看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇台媒報導的外電來源,沒意外是這篇: https://es.pn/2MfFBEU 由於一個禮拜前我有點進這篇文章看,印象中是完全沒有提到『其他球隊探尋Ben Simmons 的交易』 所以剛剛再點進去原文仔細看了一遍,果真沒有。 由於原文篇幅較長,這邊直接把內文中跟"sources"或"trade"有關的段落貼上。 但還是請各位點進去看全文 Every time the Sixers lose a high-profile game -- especially to Boston -- there are calls across the media for them to trade Simmons. Embiid is the superior pla yer. Philly has built its half-court offense mostly around him. Simmons' lack of a jump shot becomes more of a liability in the postseason, when the game slows. 這裡的Calls to trade 根本不是指其他球隊來探尋交易,而是指媒體對於七六人是否交易S immons的輿論或討論。 所以根本稱不上是『消息』,這是表達一個事實。 The Sixers went into the Butler experience with eyes wide open, and still hope t o-sign him this summer, sources say. He objected during that recent film sess ion only after coach Brett Brown asked if anyone wanted to add something -- and after an assistant coach nudged T.J. McConnell to speak about his concerns, sour ces say. Butler didn't mention just his own role; he mentioned McConnell's too. 這段的內容敘述方式才稱得上消息。 The calls to trade Simmons for multiple shooters will not stop until the Sixers advance to at least the conference finals. I've even seen it suggested Philly de al Simmons to Minnesota to get Robert Covington and Dario Saric back. 一樣,原文的意思根本不是指『其他球隊探尋交易』,而是指媒體或輿論。 所以這稱不上是消息。 Trading Simmons for complementary shooters also amounts to betting the franchise on Embiid's continued health. Philly isn't ready to do that, and shouldn't be. 這段是Lowe個人的想法,並非消息。 If you dreamt up a Simmons-for-multiple-shooters deal, you might land upon a pai ring like Gary Harris and Jamal Murray -- 3-point gunners who make plays off the bounce. Even if Philly would flip Simmons for those two -- and they wouldn't -- Denver isn't risking this season's good vibes to see what a Simmons-Nikola Joki c pairing looks like. 這段一樣是Lowe在『如果真的要交易西門的前提下』的想法,稱不上消息,頂多是他的個人 看法。 And remember: Every discussion about dealing Simmons for shooters and playmakers is really a discussion about Markelle Fultz. Fultz was supposed to be the shoot er-playmaker to meld everything. Instead, he is a zero. The Sixers coughed up a pick -- Sacramento's 2019 first-rounder -- to move up for Fultz. Keep it as trad e ammo, and perhaps the Sixers could have nabbed Butler without losing both Covi ngton and Saric. For those eager to deal Simmons, finding a two-man package as young, talented, a nd plug-and-play ready as the Murray/Harris duo is almost impossible. You veer q uickly into "dollar for three quarters" trades. If the Sixers ever reach the poi nt of investigating Simmons' trade value, they should look for one youngish blue -chipper and some minor supplementary piece. Even if you could construct such a deal that makes sense for both teams, executi ng it would require each to simultaneously feel ready for a franchise-altering s hakeup. Blockbuster synchronization is rare. 這一大段一樣,是針對那些想交易西門的媒體寫的內容,跟消息一點關係也沒有。 所以後面Lowe列了一大堆他想的交易方案,太多我就不放了。 The Sixers can win a championship at some point with Simmons, Embiid, and Butler ; and the Sixers may come to a realization that they need to trade Simmons durin g his prime. The possibility of the first thing is why you don't rush the second. 一樣是他的個人看法。 所以看完全文,我還真的不明白為何台灣記者可以把人家好端端的一篇文章翻譯成一篇『充 滿消息的假文章』 這也是為何我不看台灣媒體的原因... 要引用外電可以,但至少基本的來源要附上,方便閱聽者檢驗吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1547741408.A.FBE.html
