看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: ESPN 網址: http://tinyurl.com/y58j8lpb How James Harden relentlessly attacks Steph Curry James Harden如何持續不斷的攻擊Steph Curry Wednesday night marks the 18th time the Golden State Warriors and Houston Rockets have squared off since 2016-17, and looking back at the data from those games provides a fascinating glimpse into one of the NBA's most high-profile matchups: James Harden vs. the Warriors' defense. 星期三的火勇戰會是2016-17賽季以來水火不容的兩隊的第18次碰面,而若是回顧過去雙方 交手的統計資料,經過分析後有了有趣的結果,所以就來看一下NBA最刺激的對決: James Harden vs勇士的防守 The Rockets love to isolate Harden, but when they play Golden State, it's more accurate to say that they love to isolate him against Stephen Curry. Over the past three seasons, nobody has switched onto Harden as much as Curry, and that's no accident. 火箭很愛讓Harden單打,但是當他們面對勇士時,更正確的說法是他們很愛讓Harden去單 打Stephen Curry。在過去三季,沒有人在換防後去守Harden比Curry更多了,而且那並不 是湊巧。 Aside from splashing all those 3s, the defining trait of the Warriors dynasty might be the tendency to switch defensive assignments. The Rockets try to exploit that tendency by hunting and isolating mismatches more than any other rival. 勇士除了那如浪花般撲天蓋地的三分球外,另外一個特色就是他們會做換防補位。火箭則 是利用勇士換防補位,找出比其他隊伍來的多的多防守錯位後單打。 Look at the switching data from last season's epic seven-game series in the Western Conference finals. It's clear which defender Harden and the Rockets were targeting: 來看一下去年西冠7戰的統計資料,很明顯的可以看出Harden跟火箭是在針對誰: 2018 West Finals: Defending Harden DEFENDER(防守者) SWITCHES(換防) Stephen Curry 83 Kevon Looney 26 Draymond Green 24 Jordan Bell 23 Klay Thompson 5 Nick Young 5 Curry switched onto Harden as many times as the next five Warriors combined. Why? Because it works. The numbers are staggering. Curry換防去守Harden的次數比其他五個勇士球員加起來的總數還要多,為什麼呢?因為有 用,數據就是這麼驚人。 Dating back to the 2016-17 season, more than 5,000 unique NBA player duos have matched up at least 100 times. But within that massive sample, Harden vs. Curry produces the most extreme stats. 從2016-17球季到現在,超過100次防守對決以上的話,總共有約5000對球員組合,而在那 5000多個組合,Harden vs Curry這組合的數據非常驚人。 Lest you think I'm exaggerating, consider these four factoids, via Second Spectrum tracking: 看看下面四個狀況數據: ‧No other matchup elicits a higher usage rate by the offensive player ‧No other matchup is more likely to include a drive ‧Only three other matchups produce free throws at a higher rate ‧Only six other matchups yield more points for the offensive player ‧沒有其他的組合攻擊方對防守方的球員使用率比Harden-Curry組高 ‧沒有其他的組合攻擊方會運球切入比Harden-Curry組高 ‧只有三組其他的組合比Harden-Curry組有更多的罰球比率 ‧只有六組其他組合攻擊方得分比Harden-Curry組多 Out of more than 5,000. 