看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: The Mercury News 連結: http://tinyurl.com/ybkntkae Draymond Green talks Chris Paul to Rockets, Warriors free agency, Jordan Bell and more 嘴綠對於CP3到火箭,勇士的自由球員跟勇士新秀的看法 DANVILLE — The Warriors threw a press conference for Executive of the Year Bob Myers and Defensive Player of the Year Draymond Green in Danville on Wednesday afternoon. 勇士星期三為了勇士總管Bob Myers獲選年度總管跟嘴綠獲選年度防守球員辦了個記者 會。 That meant Draymond Green would have a press availability. And if Draymond Green has a microphone, something interesting is likely to come of it. 那代表什麼?代表嘴綠就會有記者時間,而當有麥克風嘟到嘴綠嘴邊的時候,有趣的話就 會跑出來惹... So here are some of the more interesting Green soundbites from Wednesday, starting with his side session with a few reporters and including his press conference in front of a group of high school students. Green discussed the Rockets recent trade for Chris Paul, the Warriors’ impending free agency, the drafting of Jordan Bell, his relationship with Bob Myers and more. 以下是嘴綠被訪問的精華。(其他的我就不翻了,我翻比較有趣的部份) CP3 to Houston, the NBA’s been going kind of crazy with moves. What’s it like being on the outside looking at what’s going down? “It’s been enjoyable to watch.” 記者:「最近NBA有很多很刺激球員移動,像是CP3去休士頓火箭。你覺得像這樣在旁邊看 熱鬧的感覺如何呢?」 嘴綠:「超有趣的啊!」 Consensus is you guys have kind of forced these moves. “We just play our game. If people need to make moves to beat us, then make the moves. But we just play our game and sit back and watch the rest.” 記者:「大家認為球員報大團都是你們害的...」 嘴綠:「我們打我們的球而已喔~ 如果其他人認為要報大團才能打得贏我們,就讓他們去 報團啊!我們繼續打我們的球,坐下來看熱鬧~~」 In particular, what do you think of that James Harden, Chris Paul pairing? “Two great players. It’s not really my job to dissect that trade or figure out how it works. It’s their job to figure that out. But you definitely have two great players, two great competitors.” 記者:「你對於登登與CP3這一組配的想法?」 嘴綠:「兩個好球員,但是至於他們要怎麼配,那是他們自己的事,不是我的事。但是這 兩個都是很好的球員,很好的競爭者。」 Were you surprised by the Chris Paul thing? “I was surprised by it. I didn’t see it coming. I was definitely surprised by it. It’s different. I wasn’t expecting him to opt-in. It’s completely different than what I thought.” 記者:「CP3跳槽火箭,你有被嚇到嗎?」 嘴綠:「有ㄟ~ 我沒猜到會有這樁,真的嚇到我惹。我沒想到他會用球員選擇加入,真的 跟我想的完全不同。」 You guys have 10 free agents. You’re not one of them. But how confident are you that you can bring back not only Kevin and Steph, but Andre, who has been rumored to be looking around? “I feel confident. Our front office will do whatever it takes to make sure we ’re in the best position to win next year. That’s all I can really worry about. I have faith and trust in them that they’ll get the job done.” 記者:「你們隊上今年有10個自由球員,你不是。你多有信心可以KD,Curry,小AI都會簽 回來?小AI有乳摸說在探聽其他隊....」 嘴綠:「我有信心。制服組會想辦法把我們的隊伍維持在最好的狀況,我相信他們會把這 件事辦的妥妥當當。」 Will you be on the recruiting trail like in year’s past? “Um, there’s been some rumblings about having some other people join. But I don’t think I’ll be flying around this year. I’m done flying since winning a championship. But I’ll be on the phone and involved in the process.” 