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SI.com's Top 100 NBA Players of 2016 http://www.si.com/nba/top-100-nba-players-2016# 大家好我是翻譯小幫手 會跟原本翻譯的大大互相合作盡快把全文給大家翻出來 也請大家不吝指教 謝謝 上台一鞠躬 No.88 Isaiah Thomas Celtics | Guard | Last year: 90 Generously listed at 5’9”, Isaiah Thomas is one-half of an incredible player. A skilled pick-and-roll point guard who used a greater percentage of his team’s possessions than any point guard not named Russell Westbrook, Thomas generally manages to stay on the good side of the line that separates “does a lot” and “tries to do too much.” He’s a prototypical quality Sixth Man: he can run an offense (as long as he’s the center of the action), he can beat a defense from outside, he’s very skilled at getting to the line, he enjoys Westbrookian self-confidence, and his high activity level draws a lot of attention and defensive help. From a Player Efficiency Rating perspective, Thomas is on par with All-Stars like John Wall and Jeff Teague, his True Shooting Percentage is comparable to All-Star Kyrie Irving, and his Offensive Real Plus-Minus last season was identical to All-Star Damian Lillard ’s. When it comes to pound-for-pound point creation, the 2011 draft’s Mr. Irrelevant might just be at the top of the list, and he generates more than his fair share of entertainment, too. 就算給他5尺9吋(我猜作者可能認為根本沒這身高),Thomas可以算半個令人難以置信 的球員,除了Russell Westbrook外沒有一位控球後衛在場上如此大量的使用Pick&Roll ,在做的不錯與做得太多之間Thomas大多算是處在做得不錯的狀態,他是一位典型的第六 人:可以參與進攻(只要他是這個戰術的核心),可以克服外線的防守也非常會買犯規,並 且有著像Westbrook般的自信,而他強大的運動能力往往能吸引了防守者的注意與幫忙防 守的產生。在PER值中,Thomas跟全明星控球後衛例如John Wall或Jeff Teague是同等級 的,而他的真實命中率也可以跟全明星控球後衛Kyrie Irving比肩,上一季在進攻正負值 方面與全明星控球後衛Damian Lillard是相同的。如果我們在這個量級的得分能力而論 ,這位2011年選秀最末端的球員被他擺在最上端,而且他打球的娛樂性十足。 Unfortunately, Thomas’s weaknesses as a defender negate a good chunk of his offensive prowess: The Suns’ defensive rating was three points worse when Thomas was on the court before the trade and the Celtics’ defensive rating was nearly three points worse when Thomas was on the court after the trade. The only point guards who posted worse Defensive Real Plus-Minus marks than Thomas in 2014–15, while playing an equivalent number of minutes, were D.J. Augustin (also undersized), Tony Parker (limited by injury) and Zach LaVine (a rookie playing out of position). In short, Thomas gives, Thomas takes away, and Thomas provides a lot of fun along the way. – B.G. 不幸的Thomas糟糕的防守讓他進攻方面的成績被扣分:在Thomas被交易以前太陽隊的防守 在他上場時下降了三個百分比,而且被交易到塞爾提克後,當Thomas在場球隊的防守也下 降了三個百分比。從有一定上場時間的控球後衛討論,防守真實正負值比Thomas糟糕的只 有D.J.Augustin(同樣是小一號)、Tony Parker(因傷)還有Zach LaVine(菜鳥)。