5000多組裡面就是他們這組。 Harden vs. Curry is the wildest analytical matchup in the NBA, especially when you consider the stakes involved. After all, these are two MVPs and scoring champs battling for Western supremacy. Harden vs Curry是NBA裡最讓人興奮值得分析的組合,尤其考慮到整個NBA受到他們影響的 層面。畢竟,這兩位都是MVP,都是得分高手,都為了登上西區巔峰。 When you compare Harden's key matchup numbers with other Golden State defenders, you quickly understand why Houston designs sets to target Curry: 而當去比較Harden跟勇士主要球員的對決時,更可以了解為何Harden設計好要打點Curry: Harden Vs. GSW (2016-17 To Present) DEFENDER USAGE RATE DRIVE RATE FT RATE POINTS (防守者) (使用率) (切入率) (罰球率) 得分 Stephen Curry 50.7 43.0 20.7 54.1 Draymond Green 36.4 21.0 4.8 33.3 Kevin Durant 34.1 15.9 6.5 37.0 Klay Thompson 26.5 20.4 5.9 27.9 Andre Iguodala 25.7 20.0 9.7 17.2 Harden is much more aggressive and much more fruitful against Curry than against any other Warriors player. His usage rate surges to 50.7 -- right around the average for an NBA Jam game, but a cartoonish number for any real-life environment. Harden對上Curry,比起對上其他勇士球員,顯得更有侵略性,結果也比較好。他的使用率 高達50.7趴,差不多是電動NBA Jam的平均數字,但是對於真正的比賽來說,是高的不可思 議。 With Curry on him, Harden is more than twice as likely to drive the ball to the hoop and get to the free throw line. 當Curry守Harden時,Harden比起對上其他勇士球員有兩倍以上機率可以切入上籃或是上罰 球線。 影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1001296487240945664 The other guys in that table are either strong enough or long enough to dissuade Harden's aggression, but Curry is slight and short compared to his teammates, and he is much less able to slow Harden's rim attacks. 其他勇士球員相較Curry來說,比他高或手長,較可以抵擋Harden的侵略性,也因此Curry 比較沒辦法擋下Harden攻擊籃框。 While it's tempting to interpret these data as indictments of Curry's defense, there's something else happening here. It just so happens that all of the other defenders in that table are world-class, and Houston's tendency to isolate and attack Curry at freakish rates says just as much about its respect for those other dudes as it does about Curry. Isolating Curry isn't Houston's best choice, it's really the Rockets' only chance. 當然解讀這數據很讓人感到刺激,似乎可以當作Curry防守不佳的證據,但是,這數據裡還 藏了別的東西。因為剛好這表裡面的其他防守者都是一等一的,而火箭挑Curry單打奇高的 比率其實也是其他隊伍對Curry做的事是一樣的。單打Curry不是火箭最好的選擇,而是唯 一的選擇。 Watching the Rockets these days is an exercise in repetition. They love to isolate Harden over and over and over. But against Golden State, that bread-and-butter tactic really makes sense only against Curry or the Warriors' slower bigs such as Kevon Looney. Plus, when Curry is defending Harden, that means dudes such as Andre Iguodala, Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson are busy stifling Houston's secondary scorers, further establishing Harden vs. Curry as the best option available. 