記者:「你也會像去年一樣也要參一腳在招募人上面嗎?」 嘴綠:「嗯,今年有在招募人進球隊,但是我不會跟去年一樣飛來飛去的找人,從冠軍賽 結束後就飛不停。但是我會打電話,我還是會參與整個過程的。」 As many free agents as you have, the assumption is the big names are staying. Do you look at it apprehensively at all? “Everyone has to make their own personal decision. And I respect whatever decision guys make. We want to keep this thing together as long as we can and win as much as we can. But guy’s decisions are based on different things. Some people, it’s money. I grew up knowing you don’t count another man’s pockets. I’m not going to say, ‘Hey, Andre, somebody’s offering you more money, but don’t take that money.’ He’s a grown man. He’s going to make the decision he wants to make. Obviously he knows how bad we want him here. I love playing with him. But I’ve never been one to count someone’s pockets and I won’t start now.” 記者問:「你們球隊有這麼多自由球員,目前的消息是大咖會留下,這樣子你看起來會讓 你擔心嗎?」 嘴綠:「每個人都應該為他們自己做決定,我也會尊重他們的決定。我們希望可以保持這 樣的隊伍越久越好,贏越多越好。但是球員做決定根據很多東西,對於某些人來說,錢是 最重要的,而我不是那種去算別人可以賺多少錢的人。我不會去跟小AI說,『小AI,有人 願意給你更多的錢,但是你不可以去。』小AI是個大人惹,他可以自己做決定,他也知道 我們多想要他留下來,我喜歡跟他打。我說過,我不是那種去算別人賺多少錢的人,以前 如此,將來也是。」 With that said, Steph has been very underpaid in year’s past, do you almost want him to just, hey, take your money, get your max? “Nah, like I said, I don’t count people’s pockets, so I don’t really care if he takes his full max or not. That’s his money, not mine.” 記者:「有人說Curry的薪水太低了,你會跟他說,『嘿,兄弟,就拿一筆大的吧!』 嗎?」 嘴綠:「我說過了,我不是會去算別人賺多少錢的人,所以我不會管他到底是不是拿頂 薪。那是他的錢,不是我的。」 Your rookie, Jordan Bell, is here. I know you reached out to him on draft night. What do you think of that pick? “Great pick. He brings something to this team that not many people can do, that we don’t have. I look forward to getting in the gym with him, getting some workout in. Obviously going into the season, he’ll become a part of this thing. But I’m looking forward to seeing him in summer league. I’m looking forward to seeing where his career takes him. Because he has a lot of tools that can take him far if he puts the work in.” 記者:「你們的新秀Jordan Bell,你覺得他如何?我知道你選秀那天有打電話給他。」 嘴綠:「選得好!他可以提供原本我們隊上球員沒有的能力,我很期待可以跟他到健身室 尬一下。我很期待他能夠在NBA可以發展到甚麼地步,他有不錯的天賦,如果努力,是可以 成功的。」 He’s been pretty open about saying he emulates you. Do you see that? “I do. I see a lot of things. Number 1, it’s just that passion he brings to the court. He’s all over the floor making plays. I definitely see some of that in him. The way he plays, you can tell there’s no shortage of work ethic.” 記者:「他說他是以你當模板,你覺得呢?」 嘴綠:「有有有,第一,他打球跟我一樣充滿熱情。他整場都非常投入,真的跟我很像。 這樣打球的方式,你可以知道他打球絕對不會懶散。」 What kind of reaction did you get for the suit jacket and shorts at the NBA Awards? “Mixed reactions. A lot of people liked it, a lot of people had jokes. Drake talking about fashion just doesn’t work. If Drake thinks it’s good, then I’ m wrong. I can’t wear anything that he thinks is OK. I’m perfect with him not expecting it. If he approves, your wrong, all the way wrong.” 記者:「人家對你穿西裝外套配短褲參加頒獎有什麼反應?」 嘴綠:「有好有壞,有的人覺得很帥,有的人覺得笑死人惹。Drake對於Fashion的看法不 中用。如果Drake認為可以,那我就是錯的了。他覺得OK的衣服給我穿,我是絕對不穿 的。」 -- NBA柯P,大家都喜歡嘟麥克風給他.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1498708576.A.05B.html
