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※ 引述《lajji (喇機)》之銘言: : 原文推文有不少人提到Bol的慈善事蹟,剛好假日有點時間就來翻篇去年的新聞給大家看看。 原文: http://tinyurl.com/jnvddz6 : Miami Heat forward Luol Deng shared a photo of the opening of Manute Bol Court in Juba, South Sudan on his Instagram over the weekend, calling it one of his "most memorable" accomplishments: : 邁阿密熱火隊的前鋒Luol Deng(現在在湖人)在IG上分享了一張位於南蘇丹首都朱巴的”Manute Bol Court”的照片,並稱之為他最值得紀念的成就之一。 : 原文: https://www.instagram.com/p/6KmSbnGvD0/ : 截圖: http://i.imgur.com/4YdBFXI : Deng lived in South Sudan before his family escaped the country's civil war and headed to Egypt -- where he met Bol -- and then London. : Deng和他的家庭在為了逃離南蘇丹的內戰而搬到倫敦前曾在埃及待過一陣子——也就是他遇到Bol的地方。 : It is unfortunate that Bol, who died in 2010 from a painful skin condition and kidney failure stemming from Stevens-Johnson syndrome, never got to see the court or the impact his legacy had on basketball in Sudan and the country in general. : 可惜的是,在2010年因為史蒂芬-強森症候群而帶來的皮膚疾病和腎衰竭而過世的Bol沒有機會看到他為南蘇丹這個國家,和為籃球這項運動帶來的影響。 : But Deng, who won the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award in 2014, is doing a fantastic job continuing Bol's humanitarian efforts. The Luol Deng Foundation built the court for South Sudanese children to play and learn the game that allowed Bol and Deng to make a great living in the United States. : 但在2014年得到詹姆斯沃特甘迺迪公民獎(NBA為表彰對社會服務的貢獻頒給球員或球隊人士的獎項)的Deng在延續Bol的慈善領域這方面可說是不遺餘力。為了讓南蘇丹的孩童有機會接觸、學習籃球——這項讓Bol和Deng有機會到美國過著更好的生活的運動,Luol Deng基金會在朱巴建立了這個籃球場。 https://goo.gl/JjRssJ Report: Manute Bol’s birthday was made up, may have played in NBA at age 50 Bol 的生日是捏造出來的,打NBA的時候可能已經50歲了 By Dane CarbaughNov 21, 2017, 10:45 PM EST Former NBA center Manute Bol was a sight to behold when he came to the United States for college. At 7-foot-7 and just 200 pounds, his slight frame was always shocking to the eye. Manute Bol到美國念大學的時候,7呎7卻只有200磅的體型非常吸睛 Bol passed away in 2010, but stories about the Sudanese big man have been top of mind lately as his son, Bol Bol, recently committed to play basketball at the University of Oregon. 由於兒子Bol Bol最近入學奧勒岡大,這位2010過世的蘇丹球員又被大家談論起 A recent story has surfaced about the elder Bol and the purported age at which he entered the NBA and played. 最新的故事是關於老 Bol進入NBA打球的真實年齡 According to former Cleveland State coach Kevin Mackey, he was the one who decided Bol’s birthday was October 16, 1962. This was apparently because it wasn’t clear just how old Bol was at the time. 根據前 Cleveland State教練Kevin Mackey表示,由於當時無法得知老Bol的年紀 他擅自決定了Bol的生日為1962年的10/16 Via Zagsblog: “I gave him his birthday because they didn’t know how old he was,” Mackey, now a scout with the Indiana Pacers, told ZAGSBLOG. "因為他不知道自己的生日,我就給了他一個日期"現任溜馬球探的Mackey說But Mackey says Bol was probably much older and could have been in his 40s or even 50s when he played in the NBA. According to Wikipedia, Manute played in the NBA from his early 20s until his early 30s for various teams, including the Washington Bullets, Golden State Warriors and Philadelphia 76ers. Mackey認為Bol也許比這生日的年齡老得多,當他在打NBA的時候可能是4.50歲了 根據維基百科,Bol在NBA從20歲出頭打到30歲出頭,待過子彈 勇士與七六人“The immigration people were in the office [at Cleveland State] and they thought it was great. They loved it. And they were big fans of Cleveland State, they used to come to all our games. They wanted to cover themselves because Manute was starting to get so much publicity. His picture was in the paper. He was on the 6 o’clock news because he was a such a different looking guy than everyone else. At that time, no one had ever seen anything like it.” So at that point, Mackey worked with the local immigration office to come up with a birthday for Bol, Oct. 16, 1962 “It was in October, I wanted to make it after Sept. 1,” Mackey said. “I wanted to make sure he was young enough because he didn’t have an age. I think he was [in his 40s], I really do. But there’s no way of ever really knowing.” 移民局的人也在辦公室而他們覺得這很棒,他們是Cleveland State的忠實球迷 但是Bol越來越出名了,他的照片上了報紙,6點鐘新聞,因為他的外表如此獨特 在當時沒有任何人看過,因此他們想掩埋過去這段故事 於是Mackey與本地移民官合作為Bol製造出他的生日:Oct. 16, 1962 "我希望是在9/1之後,所以選了10月" Mackey說 "我希望確保他夠年輕,雖然我認為 他當時大概40了吧,真的!但是當時沒有任何辦法得知他的真實年齡" Bol didn’t end up playing at Cleveland State, reportedly because his English was not good enough. He wound up playing at the University of Bridgeport before getting drafted by the Washington Bullets with the 31st pick in the 1985 NBA Draft. 但是由於英文不夠好,最後Bol卻沒能入學Cleveland State打球 而是跑去了University of Bridgeport 接著在1985年的選秀31順位被子彈隊選走 Mackey is now a scout with the Indiana Pacers, and he is so far the only person telling this story. If it is true, it would have been an incredible feat for Bol to play in the NBA into his 40s. 現任溜馬球探的Mackey是目前為止唯一提供這個故事的人 假若為真,那麼Bol在40歲時打NBA真的是非常不可思議 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1511334566.A.734.html
sonofgod : 木桶伯也有超老的說法 11/22 15:12
FatalLuna : 還好LBJ跟Oden是美國出生 11/22 15:13
Raskolnikov : 嗯所以Maker.... 11/22 15:13
risk0717 : Maker到底幾歲也是謎團 11/22 15:17
k960674 : Maker連畢業紀念冊都被翻出來了 應該2010高中畢業 11/22 15:18
tsai18 : 不太可能那麼老 他兒子跟歐肥兒子年紀差不多而已 11/22 15:19
tsai18 : 除非他60歲才生兒子 11/22 15:19
IBIZA : 這個太誇張了, 如果他是50歲打NBA, 兒子就是63歲生 11/22 15:19
IBIZA : 看他過世前幾年的照片, 其實年紀跟登錄不會差太多 11/22 15:20
Bigcookie2 : 可能不會是20出頭 但是40-50就太唬爛了..... 11/22 15:23
richard1003 : 不可能啦,看當時照片臉和體型怎麼樣也不會超過25 11/22 15:25
richard1003 : 歲 11/22 15:25
iamaq18c : XDDD 11/22 15:59
NanaoNaru : 唬爛 11/22 16:43
GreenMay22 : 看照片感覺穿西裝跟塗白臉會很像Slender man 11/22 16:47
moods : 這什麼鄉野傳奇 11/22 16:47
Fadeway : 老人就是愛唬爛 才會流傳一堆不可能的鄉野傳說 11/22 17:38
flyforist : Maker有同學出來po畢冊啊 11/22 20:04