最近看火箭打球像是不斷的重複,他們就是愛不停讓Harden去單打。而當面對勇士時,最 好的攻擊策略當然是打Curry或是勇士動作較慢的大個子像是Kevon Looney。在加上,當是 Curry在守Harden的時候,這代表了其他球員像是Andre Iguodala,Kevin Durant跟Klay Thompson正在忙著壓制火箭的第二輪得分守,那就讓Harden vs Curry這樣的策略顯得是最 佳選擇了。 More than any other defender he faces in the NBA, Harden sees Curry as a pathway to points. Even though Harden averages 48 points per 100 possessions, that number fluctuates a ton depending on the defender, according to Second Spectrum data. Thompson holds Harden to 20 fewer points when he is the primary defender. But against Curry, Harden surges. In the 2018 playoffs, Harden poured in 58 points per 100 possessions against Curry, and a disproportionate amount of those points came from the free throw line. 相較Harden面對NBA裡面其他的防守者,Harden把Curry視作得分的方式。Harden每100次球 權,平均得分是48分,在面對不同防守者的狀況下會有些起伏。根據Second Spectrum的資 料,若Klay Thompson是主要防守Harden的人的話,Harden得分會下降近20。但是若是 Curry防守他的話,分數就飆高了。在2018年季後賽,每100次球權對上Curry防守,Harden 可以得到58分,而且有不成比例的得分來自於罰球。 圖片支援: https://imgur.com/vN4ZyiV.jpg
Over the past three seasons, Harden has matched up against 42 individual players at least 100 times, but none results in free throws as frequently as the Curry showdown, per Second Spectrum. Of that group of Harden defenders, Iguodala has done the best work against The Beard, holding him to 17.2 points per 100 possessions on a 21.0 effective field goal percentage. Those are atrocious numbers for Harden, but they serve as another reminder that Iguodala is one of Golden State's most powerful defensive weapons come playoff time. 在過去三季,防守Harden超過一百次的球員總共有42個,沒有一個球員讓Harden拿到像 Curry防守他時那樣高的罰球數。而在那42個球員裡,Iguodala是守的最好的,每100次球 權只讓Harden拿到17.2分,有效命中率是21.0趴。這樣的數據對Harden來說糟透了,不過 這也提醒了大家,Iguodala是勇士隊在季後賽時最有威力的防守武器之一。 Still, while the numbers leave little doubt that Harden dominates his individual matchups against Curry, basketball remains a team game. Curry seems more than content to win the wars -- and the titles. 當然,這些數據顯示Harden吃定了Curry,不過,籃球仍舊是個團隊的比賽。Curry似乎仍 是信心滿滿會贏下比賽--以及最後的冠軍。 -- 今天火勇戰精彩可期 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十
kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1552493320.A.6E3.html ※ 編輯: pneumo (, 03/14/2019 00:09:13
wakayama : 買買買 03/14 00:09
sweetgold : 也是他們兩個本來就是好朋友,互相夠熟悉對方的打法 03/14 00:12
aaron97 : 忍術鬍鬚搔癢之術 03/14 00:12
sweetgold : 鬍子進NBA前最好的朋友就DDR,進NBA後就Curry 03/14 00:13
NewShiisDog : 如果是挑嘴綠大概5個回合就傷退了吧 03/14 00:14
BoYuYou : 鬍子最近幾場命中率滿糟糕的 03/14 00:14