candbilly153: 台媒素質01/18 00:11
roger2623900: 來源附上不就不能誇大亂掰了?01/18 00:12
Mentha : ..辛苦了,謝謝你找源頭去端正資訊01/18 00:12
※ 編輯: Zutter77 (, 01/18/2019 00:13:30
hprince : 不ey01/18 00:14
mhkt : 你要看媒體如何去附加那種引人爭辯的文字……01/18 00:14
GreenMay22 : 華媒不意外01/18 00:14
el16vai03 : 推原文!意思的確被曲解太多!01/18 00:14
mhkt : 這篇是源頭 那台媒就是斷章取義了01/18 00:15
chrisplash : 其實就是ESPN日常製造話題的文章而已 01/18 00:16
chrisplash : 根本稱不上甚麼乳摸 01/18 00:16
Lowe這篇內文還有不少值得參考的解說或是數據分析,他寫這篇本來就不是當作一個Rumor 在寫,這也是為何我很不認同台媒引用這篇文章的原因。 ※ 編輯: Zutter77 (, 01/18/2019 00:17:19
PeterHenson : 建議台灣翻外電的記者先去把英文學好 01/18 00:17
PeterHenson : 不過學好大概也沒用 甚麼人養什麼媒體 01/18 00:18
PeterHenson : (閱聽人 01/18 00:18
mhkt : 最怕加油添醋 不照事實語意翻…… 01/18 00:19
CKNTUErnie : 推 01/18 00:19
mhkt : 說真的光你講的想法 就算幻想也會變成真(對台媒 01/18 00:21
mhkt : 來說) 01/18 00:21
KerFel : 台媒不意外 01/18 00:22
ray333 : 真的越看越氣 記者真的造孽然後自己渾然不知 01/18 00:26
jinzhu : 76人是不可能交易西門的吧 01/18 00:27
ldt1025 : 不愧是東森 01/18 00:30
rayisgreat : 新聞是台灣媒體的 我都持保留態度 01/18 00:32
spring719 : 推 01/18 00:32
Bainite : 記者智障一堆 幹 01/18 00:33
LouisTung : 推 01/18 00:35
LouisTung : 基石等級的最好會隨便放上交易台 01/18 00:35
leffyiscome : 推推 01/18 00:38
jemmak629 : 瑞浩哥 出來打球啊 01/18 00:38
puro : 你去看看八卦版最近外國人在罵台灣什麼你就知道台霉 01/18 00:38
puro : 多會製造假新聞 01/18 00:38
jyekid : 這年頭自己看外電比較實在 練個幾年就很輕鬆了 01/18 00:40
jyekid : 然後你會發覺美國媒體也半斤八兩 01/18 00:40
sedellchan : 推 01/18 00:41
jyekid : 訓練自已看到新聞可以回答3個問題 1.新聞想要你知道 01/18 00:42
jyekid : 甚麼2新聞隱藏了甚麼訊息不想讓你知道 3 承2 如此 01/18 00:42
jyekid : 一來 獲得好處的是誰 01/18 00:42
Kevin0608 : 專業推 01/18 00:43
usea5a : 專業 01/18 00:47
Hsu1025 : 推查證 記者該不會以為大家不懂英文吧 01/18 00:52
nobody741 : 感謝 台灣媒體真是亂源 01/18 00:53
jagr : 也不能說大家吧,但肯定相當高比例是力有未逮,平常一 01/18 01:05
jagr : 些外電編譯還有對照瞄一下明顯錯誤地方也沒甚麼人會 01/18 01:05
jagr : 發現 01/18 01:05
kkk1234 : 早就見怪不怪,原po還特別去查證真是辛苦你了 01/18 01:08
bigbigcc : 台媒不意外 會當記者的素質多半都如此 01/18 01:21
pkckpdl : 這篇不推爆對不起良心!感謝原PO矯正視聽 01/18 01:29
richardX : 推推真相 01/18 01:42
jack771020 : 推推 01/18 01:44
gigiii1134 : 推真相 01/18 02:19
sai31415926 : 推 01/18 02:46
thb96300 : 推 Z大 01/18 04:57
JKLIOPNM : 推 01/18 05:50
tassadar1 : 不尊重專業、不讀書、沒有良心,這句真他媽中肯 01/18 06:09
msdie911545 : 連這都能假新聞xD 01/18 07:28
kobe7610 : 在台灣會當妓者的不是垃圾就是廢物 01/18 07:29
peterw : 推 01/18 07:47
KoBeWaNnAbE : 台媒素質 01/18 08:23
Altair : 抄新聞都會抄錯是我大台媒~~ 01/18 08:45
Bluesemen : 平衡報導給你一個讚,記者太扯了 01/18 09:09
VitaminR : 傻眼素質 01/18 09:11
ray333 : 補推 垃圾妓者 01/18 09:25
chunyo0229 : 文組英文也不好 可撥記者 01/18 09:34
andy0219 : 台媒 哈哈哈 01/18 09:53
caotic : 林書豪的新聞不就這樣 隨便一個奇怪的來源都說美媒 01/18 09:53
caotic : 才會每隊都有他的交易乳摸 01/18 09:53
louispencer : 上面那篇爆了 這篇沒有 這就是為何呀 01/18 09:58
MarXXXX : 推查證 01/18 10:17
iamaq18c : 推推! 01/18 12:11
articlebear : 認真推 01/18 13:13