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SI.com's Top 100 NBA Players of 2016 http://www.si.com/nba/top-100-nba-players-2016 本次球員:No.47 Al Jefferson No.46 Kyle Korver No.45 Khris Middleton 這篇又翻得好不順喔QQ No.47 Al Jefferson Hornets | Center | Last year: 26 If we accept that Jefferson is likely better than his injury-curbed play last season but not quite so good as to repeat his career-best output from the year prior, then this range of ranking suits him. Jefferson is a sturdy offensive lead who can top 20 points per 36 minutes while rarely turning the ball over. The looming question is how far that offense might take a team. With as hard as it is to survive on high-volume post play given the space-eating style of modern NBA defenses, Jefferson further complicates matters by scoring in a specific way from a specific space (the left block, almost exclusively) on the floor. That Jefferson doesn’t do anything all that well on offense outside the post would seem to impose a low ceiling on his role as a first option. 如果我們能接受Al Jefferson打得比去年受傷還好,卻沒有比前年生涯年好,那這個範圍 的排名就符合他的評價。Jefferson在攻擊端可以繳出PER36:20分,而且很少失誤。 最重要的問題就是他的攻擊能幫助球隊多少忙。在現代的NBA 防守風格之下,主要靠低位 得分已經很難生存。Big Al又讓事情更難搞,因為他總是他得分基本上只能在左邊籃下表 現。而且出了低位他就沒辦法繳出好的表現,做為球隊攻擊的第一選擇, 他的成就沒法太 高。 Jefferson can hit his numbers in a sustainable way and still risk driving an offense to mediocrity. That makes him ideal for a team like the Hornets, which has long lacked the means to do better in their allocation of offense. The nature of Jefferson’s game, though, renders the final balance of his scoring uncertain. One can’t take away what Jefferson clearly does well. There’s room within his post-dominant game, though, to query what role he would play in the context of a flexible, contending team. – R.M. Jefferson可以穩定拿到分數,但同時仍然可能把球隊攻勢變的平庸。這讓他適合待在像 黃蜂這種長期缺乏攻擊端的球隊。 但是他的打法讓他的得分不是那麼穩定,他做得好的部分當然還是很好。他的禁 區打法仍然有生存空間,但是我們合理懷疑把他換到另一支爭冠隊伍的話,他能夠擔當什 麼樣的角色 2014-15: 16.6 PPG, 8.4 RPG, 1.7 APG, 48.1 FG% Advanced: 19.7 PER, Shares: 4.7, -0.91 RPM No.46 Kyle Korver Hawks | Forward | Last year: 74 The game of basketball warps around Korver. Wherever he goes, multiple defenders follow: His own man trailing closely, several others inching toward him out of instinct, and more tracking Korver’s movement with their eyes. So precise is his jumper that opposing coaches scheme around the very possibility of its use. This is impact. This is gravity. This is the perpetual value a player like Korver holds without ever touching the ball, making his every second on the court worthwhile. Korver的跳投實在太準也太好用,敵隊的教練必須為此訂下防守計畫,其他人也會分心在 他身上。這就是影響力,這就是他的球風,即使沒有碰到球,他在場上的每一秒都會有所 價值。 Plus-minus-derived stats love Korver for just this reason. Only 10 players in the league last season outranked Korver in Real Plus-Minus, most of them no-questions-asked superstars. His postseason scouting report corroborated that notion; quality defensive teams in Washington and Cleveland treated Korver as a priority during their respective series. Those tasked to guard Korver approached the assignment with the apparent discipline of a player who had been warned (or even preemptively chewed out) in the film room. The result was a relatively quiet playoff run that said more about the structure of the Hawks than it did Korver himself. Korver在正負值數據的表現最明顯。只有十個球員上季的RPM大於他,無庸置疑那十人都是 聯盟巨星。上季季後賽的球探報告可以看出,那些有著不錯防守的球隊(巫師、騎士)都是 將Korver視為防守重點。那些要防守他的人在影片室應該都被提醒過很多次了。因此在 季後賽,他的表現相對就比較平凡,顯示了老鷹隊(攻勢)結構的問題,而不是Korver本身 的問題。 Korver still forces opponents to play in a certain way and facilitates the flow of the offense in spite of that address. Endurance is critical to his approach. Korver wouldn’t be Korver without a constant stream of activity, most of which goes beyond any scripted play. For all that running, the 34-year-old wing never seems to tire and his shooting form never seems to fade. Such remarkable stamina keeps Korver from settling where others might, forcing defenders to follow as a pump fake flows into a quick pick-and-roll. Even the best shooters in the league need some utility beyond marksmanship. For Korver that comes through in the many ways he assists the progress of the offense. By running full-speed through his cuts, screening unsuspecting opponents, making quick swing passes, and reading situations expertly, Korver does more for his team than most realize. – R.M. Korver雖然受到"特別待遇",還是逼迫了對方去做出某些動作。