看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://goo.gl/e2c64x Source: Boris Diaw expected to be waived by Jazz Veteran forward/center Boris Diaw will not return to the Utah Jazz next season, a source told ESPN. The source said that Diaw is expected to be waived before the July 15 deadline for his $7.5 million salary to become guaranteed, though the Jazz could use his instantly expiring contract in a trade to help salaries match. Diaw, 35, averaged 4.6 points, 2.2 rebounds and 2.3 assists in 17.6 minutes per game as a part-time starter last season and provided valuable leadership and savvy as the Jazz ended a four-year postseason drought by winning 51 games and advancing to the second round of the playoffs. Diaw, a favorite among teammates, has career averages of 8.6 points, 4.4 rebounds and 3.5 assists in stints with the Atlanta Hawks, Phoenix Suns, Charlotte Hornets, San Antonio Spurs and Jazz. ------- Jazz在這幾波的補人以後 目前在考慮交易Diaw 但是也有可能直接裁掉 Diaw將何去何從呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1499963741.A.B79.html
richard1003 : 回馬刺?反正禁區缺人 07/14 00:36
treeson : 他今年打的不差啊 07/14 00:36
jyekid : 生涯就結束了 07/14 00:37
FAYeeeeeeee : 沒空間了 只能放 很可惜 07/14 00:37
※ 編輯: shanyaochung (, 07/14/2017 00:38:39
h321123aa : 市場還剩什麼防守型球員嗎?感覺爵士又要收了 07/14 00:38
jyekid : 終於有時間開船玩太平洋了 07/14 00:38
jyekid : 木鐵 07/14 00:38
FAYeeeeeeee : Favors傷後 屌爺扛了很多時間 和Gobert默契又好 07/14 00:39
FAYeeeeeeee : 又喜歡猶他 放掉真的可惜 07/14 00:39
aayuan : 屌爺速度打防守陣容還可以吧QQ 07/14 00:40
ms8706616 : 屌爺現在沒速度了!打陣地戰 還能扛一下~~ 07/14 00:43
j19930726 : 迪奧很猛耶... 07/14 00:43
DK47 : 暴龍來問價囉 07/14 00:45
anderson1979: 生涯有點危險了 07/14 00:47
gn00945822 : 買屌爺送咖啡機 07/14 00:52
AngelMAyCry : 帶咖啡機回馬刺 07/14 00:57
davidWG5566 : 好可惜 屌爺超愛猶他欸 07/14 01:02
PeterHenson : 他態度問題比較嚴重吧 07/14 01:12
uglyfinger : 回馬刺...姆呃呃 07/14 01:14
ayabrea : 屌爺有態度問題......? 07/14 01:16
skies123 : 不夠認真吧 07/14 01:23
ayabrea : 屌爺:我只是太浪漫~ 07/14 01:25
JanKid : 喜歡喝咖啡的球隊可以考慮一下 07/14 01:34
Maxslack : 超肥 07/14 01:42
ratzeial : 推太浪漫 他不適合進軍對 07/14 02:14
davidWG5566 : 好像已經被裁了 已經發感謝文了 07/14 02:22
Arctica : 反正他現在NBA感覺就是打興趣的…戒指都拿過了 07/14 02:37
dream1285201: 看他IG過的超爽的 07/14 02:39
uglyfinger : 吃是主業,打球是休閒 07/14 03:13
billt0523 : 為何他態度有問題?能解釋一下嗎真的不懂 07/14 03:46
PeterHenson : 就太懶散阿 打球看心情的那種 07/14 05:16
jojolia69 : 回馬刺喝咖啡呀!鬼禿會幫你泡! 07/14 06:22
etop : 底薪回馬刺@@ 07/14 07:08
dream1285201: https://instagram.com/p/BATks8fDIxv/ 07/14 08:00