dark0224 : 這是四打一當然不公平 03/14 00:15
Aggro : 當然是挑相對弱的小後場打阿= = 這很正常吧 03/14 00:17
roger2623900: Iguodala超猛 100次球權才17.2分 03/14 00:17
EQUP : 鬍子的切入Curry跟不上 所以只能犯規 03/14 00:18
jtch : 最愛吃咖哩飯 03/14 00:18
EEzionT : 一估達啦真的強 03/14 00:18
Harrison1814: 7樓有創意XD...所以說去年為什麼小AI缺陣對勇士的影 03/14 00:20
Harrison1814: 響很大啊 03/14 00:20
jyekid : 挑另外4個打 腦子可能壞掉了 03/14 00:21
fongmcn : 換著是你難道不會持續攻擊Curry? 03/14 00:23
Q12345Q : 挑一個吃的話 選Curry很合理啊 03/14 00:23
jyekid : 把他打成Ourry 03/14 00:23
hsiung9 : 換下弱點勇士就穩贏了 03/14 00:24
julian42 : 伊估身材活動的適合守鬍子 03/14 00:24
gibe : 打Curry還可以消耗他在進攻端的方面 挑他很正常 03/14 00:26
god2 : 其他人就不是買,就Curry是買,神邏輯 03/14 00:27
bomeiking : Push 03/14 00:28
kkk1234 : 吃飯睡覺打咖哩 03/14 00:29
semicoma : KD:KD也是信心滿滿會拿下FMVP 03/14 00:29
IBIZA : 小AI有上也不會是他守到鬍子.. 不會誰來守 鬍子都會 03/14 00:31
IBIZA : 換防到curry 03/14 00:31
chinhan1216 : 有哪一隊季後賽不是這樣打嘛= =? 03/14 00:31
IBIZA : 小AI有沒有上在這個議題上沒甚麼差別 03/14 00:32
Harrison1814: 勇士也知道鬍子想換防到curry,但是又不是每次都能 03/14 00:36
Harrison1814: 成功換到curry,還是會有碰到小AI守到鬍子的時候啊 03/14 00:36
m791017 : 幾乎都會這樣打勇士吧@@ 03/14 00:37
IBIZA : 中間有比例 看一下就知道了 03/14 00:37
SS159 : Curry防守果然很爛 03/14 00:37
IBIZA : Curry 83 三個大個子加起來73 其他人最多只有5次 03/14 00:37
IBIZA : 也就是說AI上來也就是守這5次而已 03/14 00:37
IBIZA : MDA是個玩到極端的教練 他要實行一個策略就會玩到 03/14 00:39
IBIZA : 這麼極端 03/14 00:39
Harrison1814: 可是小AI應該也不是只有守鬍子才強,守到火箭其他人 03/14 00:41
Harrison1814: 就變防守大洞吧? 03/14 00:41
JamesHarden : 推^^ 03/14 00:42
IBIZA : 我說這個議題上沒甚麼差 其他議題要看有沒有研究數 03/14 00:42
IBIZA : 據來評論 03/14 00:42
Harrison1814: 嗯,了解 03/14 00:42
UzInSec : 小AI來守也會被換防到curry 03/14 00:45
ATand : 單打咖哩的好處是消耗他的體力,讓他三分軟手 03/14 00:45
IBIZA : 反正Curry有在場上就打Curry, 不在場上就打大個子 03/14 00:47
IBIZA : 不過這也不是火箭先用的 騎士更早吧 03/14 00:48
jason61206 : 小AI在系列賽可能的影響就是補防吧 03/14 00:48
IBIZA : 火箭真要說就是徹底執行而已 03/14 00:50
heavensun : MDA會派其他人拖住AI 製造Harden打Curry 03/14 00:51
fnlily : 有沒有人分析守區域的球隊打火箭的數據啊?? 03/14 00:54
CKNTUErnie : 有哪一隊不挑咖哩出來打的嗎 03/14 00:57
WJ : 在非洲每60秒就有一分鐘過去 03/14 00:59
tfoxboy : 正常都會往隊伍最矮的打吧 03/14 01:00
IBIZA : 這篇除了講策略 還有講效果跟比例啊 這不統計你會 03/14 01:03
IBIZA : 知道? 有啥好噓的... 03/14 01:03
s50101 : Curry防守是五星最差,只能靠進攻不要像最近如此低 03/14 01:07
s50101 : 迷了 03/14 01:07
nancy0803 : 某樓直接把結論歸結為Curry防守很爛不太對吧 03/14 01:08
tfoxboy : DRPM -0.48 聯盟控衛四十幾名吧 防守算爛也是對 03/14 01:10
heavensun : Curry防守今年變差 可能更被各隊針對打點 03/14 01:13
matt0325 : 去年西冠真的很好看 兩邊主帥仙拚仙 03/14 01:30
je31423 : 去年西冠真的好看 如果兩邊都沒傷兵會更精彩 03/14 01:31
je31423 : 其實火箭雙衛要單打curry真的容易就換到 如果被提前 03/14 01:33
je31423 : 換到ai 就回傳另一個後衛 再叫對位curry的來擋拆 03/14 01:34
hank12210 : 有不成比例的得分來自於罰球 XD 03/14 01:36
yniori : 要小心~~跟勇士打要很小心!季後賽要到了千萬要小心 03/14 01:41
Ylvis : 就抓後排的概念啊 03/14 01:48
Diehardx : 路人GG 03/14 01:58
st890284 : 然後去年小AI就被哈登撞傷了 是誰才該小心 lol 03/14 02:04
