看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Kristaps Porzingis Cursed Out Jeff Hornacek During Practice Last Season Kristaps Porzingis cursed out Jeff Hornacek during a practice late last season, according to a source. Porzingis reportedly used the F-word. 根據報導指出,紐約尼克隊前鋒 Kristaps Porzingis 在去年球季尾聲一次練習時,對 著總教練 Jeff Hornacek 罵 F 開頭的字眼。 The incident likely contributed to why Porzingis skipped his exit meeting last offseason. 此事件看起來也說明了為何 Porzingis 缺席了最後賽季的告別會。 At the time, the main factors cited for Porzingis' no-show was his displeasure with Phil Jackson and the treatment of Carmelo Anthony. 當時 Porzingis 直接缺席的主要因素都源於,他對於 Phil Jackson 以及球隊處理 Carmelo Anthony 的不滿。 Hornacek has also been on the receiving end of profanities from Joakim Noah and Kyle O'Quinn. 然而 Hornacek 也曾被 Joakim Noah 和 Kyle O'Quinn 幹譙。 MARC BERMAN/NEW YORK PO https://basketball.realgm.com/nba/news -- Only The Strong Survive -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1522204006.A.A32.html
SULICon : Father 03/28 10:27
kevinduh4 : 老何日常(? 03/28 10:27
no321 : Fat 03/28 10:27
※ 編輯: taylorliao (, 03/28/2018 10:28:09
B05504021 : for 3 03/28 10:27
steven8088 : Fap 03/28 10:28
dakkk : fun? 03/28 10:28
kenny949 : Father 03/28 10:28
jack19931993: 教練做到這麼沒尊嚴也是不容易了www 03/28 10:28
Knicksmelo : F…F…Futuristic 03/28 10:28
Raskolnikov : Fantasic 03/28 10:28
jmlu0430 : Find 03/28 10:28
Gentile : KP:把瓜瓜送去被龜糟蹋。難過 03/28 10:28
aoba : FLY 03/28 10:28
tim1234592 : father-in-law 當然是叫岳父 03/28 10:28
cidcheng : F...F...Forever 03/28 10:29
lillardfor3 : Foul 03/28 10:29
Kyrieisme : I'm your fans 03/28 10:29
cocytus39 : Fantastic 03/28 10:29
MorikonHase : fork 03/28 10:29
yao860718 : Funk 03/28 10:29
Sammy0820 : Far away far away 03/28 10:30
bloodruru : Melo好不容易跑到強隊 KP也當了一哥 明明大家都好XD 03/28 10:30
dakkk : i want fork on the table 03/28 10:30
demon616 : frankenstein 03/28 10:30
Yui5 : 上賽季啊?記得老何不是還找人傳話讓KP別打那麼娘? 03/28 10:30
bravo : Fine 03/28 10:30
TVXFQ : 老何廢物 03/28 10:31
Yui5 : 結果KP氣到回歐洲打比賽時完全不跟老何聯繫… 03/28 10:31
monmo : Fine, Thank You. And You 對話大概是這樣吧 03/28 10:31
ericlin84 : funky up 03/28 10:31
tailsean : Fl~~~~~~y high 03/28 10:31
a12124477 : 尼克就被禪師搞得烏煙瘴氣的啊 03/28 10:31
manuginobii : FeiWu 03/28 10:31
Yench : fire find fring fry friend fan follow 03/28 10:32
star880613 : F~~~~~ly out 03/28 10:32
SCLPAL : 芙連子啦~~沒事兒 03/28 10:32
whitehumor : 突然想到如果當年七六人先選KP..... 好可怕 03/28 10:32
bubblefree : Fisher 03/28 10:34
dog29635841 : 尼克真是厲害 球員教練管理層鬥不停 03/28 10:34
Wacha52 : Fire up Fire up 富邦悍將Fire up 03/28 10:34
sj210444 : Far Cry 5 03/28 10:35
Royalweger : 不都上季的事了? 03/28 10:35
d8456aaa : Far cry 5 03/28 10:35
lsps40803 : flower 03/28 10:35
lsgsl : freedom~~~~~ 03/28 10:36
yoji520 : Fruit 03/28 10:37
citydiver : Feed me 03/28 10:37
mmmn52332 : Faith~~ 03/28 10:38
mask82 : Food plz 03/28 10:39
tigerjohn : Forevermore...... 03/28 10:39
zsp9081a : 花q.... 03/28 10:40
tokiki123 : friend~ 03/28 10:40
sp72313 : Fedex 03/28 10:40
leonmarsman : Fast And Furious 03/28 10:41
BOSTONstyle : Fla 03/28 10:41
Noxus : Fantastic 03/28 10:42
vincent1985 : Finding nemo! 03/28 10:42
pinkygiveme : F.....Father? 03/28 10:43