簡單來說 Thomas帶給了球隊一些東西、同樣的也拿走一些東西而且他使這過程變得有趣。 2014-15: 16.4 PPG, 4.2 APG, 2.3 RPG, 42.0 FG%, 37.3 3P% Advanced: 20.6 PER, Win Shares: 6.1, +1.45 RPM No.87 Ricky Rubio Wolves | Guard | Last year: 87 The extreme nature of Rubio’s game makes for a challenging appraisal. In a league where shooting is more valuable than ever, exactly how much damage is done by an inferior—and sometimes reluctant—outside shooter? How much is that deficit offset by the fact that Rubio also ranks as one of the league’s preeminent playmakers? These kind of riddles detract from his obvious command. While Rubio clearly experiences the game in a unique way, his polarized skill set can be hard for some teams to accommodate. Rubio做為一位"純"控球後衛為他打分是一件非常具有挑戰性的,聯盟裡投籃比所有事情 都重要,所以一位不佳而且有時不出手的外面射手會造成多大的傷害?就算有這般重大的 缺失Rubio依然被譽為最棒的組織後衛之一,這樣的弱點使他的指揮被扣分不少。雖然 Rubio以他獨特的方式在場上打球,但對某些球隊來說是很難去適應這種打法。 Those teams that can find room to work around Rubio’s flaws, however, stand to benefit greatly. The 24-year-old guard has extraordinary timing; he’s able to thread passes that other guards would never dare and use cagey defense to force all kinds of turnovers. Some of those defensive plays are credited, as evidenced by Rubio’s perennial place on the steals leaderboard. Most are not. The deflections and challenges Rubio contributes over the course of a game aren’t attributed cleanly in the standard box score but tend to show across well in deeper statistical representations of defense. Don ’t let his slight frame or cheery disposition fool you. Rubio is a pest to all ball handlers, never more than a reflexive play away from disrupting the opponent’s offensive flow. – R.M. 這些可以找到方式來解決Rubio缺陷的團隊受益匪淺,這位24歲的後衛有著非凡的能力; 他可以傳出其他後衛不敢嘗試的助攻也利用謹慎的防守去迫使各種失誤產生,有些防守 是被記錄的,像是Rubio長年佔據抄截榜,但大部分卻是數據看不見的,Rubio在場上可 以改變整場球賽的防守很難被傳統數據所記載,不過在更深層次的統計數據統計中做到 了。別讓他比較瘦弱的身型所騙,Rubio是所有控球後衛的惡夢,他從來不放棄去干擾敵 隊所有的進攻流程。 No.86 Kenneth Faried Nuggets | Forward | Last year: 77 Even if Faried, 25, cuts against many of the preferred grains in today’s game, he’s still quite effective at doing his thing. Somewhat counterintuitively, he manages to be an advanced stats darling despite the holes listed above, ranking in the top 75 in PER, Win Shares, Real Plus-Minus aIt’s not very fashionable to praise Kenneth Faried these days. He’s a paint-bound power forward who doesn’t stretch the floor, doesn’t produce in isolation, and doesn’t make plays for others. He’s an undersized hustle guy who doesn’t defend the four all that well and who can’t be expected to swing up to handle fives. He was stuck in the midst of a giant mess in Denver over the last two seasons, and he received his four-year, $50 million extension largely by taking advantage of Denver’s inexperienced front office after he turned in a strong performance at the 2014 FIBA World Cup. 