hiarpu : 推翻譯 03/14 02:18
King5566 : Harden如何持續衝擊Curry %%%%% 03/14 02:18
kingianlin : Cp3去弄是怎麼受傷的啊 他太常傷自己都有點忘了 03/14 02:18
kingianlin : 去年 03/14 02:19
can91119 : 咖喱犯 03/14 02:25
Ensidia : 全部隊伍都會這樣選擇吧 16年KI那記致勝三分也是 03/14 02:34
Ensidia : Curry防守不至於黑洞 但跟其他隊友比起來的確最差 03/14 02:35
Ensidia : 看來這也是唯一對付勇士的方法 03/14 02:36
urinmymind : curry不要上就好啦 XD 03/14 03:11
camouflage10: cp3對到後衛沒什麼優勢 他比較愛打高個 03/14 03:13
g27834618 : 阿廢話 勇士最好打就curry啊 不然你要單打誰 KD?KT 03/14 03:50
g27834618 : ? 傻瓜都知道要打curry吧 03/14 03:50
navysoider : 如果不是丐幫金身,哈登早就滾出 NBA了耶 03/14 05:20
tigertiger : 傻瓜就看不出來這研究的含金量 03/14 05:30
BigShotBob : 老美真的很愛研究數據 但不得不佩服老美採集數據的 03/14 06:52
BigShotBob : 完整及多樣性 03/14 06:52
eternal5566 : 推 03/14 07:02
turnpoint : 反正火箭誰被Curry守到,誰就去跟鬍子擋拆讓鬍子可 03/14 07:32
turnpoint : 以對到Curry 03/14 07:32
emptie : 等一下 鬍子守curry不也差不多被打假的嗎 03/14 08:00
chuanpeiyu : 騎士打勇士的方法 03/14 08:02
ChrisPaul03 : 持續攻擊上半場 下半場呢? 03/14 08:08
joe998556 : 腦勇表示 說curry防守不好的不知道多久沒看球了 03/14 08:12
Darkbeat18 : 咖喱好吃當然現在要天天吃 03/14 08:18
garybawbaw : 跪求鬼鬍輕虐 03/14 08:21
benboy : 其實也只有哈登對咖哩比例特別高 KI也常單打KT 03/14 08:23
zzahoward : Curry也不是那種超級大洞 不過相較其他隊友就是好打 03/14 08:33
zzahoward : 然後JH和SC的噸位巨大差距其實讓SC只能犯規 03/14 08:33
force5566 : 全票mvp是勇士最軟的一塊? 03/14 08:42
wj1009 : 打勇士就狂打curry就對了 03/14 08:42
wj1009 : 再怎樣至少也可以耗他體力 03/14 08:43
Eric60203 : 咖哩如果學到CP3的一招半式 可能就不敢那麼猖狂囉 03/14 08:45
shifa : 哈登 攻擊♂ 咖哩,合理懷疑咖哩有大屁股 (喂 03/14 08:46
Fanlic : 這招以前騎士就瘋狂玩啊 JR/TY/Love上來擋拆後讓LBJ 03/14 08:47
Fanlic : /KI持球直接打Curry 不過對面現在有KD會錯位打回來 03/14 08:47
id41030 : 打身材的嘛 03/14 08:57
jim986988 : 睡個笑話,全票MVP 03/14 09:01
IamMario : 鬍子:過全票mvp就像過清晨馬路 03/14 09:03
vizjeco : 挑身材小的打 要不然呢? 03/14 09:11
Eddward : 沒差啦 不管誰守還不是罰球 03/14 09:14
ricky469rick: 是跟隊友比起來相對比較差吧? 03/14 09:22
bohanop : 數據都貼了蛹蛹還在印象 03/14 09:35
rocklin8 : 這篇不錯 03/14 09:39
bohanop : 柯瑞防守很喜歡用手去頂人,這點可能跟他矮腳步跟 03/14 09:41
bohanop : 不上有關 03/14 09:41
RINsanity : 不只是防守的關係 也是消耗Curry減低他進攻端的威脅 03/14 10:05
choosin : Curry去年就是這樣被吃阿 但Curry本來就是靠攻擊 不 03/14 10:06
choosin : 然當年FMVP也不用給AI了... 03/14 10:06
will1118 : 抓到了,Harden Curry 互刷數據 03/14 10:15
theorton : 小ai防他們那麼好去年還妄想CP3沒受傷就能贏勇士真 03/14 10:16
theorton : 是搞笑 03/14 10:16
chigi : 而且有不成比例的得分來自於罰球。 一分海下起來 03/14 10:50
iandol : Harden遇到咖喱身材優勢真的很大,不只能有效得分, 03/14 11:33
iandol : 要是能多買幾犯讓咖喱有犯規麻煩那更是大賺特賺 03/14 11:33
gomi : 這我阿罵都知道 03/14 11:49
hhttp : 我阿罵也知道 不然你要單打誰? 03/14 12:50
jhihheng : 還是0冠的咖 03/14 12:59
pipi7878 : 愛丟嘎伊攬雕雕 03/14 13:19
HFang : 忍術打點Curry之術 03/14 14:29
iwilltry : sc粉會說他抄截很多 03/14 18:06
keanu2110 : https://upload.cc/i1/2019/03/14/Va0u8D.jpeg 03/14 19:20
keanu2110 : 好吃 03/14 19:21
darkMood : 廢話,看光體型就虧定了,誰叫curry不多長20公分 03/14 23:20