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消息來源: https://goo.gl/RDRj1P 內容: Pelicans' DeMarcus Cousins fined $25,000 for cursing at fan https://goo.gl/1Sxv8Y New Orleans Pelicans star big man DeMarcus Cousins has been fined $25,000 by the NBA for directing inappropriate language toward a fan, the league announced Saturday. The incident occurred in the final minute of the Pelicans' season-opening loss to the Memphis Grizzlies on Wednesday. He received a technical foul for the incident, which the league rescinded Saturday. "That was pretty bogus, man," Cousins told reporters when asked about the incident after the game. "The ref, he sat there and heard (the fan) speaking to me in a very nasty way. I shouldn't have responded to it, but I'm a human being and I'm also a grown man. I'm not going to let another person just disrespect me. I felt (the ref) should have handled it, he decided not to, but he handled my end of it. I look forward to speaking to the league." When asked what the fan said, Cousins said they "dropped a couple F-bombs, flipped me off." This is hardly the first time the 6-11 center, who was traded to New Orleans from Sacramento last February, has found himself on the wrong end of a press release. He was fined $50,000 in March for multiple fan-related incidents. He was also fined a "substantial amount" — reported to be $50,000 — by the Kings last December for repeated outbursts with media members. 短評或心得: 表弟被球迷罵連環 F word 跟比中指 跟裁判反應裁判沒理 所以就回嘴球迷 原本被判技術犯規 後來技術犯規取消改罰 2.5 萬美金 另類的一字千金...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1508615983.A.721.html
kyle5241 : 那講吸我老二那位沒事? 10/22 04:02
QoGIVoQ : 恭喜 今年第一筆 10/22 04:04
PKming : 吸那個可能是嬌羞地講 才沒被罰 10/22 04:06
tony09100920: 這傢伙怎麼過了這麼久脾氣還是沒長進? 10/22 04:15
Highflying : 所以罰表弟?出嘴球迷沒事? 10/22 04:19
PKming : 一直輸球吧 看的出來對勝負很在意 10/22 04:20
angubo : 球迷怎會有事 衣食父母耶 10/22 04:21
blueocean292: 被辱罵 回個嘴就賠掉近80萬台幣… 10/22 04:22
blueocean292: 我覺得不合理 明明是對方先挑釁 還罵那麼過分 10/22 04:22
Ghostxwolf : 表弟日常 10/22 04:25
aegis43210 : 聯盟不希望表弟領太多技術犯規,所以罰錢做善事 10/22 04:26
aegis43210 : 就當作聯盟幫表弟積陰德吧 10/22 04:26
yeustream : 1樓~KI是回答問題而已,沒問題啊:P 10/22 04:28
OPPAISuki : 球迷就是花錢來罵球員的 10/22 04:28
svchost6 : 點開就笑了 10/22 05:26
junzi : 表弟日常 10/22 06:13
ANCEE : 被球迷三字經伺候 還要笑臉迎人嗎 10/22 06:28
jack19931993: 沒長進? 被罵髒話還要悶不吭聲喔?? 10/22 06:29
jack19931993: 這次支持表弟 10/22 06:29
a180310444a : 貴古迷最愛的球員噴垃圾話都沒事了,球迷怎麼會有 10/22 06:30
a180310444a : 事 10/22 06:30
shinesun286 : 不意外 10/22 06:33
Lovesandy8 : 一樓 可能是事實 聯盟也不敢多介入調查 10/22 06:45
aryten : 錢可以給我嗎 10/22 06:51
LiamNeeson : 那個回SMD的沒事哦,有愛真好 10/22 06:53
GOLDCOW4721 : 球員遭受這樣的辱罵還不能回嘴不合理吧 10/22 06:58
Allenichiro : 表弟被針對沒愛也不是一天兩天的事了 10/22 07:09
rocklin8 : 噓a1803 沒事找事 10/22 07:54
nostar : 服務業的概念… 10/22 07:57
Ilovemyhear : 被罵回個嘴還好吧,又不是打球迷 10/22 08:00
MinuteMan : 被欺負不能回嘴真的衰 10/22 08:17
sac2012 : 怎麼都沒變阿,一樣幼稚 10/22 08:23
O10lOl01O : 跟作生意意思一樣 客人就是神 10/22 08:32
emptie : 說實話就不用罰款?那庫班不知道省下多少錢了 10/22 08:41
love50514 : 這跟說實話有什麼關係 是被辱罵好嗎 10/22 09:14
JWILL : 你們老是說我脾氣不好 我是被你們惹的 10/22 09:19
gn02248917 : 想到之前一個塞爾提克主場的肥佬罵林chink 10/22 09:33
onthesea : 哈哈 看到那張囧臉照片笑死 10/22 09:35
a4444887 : 奧本山不也是觀眾辱罵丟瓶才鬧這麼大的嗎… 怎有人 10/22 10:45
a4444887 : 護航呢… 10/22 10:45
Jbrave : 罵球員的,球團不會黑名單嗎 10/22 10:51
Legojiang : 球迷是衣食父母 10/22 11:20
yuchiehchan : 跟國中生一樣比無名指應該就不會被罰了 10/22 12:22
ssisters : 球員像是來雜耍娛樂這些花錢大爺們 被罵只能陪笑臉 10/22 15:46
ssisters : NBA聯盟這麼姑息又市儈 只是在踐踏職業運動的尊嚴 10/22 15:49
sinben : 表弟真的沒有球星待遇 衰小 10/22 21:20