看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://tinyurl.com/y8mo3q53 慘敗獨行俠50分後 完全轉型為爵士樂討論版了啊啊啊啊啊 爵士版友分享 不看則已 點進去一看全部被真.爵士樂討論文洗版了啦XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 然後很多文章還真的很好笑 比如其中一篇標題為:I Can't Help It as a Lakers Fan....I Must Talk About Jazz 內文是: Greetings, Jazz Fans from the Lakers sub. This is a great turn of events your thread is taking. I'd have to say Charlie Parker might just be my favorite Saxophone player....either him or Coltrane. But Parker just catalyzed the genre's complexity and expanded the musical possibilities of the genre in ways I just can't fathom. It's really amazing. 又另一篇:Let’s give it up for one of the best Jazz players of all time 最好笑的是以下推文XDDDDDDDDDDDDD Utah Jazz: Have never successfully reached the peak of the league by winning a ring Had trouble adjusting to the new style of play Have a hard time drawing free agents Only able to keep the eliteness of the team a secret for half a season Allowed Jordan to push off Are wasting Joe Ingles' prime Lost by 50 to the Mavericks Duke Silver: Has been the clear peak of jazz music since he began his career Is the revolution others try and fail to reproduce Instantly draws everybody in Kept his true identity a secret for years Has not allowed Jordan to push off Would never waste Joe Ingles' prime Didn't lose by 50 to the Mavericks 明後天B2B打也很有話題的not a rookie隊跟贏球文化隊 究竟爵士版會認真討論爵士樂到什麼時候 讓我們繼續看下去XDDDD -- 有沒有全世界的爵士迷都這種樣的八卦 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1542383854.A.F7B.html
koga5566 : XD11/16 23:58
tommy910174 : 這篇也真歡樂啊11/16 23:59
monmo:轉錄至看板 UTAH-JAZZ 11/17 00:05
kkyou123123 : 哈哈哈哈哈11/17 00:05
awestricken : 哈哈哈笑死 11/17 00:09
hahaluck : 果然不是只有台灣的爵士迷 怪怪的 怪怪的 怪怪的11/17 00:09
chi12345678 : ※ 轉錄至看板 JAZZ11/17 00:13
tommy910174 : 格式不對 快自刪吧老兄11/17 00:20
wayne64001 : 猶他爵士樂隊11/17 00:20
Blazeleo819 : 還想說怎麼都在討論爵士樂了XD11/17 00:27
※ 編輯: monmo (, 11/17/2018 00:29:53
TFOP : 趕快推不然人家以為我看不懂英文 11/17 00:32
starxls : 爵士迷 真的都怪怪的 11/17 00:43
Bainite : 笑死XD 11/17 00:54
justin1943 : 哈 哈哈哈 11/17 00:58
deer8dog9 : 現在電台剛好在播菜鳥帕克XDD 11/17 01:05
Hohenzollern: 想到以前簽名檔是老虎球迷把文章轉到蔡小虎板 11/17 01:16
globalhooper: Charlie Parker? 11/17 01:22
eereer12325 : 厲害了我的國 11/17 01:34
stocktonty : 友善過頭了 11/17 01:38
manson1011 : 看不懂內文 先哈哈就對了 11/17 01:47
uglyfinger : 哈哈 哈哈 哈哈 11/17 01:50
boris0610 : 有Parks&Rec的梗耶XDD 11/17 02:01
honher : 爵迷真的都怪怪的 11/17 02:03
AceID : 笑死 11/17 02:08
bakedgrass : 爵士迷不意外 11/17 02:10
Honeyogurt : 這世界只有兩個JC Jesus christ 跟 John Coltrane!! 11/17 02:12
Honeyogurt : ! 11/17 02:12
honher : John ~~ Cena !!!!! (誰開惹音效……) 11/17 02:16
immelo : XD 11/17 02:53
dw1012 : https://imgur.com/KyMC5oM.jpg 爵板上季中的封面圖 11/17 03:09
fablife : XD 好中肯 11/17 04:44
hutten : 爵士迷真的很妙XDD 11/17 06:42
great5566 : 老鷹隊輸了45分應該貼一堆老鷹照片 11/17 06:59
Kreen : 爵迷都不太正常,這是放諸四海的標準~ 11/17 07:14
peterwu76 : 把所有想罵的髒話都改成“哈哈哈”好惹 11/17 08:09
aliboda1234 : 以上皆為二可能會立馬而甜蜜 ㄧㄑ 11/17 09:24
hit0123 : Coltrane 的my favorite things版本真多 11/17 09:43
milk0513 : Stan Getz派的通通給我站出來!! 11/17 09:46
alonzohorse : 爵爵真的都很有梗 11/17 10:03
bye2007 : 超鬧 11/17 10:06