay, I want do the08/29 13:13
nightone1022: weight as well 最重要的當然是thank you08/29 13:13
又學到兩種說法,thank you一定要說的
bjj: This is a book. 08/29 13:42
pepperHu: look three little08/29 13:47
qqqm: 人在台灣他會講中文就不用跟他講英文啦!再說又不是老外母語08/29 14:42
qqqm: 就是英文08/29 14:42
Jasai: Let's come together!08/29 15:01
joey053131: I can do this weight.just let me hand up.thank u08/29 15:06
zoophile: you are hand some08/29 15:24
hahayoyotv: Fucking get out right now08/29 15:44
kevingamer: Be gone, thoughts08/29 15:54
su64: give it to me08/29 16:55
star2824: 被推文笑死08/29 16:56
ultima7: I have a pen08/29 16:57
ChanceYeh: 肌友的推文看完真好笑08/29 17:19
JU8213520: This is a apple.08/29 17:28
Dino60128: Unlimited Blade Works08/29 17:37
deathwomen: 都會說中文了硬要說英文也太不禮貌08/29 17:57
所以我回中文啊,只是先問起來放,難保每次都遇到會中文的, ※ 編輯: as850327 (, 08/29/2018 18:54:42
D1D1AO: 看推文笑到腹肌力竭 08/29 18:41
outerspacejj: put your hands up 08/29 18:54
mowkow0611: 我還以為會有 play one 08/29 19:08
LaPAELLA: 裝傻直接躺他身上開始臥推 不用說話 08/29 19:09
Jefa910: 已經沒問題了 因為我來了 08/29 21:23
yuanzhong: lick my balls sucker 08/29 21:51
vacuum: Watch and learn! 08/29 22:14
Josephcheng: I got this 或 I can handle that吧 08/29 22:30
yayagogo109: Ur fine 08/29 23:06
chanel1259: 東踏取密 08/30 01:37
yngfe: Fuck off u motherfucker! 08/30 01:42
pelier: Off you go 08/30 02:05
hank727: Nice boob 08/30 02:47
LosPollos: i am HIV+ !!! 搞定 08/30 04:59
sexyhonda: Winter is coming, you know nothing 08/30 09:39
solidmiss: Say. My. Name!!!!!!! 08/30 11:34
chouvincent: suck my big fat dick 08/30 18:41
SupCat: May show gun more 08/30 20:20
Overpowered: 看完推文覺得我的英文會話能力突飛猛進 08/31 15:11
ao1538: Trick or Treat Smell my dick~ 09/01 20:19