kf7 : Fei太遠~ 03/28 10:43
s678902003 : Full House 03/28 10:45
icou : Fantastic! 03/28 10:45
coollonger : Freedom XDD 03/28 10:47
ai1robert : Fantastic Baby~ 03/28 10:48
brian21201 : for honor 03/28 10:49
omage : FOR THE HORDE 03/28 10:51
forever920fv: KP也懂 幹你老何? 03/28 10:51
Ilovemyhear : 結果瓜各項數據狂降,KP扛一哥後爆掉。這算雙贏嗎 03/28 10:52
doratofu : KP只是要學哥哥說for fun啦 03/28 10:55
Michael0625 : KP有情有義 03/28 10:56
benrun : 老何只剩女兒能讓他能看了... 03/28 10:57
ewc024 : Fire Hornacek!!!! 03/28 11:11
loserloser : Fisher? 03/28 11:13
bilibo : FOREVER 03/28 11:14
h321123aa : Fine 03/28 11:17
kkjjkkjj : Future 03/28 11:17
tim0306 : Facebook 03/28 11:18
ppccfvy : freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 03/28 11:21
slimak : 哦 開始擺架子呢 03/28 11:24
nekoten : French fries 03/28 11:26
phoenix286 : 去年球季尾就有聽到他和老何不合的消息了 03/28 11:26
aaagang : Flower 03/28 11:28
hacker10158 : for the horde 03/28 11:32
peanut910013: flagrance 03/28 11:33
wnba2763216 : Forever 03/28 11:35
roy80423 : F...F...Feel so fine 03/28 11:37
pinCC : forever love 03/28 11:40
shishio7 : 波神:我是罵fake啦!(騙子) 只是發音不標準~~ 03/28 11:42
shishio7 : Lue:原來我不是唯一被球員罵的教練 QQ 03/28 11:44
nuggets0916 : feed me more 03/28 11:44
jay0055846 : 看推文快笑死 03/28 11:47
DarthVader : Hornacek就是很爛 03/28 11:48
cylu : FonPee 03/28 11:48
stayforever : Fly away 不管留下多少眼淚 03/28 11:50
gn00152097 : 應該是喊father吧 是不是想把人家的女兒啊 03/28 11:53
KayFelder : Fisher 03/28 11:55
nuturewind : Family 03/28 11:59
Yves1020 : fool 03/28 12:00
peter89000 : 不意外,老何的休息室老是烏煙瘴氣 03/28 12:11
addressv125 : FILA 03/28 12:17
s123150914 : Future is Yours 03/28 12:21
Tawara : Father I want your daugh... 03/28 12:22
rayjosh : Folk 03/28 12:23
james840101 : Federer 03/28 12:26
tomandnico : F start head word 03/28 12:30
tupacshkur : Fade! You want some quick fade, bro? 03/28 12:31
herr : Forever love~ 03/28 12:36
megumirei : 剛來菜鳥就擺老 不服教練 看來也不過如此 過譽 再 03/28 12:37
megumirei : 怎麼不爽也不能罵 03/28 12:37
IRPT001 : funk 03/28 12:54
s00105albert: For freedom~~~ 03/28 12:55
albert7473 : Free style 03/28 12:55
c7683fh6 : First of all(clap) 03/28 13:07
dwc999 : Führer 03/28 13:45
ILNARA : F..Freeze! This is robbery. give out your money~ 03/28 14:00
tatsuyas : Friend? Frank? 03/28 14:07
c8c812345678: fast fast oh yes baby 03/28 14:09
jason0308 : 有什麼意外嗎? 03/28 14:36
loveinmars : 好顧人怨的教練... 03/28 14:36
a3221715 : Wakanda Forever! 03/28 14:41
Broyz : KP留不住了吧,你可繼續坦 03/28 14:47
XtinaGrimmie: Falchion 03/28 14:52
wunno : father-in-law 唯一正解 03/28 15:09
qbx325 : fooool 03/28 15:43
ji394tb : FIR 03/28 16:08
s95115260 : 岳父下課 03/28 16:15
assotr : family? 03/28 16:34
leo755269 : friendship 03/28 16:42
ccc5b683 : ffff... flower 03/28 17:09
Giuliani : FCUK 03/28 17:37
ClownT : 老何又要下課了 03/28 17:54
KomeijiYuki : Fat boy 03/28 18:25
semb15 : Funk 03/28 18:33
yeslin : For~~~~~3..... 03/28 19:54
LeoLong : Fall in love 03/28 20:36
EricTao : f...佛心公司 03/28 20:57
ger1871 : Fork 03/29 00:42
vexilian : Facial 03/29 02:38
vking223 : forever young(啾咪 03/29 03:40
vking223 : 這串推文看完會笑死 03/29 03:43
jccat : fear me 03/29 05:40
brendantang : face the wind 03/29 10:13
TheBlackKing: Fantastic baby 03/29 15:40