看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: USA Today 網址: http://tinyurl.com/y268xpbt Why Dwyane Wade swapped jerseys with Hawks rookie Kevin Huerter 為什麼Dwyane Wade會跟老鷹菜鳥Kevin Huerter互換球衣呢? Dwyane Wade has been enjoying the ride that has been the final season of his legendary career. Dwyane Wade在今年要結束他傳奇的球季,而這一整個球季他都是很享受的。 The three-time NBA champ, who hit a wild buzzer-beater last week against the Golden State Warriors, has been having fun swapping jerseys with opponents after each game. Usually it’s a big-name player, a close friend, etc. 三屆冠軍,上周才絕殺勇士隊的Wade,非常享受賽後與對手互換球衣的儀式。通常是跟大 牌球員,不然就是跟好朋友。 But after Monday’s one-point win over the Atlanta Hawks, Wade made his jersey swap celebration a little more special as he found Hawks rookie guard Kevin Huerter, who grew up idolizing Wade and wears the No. 3 because of him, and surprised him by asking to swap jerseys. 但是星期一熱火以一分擊敗老鷹的賽後,這互換球衣的儀式變得有點特別了,他去找了老 鷹隊菜鳥Kevin Huerter,Huerter從小就把Wade視為偶像,球衣號碼選3號也是因為Wade, 所以Wade就決定要給Huerter一個驚喜,要與他互換球衣。 影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1102766539437158401 Wade explained after: “Earlier in the year a good friend told me about (Huerter) when he was younger that he used to wear my shoes and the No. 3 because of me, he looked up to me. So I knew I was going to surprise the last time we played them but I really like his game. Since preseason when we played him to all the way up to now he’s gotten so much better. So from one No. 3 to another, I thought I ’d switch jerseys with him." Wade之後有解釋: 「今年初我的一個好友跟我講到Huerter,說他小時候都穿我的鞋子,選3號也是因為我的 關係,他很崇拜我。所以我知道我該要給他一個驚喜,我們上次對戰,我很喜歡他打球的 方式。從季前熱身賽到現在,他真的進步很多。所以,一個3號傳承給另外一個3號,我認 為我們應該要互換球衣的。」 Another pretty awesome move by D-Wade. 又是另外一個D-Wade的暖心舉動。 -- 暖男無誤 是我典偉 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十
kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1551774565.A.99A.html
CW4 : cool 03/05 16:30
louisxxiii : 今天這個真的不錯 原本Huerter都要回去休息室了 03/05 16:30
abc202000 : 推典瑋 03/05 16:30
jimjim60903 : 反觀湖人23號... 03/05 16:31
louisxxiii : 被叫出來 真的超驚喜 傳承無誤 03/05 16:31
cado0824 : 真的很棒 給推 03/05 16:34
SwissMiniGun: Collins之前有換到嗎?蠻意外跟Huerter換 03/05 16:35
PeterHenson : 老鷹雙槍都換到了 03/05 16:36
markdd1133 : 推 03/05 16:38
WuKong : 老鷹的未來 03/05 16:39
supreme0731 : 有影片嗎 03/05 16:40
jhunfong : 連結裡面有 03/05 16:41
謝謝提醒 補上影片連結 ※ 編輯: pneumo (, 03/05/2019 16:43:03
Vincent1219 : 推 03/05 16:49
JayceYen : 推我韋 03/05 16:52
nastycurry : 上一場對決是跟卡特換 03/05 16:53
pinjose : 看表情...有點勉強,笑不出來 03/05 16:55
zaza1128 : 淚推暖心 03/05 17:04
zxcv458162 : 原本以為會像77拿到母獅球衣的感覺XD 03/05 17:06
kaiyoung : 羨慕 03/05 18:03
g36661991 : 吹楊沒有嗎 03/05 18:08
pi5566 : 有暖有推 03/05 18:15
yeustream : 吹羊QQ 03/05 18:44
SwissMiniGun: 吹羊上次就換過了 03/05 18:46
nO25948 : 暖男是我偉 03/05 18:54
topopopder : 偉德體 03/05 23:44
iamseanli : 買鞋滿額VIP粉絲見面會 03/06 00:55