Aretimis7345: 他講話很得體 06/29 11:58
ldeathkiller: 他跟Drake有什麼嫌隙... 06/29 11:59
magamanzero : 除了最後一個 都蠻...正式的? 06/29 11:59
bravo : Dir體 06/29 12:01
tactics2100 : 媽媽嘴 06/29 12:01
a19951218 : 拿了dpoy 現在地位高了 講話要得體點 06/29 12:01
qwer2411 : 他不會進洞的,記者很難訪ㄎㄎ 06/29 12:02
emoil5566 : 回答的不錯啊 06/29 12:02
emptie : 勇士目前的情況是真的可以坐在上面看戲啊 06/29 12:02
allenblack : DRAKE真的蠻屁的 去年還撞腿肚一下 06/29 12:02
kirbya : 這不是嘴綠!這不是嘴綠!太無趣的對話了 06/29 12:02
alicelee1218: 原po覺得跟Bob Myers有關的部分不有趣嗎QQ 06/29 12:04
k78998700 : 覺得他變滿多的 06/29 12:04
lsslz : 綠比起KD聰明多了 不會被記者帶著節奏講 06/29 12:05
lepidoptera : 講得不錯啊 06/29 12:05
seemoon2000 : 回答得不錯啊 06/29 12:05
msekili : 回應得體 06/29 12:06
ALACOOL : 回答的不錯 06/29 12:06
willy7777 : 回答的很不錯不過總管講的話都很無趣嘛XD 06/29 12:08
alicelee1218: 我覺得球員跟GM感情這麼好很難得 06/29 12:08
t5757567 : dirty綠變得體綠了 06/29 12:08
Zcould : 這回答有練過的....沒訓練不可能講這樣.... 06/29 12:09
seemoon2000 : 把自己的球員場外形象教好 本來就是經紀公司要努力 06/29 12:10
laijack512 : Ok 06/29 12:10
OneCell : 記者一直想套話 06/29 12:11
f82287 : 得體綠 06/29 12:12
hiro1221 : Drake的穿著到底是怎樣? 06/29 12:13
leo255112 : 講新秀那裡為什麼講了第一個就沒下文了XD 06/29 12:16
nisiya0625 : 我綠才沒這麼乖呢(喂) 06/29 12:17
poolknight : 我以為走到pokemongo版,大家都在組團抱大腿 06/29 12:19
taipeifinest: 嘴綠跟Drake很熟啦 只是嘴砲 06/29 12:20
nisiya0625 : 我說的殘酷一點 你不組團 就被別人組走了(應該吧) 06/29 12:20
djviva : 推這篇的翻譯 06/29 12:23
puro : 這次還好 沒什麼特別的爆點 06/29 12:27
APC : 得體綠... 06/29 12:28
Faried35 : 得體球員 06/29 12:28
baller0allen: 嘴又不用錢 06/29 12:31
rays0907 : 關鍵字 打電話 ㄏㄏ 06/29 12:36
kcryo0103 : 超得體! 這人腦袋真的靈光 06/29 12:37
Drink43 : 新一代電話招募員 喂~我格林啦 06/29 12:37
michael0419 : 嘴綠是不是越來越成熟了啊 06/29 12:38
lopopo001 : 嘴綠本來就很聰明 06/29 12:40
uglyfinger : 推翻譯 06/29 12:41
cutemouse : dir體綠 06/29 12:42
imlin1117 : 我勇第一 06/29 12:44
try107799 : 回答得很好 06/29 12:45
ChrisPaul03 : make moves一定要翻譯成報大團嗎? 06/29 12:46
ppccfvy : 得體 06/29 12:46
wu2183 : 前面很得體,後面搞笑一下 06/29 12:47
DSun : 他怎麼變成熟ㄌ 06/29 12:47
MidoriG : 說話太Dirty了 06/29 12:47
jason860324 : ok 06/29 12:50
handfox : 不會懶散,可是別隊的懶叫會被打散 06/29 12:52
kaizzaa : 暗指某人會去幫隊有算合約錢的XD 06/29 12:56
Broyz : 得體阿,別人的事都跟我無關,做好自己就好 06/29 13:00
hunder31 : 其實回答的蠻不錯的 06/29 13:02
wy9968 : 他是不是最會打電話的啊 06/29 13:02
IAMGRICE : 勇士有兩個人極力模仿LBJ,一是KD,一是嘴綠....... 06/29 13:06
smtp : 應答蠻強的... 06/29 13:07
s1001307 : 這次比較得體欸 06/29 13:08
pirlo0930 : 記者一直挖洞給嘴綠跳 06/29 13:13
Yeeeha : 開drake玩笑是因為他跟這批勇士球員熟 06/29 13:23
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 06/29/2017 13:26:03
ssd123698745: 嘴綠問題是腦充血時,這種心情好的時候他是很聰明的 06/29 13:26
ssd123698745: 但情緒上來時就很難控制 06/29 13:26
bleedwolf : 去年失敗後真的成長很多 06/29 13:27
justice2008 : 他比賽能這樣冷靜就好了 沒事耍中二吃T幹嘛XD 錢多 06/29 13:33
justice2008 : 嗎 06/29 13:34
killuaz : 得體綠XD 06/29 13:35
d8731400 : 喂!我姆....,不對,我嘴綠啦! 06/29 13:47
boy88115 : 得體綠 06/29 13:48
l6l6au : 這講話滿分啊 06/29 13:58
y0y06a11 : 只有詹粉一直覺得別人都想模仿他 笑死 06/29 14:02
hayate113568: 大人綠 06/29 14:11
hijodedios36: 跟某詹學的真多 06/29 14:11
yun0215 : der體 06/29 14:40
ssisters : Green是個聰明人 06/29 14:55
ccjj8 : 已經承認自己是大團了 06/29 19:49
hohohoyayaya: 踢蛋這個自然動作還是一樣腦 06/30 03:29
bluegates : 受訪的時候他都表現超好的啊 07/01 11:58