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來源:https://tinyurl.com/y7yto9xt Report: 76ers' Bryan Colangelo Used Twitter Accounts to Criticize Players, Coaches, Execs 報導:76人總管 Bryan Colangelo 用Twitter帳號批評球員、教練、行政人員 The 76ers president of basketball operations Bryan Colangelo appeared to use five fake Twitter accounts to criticize players like Joel Embiid, disclose sensitive information and share team strategy, reports The Ringer's Ben Detrick. 根據 The Ringer's 的記者Ben Detrick報導,76人總管Bryan Colangelo使用了 五個Twitter分身帳號批評包括Embiid在內的球員,還有揭露敏感資訊,以及分享 球團策略。 The accounts posted from April 26 to last week and criticized players like Jahlil Okafor and Markelle Fultz, coach Brett Brown and executives such as Sam Hinkie. The tweets disclosed nonpublic medical information about Okafor and gossip about Embiid and Fultz. The accounts always defended Colangelo. 這些帳號的PO文從4/26持續到上禮拜,批評了Jahlil Okafor和Markelle Fultz在 內的球員、教練Brett Brown、還有前總管Sam Hinkie。並且揭露了Okafor非公開 的醫療資訊,還有談論Embiid跟Fultz的八卦,然而這些帳號永遠在護航Colangelo When Detrick reached out to the 76ers about two of the accounts, the 76ers later confirmed Colangelo had been behind one of them. Despite not mentioning the other three Twitter accounts, those three were switched to private after Detrick's inquiries. 當記者向76人詢問其中兩個帳號之後,76人方面回應其中一個確實是Colangelo 的帳號,而儘管沒有提及,剩下的三個帳號在記者詢問之後就改為私密帳號了。 A week later,Detrick contacted the organization about the possible link between all five accounts, and the team released this statement from Colangelo: 一個禮拜後,記者向球團提及五個帳號之間的關聯性,球團提供了一個來自 Colangelo的回應: "Like many of my colleagues in sports, I have used social media as a means to keep up with the news," Colangelo said in the statement. "While I have never posted anything whatsoever on social media, I have used the @Phila1234567 Twitter account referenced in this story to monitor our industry and other current events. This storyline is disturbing to me on many levels, as I am not familiar with any of the other accounts that have been brought to my attention, nor do I know who is behind them or what their motives may be in using them." 「和我的許多同行一樣,我會使用社群媒體來追蹤新聞,而儘管沒有PO過什麼 東西,我確實會用報導中提到的@Phila1234567這個帳號來關注我們的行業還有 正在發生的事。 這則報導對我來說很困擾,因為我對剩下幾個帳號一無所知,我也不知道這些 帳號背後是誰或者他們的動機是什麼。」 Detrick reported he was tipped off by a source who worked in artificial intelligence. After the source noticed tweets being directed at Sixers writers, they discovered the five accounts were similar in linguistics used and users followed. 記者報導,有一個在AI領域工作的消息來源向他爆料,他們發現那五個帳號在 語言的使用還有追蹤的帳號都很類似。 (中間有一段Embiid推特前幾篇出現過就省略了) The 52-year-old Colangelo has worked in the NBA for almost three decades, and his father Jerry Colangelo is a former owner and former chairman of USA Basketball. 52歲的Colangelo在NBA工作了接近30年,而他的爸爸Jerry Colangelo是個老闆也是 美國籃球的前主席。 ---- 這年頭上網PO什麼真的不要心存僥倖- - -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1527652515.A.03A.html
Sammy0820 : https://i.imgur.com/O4TUfAz.jpg 05/30 11:56
Sammy0820 : KD:KD 略懂 05/30 11:56
waynesmlie : KD分身2: 我覺得不可取 05/30 11:57
loserloser : 制服組KD 05/30 11:57
wdbgweric : 一樓圖笑死 05/30 11:57
bond30422 : KD:你抄我 05/30 11:57
airiguodala : KD領先全NBA 05/30 11:58
xd4664 : 又是一個死KD 05/30 11:58
chawfyg : 分身第一人KD 05/30 11:58
sbmylife : https://i.imgur.com/CGdZkGB.jpg 05/30 11:59
ianasd : KD:KD教你開分身 05/30 11:59
andymaves : 這都能OP 05/30 12:00
victor21835 : KD:KD才不是聯盟唯一一個會用分身的 05/30 12:01
linceass : KD:你看吧,KD還算不錯了 05/30 12:02
benben994 : 一樓的圖笑死 05/30 12:04
liusim : 馬上變私密帳號超蠢 05/30 12:07
bbbjjj : 影分身之術 05/30 12:09
bilibo : 話說怎麼會有人去調查這個? 05/30 12:09
maydosa5566 : 了不起,負責 05/30 12:11
yeustream : 有的帳號說太多了吧~像是說啥坐在Wade旁邊 05/30 12:14
Wb2029T : 又一個KD 05/30 12:16
gundam01 : 看來這GM準備滾蛋了 05/30 12:19
gundam01 : 大概知道太多事不吐不快 所以開小號講 05/30 12:19
FSGuitar : XDD 05/30 12:24
ZaneTrout : 一樓 05/30 12:30
kairiyu : 推一樓XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/30 12:30
OCEANBOY7329: KD:KD都不會開假帳號 05/30 12:30
elfrose : 推文一定有KD 05/30 12:35
a30253 : 2k王朝劇情都是真的 05/30 12:38
freijaking : 若是真的,簡直爛透了 05/30 12:41
ebabyebaby : 笑死又一個美國林逸欣 了不起負責阿 05/30 12:44
flyforist : 疑似某個小帳還說,富兒子改姿勢是他的訓練師要求他 05/30 12:48
flyforist : 改的,而這個訓練師還在跟富兒子他媽約會 05/30 12:48
flyforist : 還批評球員,說KP比Embiid聰明多了,有機會交易絕 05/30 12:49
flyforist : 對不能錯過XDD 到底是嗑了什麼 05/30 12:49
LSWP : 一樓XDDDDD 05/30 12:59
caesst85149 : 把Hinkie找回來吧 現在的76人也是他建立的 05/30 13:08
ZXSC : the 分身 05/30 13:11
jerry761031 : 哈哈哈一樓 05/30 13:13
ClutchShot : KD:KD不是唯一一個會用分身的 05/30 13:16
caesst85149 : [情報] Embiid:我沒有twitter分身 我只用本尊 05/30 13:17
sbflight : 一樓XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/30 13:20
PeterHenson : 這GM當初還不是靠他爸把hinkie趕下台才能上位 05/30 13:21
ando : 優質總管 05/30 13:29
cchua : KD:KD:KD:KD:KD 05/30 13:31
michael16547: Fire him 05/30 13:37
heyjude1118 : 只好靠LBJ轉隊過去向上管理了... 05/30 13:44
kg0335 : 一樓 哈哈哈哈哈 05/30 13:52
kano2525 : KD:不要隨便針對KD喔 05/30 14:23
insominia : 俄羅斯娃娃逆 05/30 16:45
bakasensei : 請讓Hinkie回鍋吧 否則太沒天理了 05/30 16:53
timmyen : Hinkie現在跑去玩NFL了 05/30 17:09
pastoral : 這可以開除了 05/30 17:37
amazingwow : LBJ: 聽說你們缺全能小前鋒 教練跟GM? 05/30 17:46
Anakin : 有人發現Hinkie之前投資AI產業 XD 05/30 18:17
Pixis : 推文圖笑死 05/30 19:38
newest : 一樓XDDDDDDDDD 05/30 22:53