就算Faried25歲打法並非主流,但他在本分內還是非常有效率。不過有悖常理的, 盡管他球技依然粗糙仍能成為進階數據的領先者,他在PER值中為全聯盟前75名,勝利 貢獻、真實正負值,現在並不流行讚美Faried這種球員。他是一個只在油漆區活動的大 前鋒,他不能拉開空間、不能單打也不能為隊友創造機會。Faried是一位小一號的猛將, 並不能防守好所有的四號球員也不能拉上五號去防守,他在最近兩季丹佛金塊隊的歹戲 中堅持下來,並在2014世界盃的好表現後利用丹佛經營團隊不熟悉市場的狀況下拿到四 年五千萬美金的延長大約。 2014-15: 12.6 PPG, 8.9 RPG, 1.2 APG, 0.8 BPG, 50.7 FG% Advanced: 18.4 PER, Win Shares: 5.6, +2.15 RPM 心得:翻譯下來發現我英文好爛ㄒㄧㄒ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1441180876.A.99D.html
st900278 : 先推再說 太感謝了 09/02 16:02
UrThereNow : 不是分身喔XD 09/02 16:06
st900278 : 不是喔XD
Landius : 盧比歐被形容的像是拿不了分也不會讓你好拿分. XD 09/02 16:11
※ 編輯: qw99992 (, 09/02/2015 16:15:29
joulin : 感謝熱心幫忙!! 09/02 16:21
rt1237717 : 超用心給推 09/02 16:25
Kerere : 盧比歐依舊87 09/02 16:29
UrThereNow : 話說IT對於他被排在88名超級不爽 09/02 16:30
st900278 : U大哪裡的消息啊 可以貼連結嗎 09/02 16:31
UrThereNow : http://voice.hupu.com/nba/1948124.html 09/02 16:31
Defence24 : 表示林書豪評價頗高!! 09/02 16:32
st900278 : 在他的twitter也找到了 09/02 16:34
st900278 : http://tinyurl.com/p6kvwxv 09/02 16:35
andy78714 : 推 09/02 16:38
SilentBob : 推用心~~ 09/02 16:39
abcd1234441 : 88還太高了吧 I.Thomas的防守… 09/02 16:43
gt12345 : Irrelevant先生是什麼阿?好文推 09/02 17:03
demon77885 : 兩位大大加油啊! 09/02 17:18
mingchee : 推啦 09/02 17:38
qwerty789 : 推 半獸人算是去年夢幻隊回到NBA 打的沒有超乎預期 09/02 17:45
qwerty789 : 的 09/02 17:45
jc0209 : Mr.Irrelevant好像是指最後一個順位被選上的人? 09/02 17:52
st900278 : 原本是用在NFL指最後一個被選上的 09/02 17:55
miha80425 : 吊車尾 09/02 18:00
carotyao : RU"改變整場"傳統數據跟進階數據都有被記載阿其實 09/02 18:03
carotyao : 每次在場差異性跟隊伍重要性都在很前面 09/02 18:04
likeconan02 : rubio練好投籃 真的就超猛 09/02 18:57
※ 編輯: qw99992 (, 09/02/2015 19:03:00
bomeiking : 盧一球假如投籃練好 天花板是誰啊? 09/02 19:46
JHNJHNJHN : 不會搶板的kidd吧 09/02 20:00
magichong : 推 09/02 20:43
willy14 : 推 09/02 20:58
illidan23 : Rubio那段寫得很好 09/02 21:07
terrorist38 : Rubio在攻守掌控場上節奏的能力,現役只有CP3能比 09/02 21:14
UrThereNow : 盧比其實也滿會搶板的喔 09/02 21:18
BanJarvan4 : CP3吧 09/02 21:28
carotyao : Rubio算很會搶籃板了吧..... 09/02 21:32
illidan23 : 老實說我覺得Rubio的投籃可能比中華隊後衛還糟 09/02 21:38
wed3qla : 雖然沒有CP3關鍵球的心臟和穩度,但是個好球員 09/02 21:59
wed3qla : 看他打出團隊比賽真的很好看 09/02 22:01
經過英文神人的糾正後稍做修飾 更貼近原意了一點 如果有錯誤請不吝指教 ※ 編輯: qw99992 (, 09/02/2015 22:25:14
godgod00 : 感謝協助 09/02 23:35
ikimjustin : 還沒換到lin? 09/02 23:51
dreamweirdo : 每看必推!!! 09/03 07:22
henry155074 : 推 09/03 08:08
cidcheng : Rubio生涯三分命中率3成14,說他比中華隊後衛糟太扯 09/03 10:01
cidcheng : 他最大的問題是上籃超容易放槍...... 09/03 10:02
chimori : 推 09/03 12:04
※ 編輯: qw99992 (, 09/03/2015 13:23:37 sato111:轉錄至看板 Timberwolves 09/20 21:39