耐力對他來說是很重要的 ,他如果沒有持續的活動照著戰術跑動,他就不是Korver了。雖然有大量的跑動, 看起來對這個34歲球員來說,他完全不會累,投球模式也不會因此減弱。充足的體力壓迫 使防守者會受到假動作影響,並幫助Korver快速擋拆。即使是最好的聯盟射手都需要一些 別的武器來輔助投籃。對Korver來說就是他的幫助攻勢的能力。透過全速跑動,他可以切 入,阻擋對手,並快速傳導、判斷場上情勢。Korver其實能做的比想像的還多。 2014-15: 12.1 PPG, 4.1 RPG, 2.6 APG, 48.7 FG%, 49.2 3P% Advanced: 14.8 PER, Win Shares: 7.5, +5.42 RPM No.45 Khris Middleton Bucks | Forward | Last year: — Khris Middleton is perhaps the best player that most basketball fans wouldn’ t recognize if he walked by them at the airport. His rise to riches this summer was remarkable: in 2012 he was a second-round pick, in 2013 he was a throw-in for the Brandon Jennings-Brandon Knight trade, in 2014 he toiled in obscurity for a 15-win Bucks team, and when the calendar flipped to 2015 he was just settling in as a starter for coach Jason Kidd. Khris Middleton應該是球迷認不出來的球員中最棒的了。他今夏的成長有目共睹, 2012第二輪選秀,2013在放入Brandon Jennings和Brandon Knight的交易中,2014他辛苦 的待在只有15勝的公鹿隊,而到了2015年他卻在Jason Kidd的安排下成為了先發。 And then, bam: The 24-year-old Middleton emerged as one of the most promising and versatile 3-and-D wings in the NBA, helping lead the Bucks to the NBA’s second-ranked defense and the East’s No. 6 playoff spot. His breadth of abilities on defense is impressive: he uses his size and length to handle isolation assignments very well, he excels as the small and big in pick-and-roll scenarios and can switch interchangeably as the need arises, he plays with standout energy, and he forces turnovers. Offensively, expecting Middleton to continue to develop into a lead scorer is probably asking too much, but he’s a knockdown spot-up shooter who contributes without dominating the ball and can create scoring chances through his off-ball movement. 24歲的Middleton成為了聯盟中其中一個最值得信賴的3-D球員,並幫助公鹿在聯盟中防守 得到第二名,並成為東區第六種子。他的防守天賦實在是令人印象深刻,他用他的身材與 高度來應付一對一的防守。他可以擋拆,並自由的切換成球隊所需的位置,他的體能也幫 助他製造對方失誤。進攻端要求他成為第一得分手是乎太難為他。但他可以成為定點射手 ,或透過無球跑動製造得分機會。 Once July came around, Middleton quickly cashed in to the tune of $70 million over five years, becoming the first piece of a long-term foundation that is also expected to include Jabari Parker and Giannis Antetokounmpo. Even if Middleton never quite makes it to “household name” status, there should be more than a few All-Defensive selections in his future. – B.G. 在七月,他拿到了一份5年7000萬的合約,跟Jabari Parker和字母哥成為球隊中的基石。 即使他沒有成為家喻戶曉,他在未來也值得進入防守隊。 2014-15: 13.4 PPG, 4.4 RPG, 2.3 APG, 46.7 FG%, 40.7 3P% Advanced: 15.6 PER, Win Shares: 6.7, +6.06 RPM 心得:雖然差距很小,不是那麼準,但就這三個人來說,我覺得Korver至少要在Middleton 前面 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1441679359.A.424.html ※ 編輯: st900278 (, 09/08/2015 10:29:56
williams55 : middleton還有附帶絕殺技能 09/08 10:33
VTsuyoshi : 推 09/08 10:34
AlHarrington: 年紀關係,KK下坡,MID上升 09/08 11:02
AlHarrington: 他是來季展望又不是排行上季 09/08 11:03
可是我覺得上季打這麼好 應該這季還不會黃金交叉吧 ※ 編輯: st900278 (, 09/08/2015 11:04:07
blablack : 推一個! 09/08 11:36
doomster562 : 我每天都有追文章, 加油 09/08 11:52
timbrake : 推 只問待在只有15的公鹿是沒翻完嗎 09/08 11:54
timbrake : 15 "勝" 好像沒補道 09/08 11:55
gglonkey : 我跟三樓想的一樣,而且KK防守端沒有MID突出 09/08 12:05
TwinkleFany : BigAl第一段名字好像有錯 09/08 12:09
找到錯了 XD
turbomons : 推 09/08 12:26
wenroujason : 推推 感謝翻譯 09/08 13:28
royalhum : 讚 09/08 14:44
wohtp : Jefferson可以穩定拿到分數,但同時仍然可能把球隊 09/08 16:08
wohtp : 的攻勢拖向平庸 09/08 16:09
wohtp : 所以他很適合黃蜂這種貧攻球隊 09/08 16:11
st900278 : 已修正了 感謝~ 09/08 16:12
wohtp : 但是他的打法讓他的得分不見得像帳面上那麼有益 09/08 16:13
wohtp : 他做得好的部分當然還是很好。他的禁區打法仍然有生 09/08 16:14
wohtp : 存空間,但是我們合理懷疑把他換到另一支爭冠隊伍的 09/08 16:15
wohtp : 話,他能夠擔當什麼樣的角色 09/08 16:15
修正完了 ※ 編輯: st900278 (, 09/08/2015 16:17:51
cpuii : 優質好文 09/08 17:07
Myosotis : 推 09/08 17:11
lmf770410 : KM不錯 09/08 17:56
literchance : 看到KK不得不淚推 09/08 21:37
rt1237717 : 感謝辛苦翻譯 09/09 01:29
noctilucous : 推推 09/09 02:26
isaac1127 : Korver從以前看到的評價 都普遍不看好.. 09/09 10:14
K0RVER : KK!!!!!!!! 09/09 16:42
dreamweirdo : 推推 09/10 14:02
Vincent1219 : KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 09/10 14:14
※ 編輯: st900278 (, 09/13/2015 10:38:26