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Mavs legend Dirk Nowitzki credits Steve Nash, Michael Finley for showing him to be a leader on and off the court by Paolo Songco May 5, 2019 Dallas Mavericks legend Dirk Nowitzki was not always the wise leader younger players looked up to. Coming from a European culture, he too was once unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the league, and even moreso, of the prerequisites needed for becoming his team’s undisputed leader both on and off the court. 達拉斯獨行俠傳奇球星Dirk Nowitzki並不是個老是被年輕球員推崇的明智領袖, 除了本身來自歐洲之外,他也曾經不熟悉這個聯盟的運作方式, 甚至不熟悉如何在場內場外成為無可爭議的領袖所必備的先決條件。 Nowitzki recently shed some light on this particular journey of his, sharing how former teammates Steve Nash and Michael Finley helped him become the highly regarded player he once was in the Mavs’ locker room: 近日接受訪問時,Dirk分享了前隊友Steve Nash & Michael Finley如何幫助他 成為在休息室內被高度期待的人物。 “They really showed me how to be a true pro on the court and work hard, but also be a great leader in the community and have a foundation and be active and make a difference in the community, so I always thank those two guys,” Nowitzki said, via Dwain Price of Mavs.com. “I came here (from Germany) as a kid really — when I was 20 years old — and I didn’t really know anybody, and I learned to love this place. Dirk接受達拉斯官網記者Dwain Price的採訪時表示: 「他們(Nash & Finley)向我展示了如何在場上成為一名真正的職業球員, 並且努力工作,他們還讓我學會如何成為團體中的領導者,建立起自己的人脈, 積極參與團體事務並成為一名對團體有影響力的人。所以我一直很感謝他們。 我從德國來到這裡還只是個孩子,當時我只有20歲,那時我誰也不認識, 接著我開始學習去愛上這個地方。」 “I had some great role models on the team that I wanted to strive to be like them.” 「在球隊中我有一些偉大的學習榜樣,我想要像他們一樣努力不懈。」 http://t.cn/EoJpFoe -- Dirk!!!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1557207054.A.E8F.html
Wardyal : 41111111111 05/07 13:31
MrSatan : 小牛三劍客! 05/07 13:31
cyc0307 : 推推德佬~~~ 05/07 13:31
jaypong2511 : 德佬必推 05/07 13:33
JOHNJJ : Dirk 必推 05/07 13:34
klose41 : Dirk!!!!!!! 05/07 13:36
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dati : 國王迷路過推一下同期時可敬的對手 05/07 13:42
cometrock : 德佬必推 05/07 13:42
PanaS0Nic : 結果芬利加入死敵馬刺,一段糾纏的愛恨情仇 05/07 13:44
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yellowboy : 鐵牛 飄髮 德佬 這組合真的讚 05/07 14:08
jzasd22 : 初代三劍客 05/07 14:10
jackting : 以前的快速球風~ 05/07 14:12
playne1137 : 推我大德佬 05/07 14:12
james441 : 真的很棒可惜沒辦法多試幾年 05/07 14:12
shrink5566 : 小球球風的起源QQ 05/07 14:17
sunchen0201 : 勿忘短暫的小牛五星連線,走路人和A.Jamison 05/07 14:17
Netherland : 我德必推! 05/07 14:24
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dx781020 : 推 05/07 14:24
a1223356 : 一切都是看裁判的判決啊! 05/07 14:24
CHELun : 因為這組和看NBA的QQ 05/07 14:25
yuh15420 : 推我德佬 05/07 14:31
sss0923 : 推 05/07 14:33
fredking1 : 我還記得Finley在馬刺時候被JasonTerry搥下面... 05/07 14:57
shingo135r : Dirk!!!三劍客!!!!QQ 05/07 15:02
Ricky0421 : 看球第一年剛好 Nash轉隊 無法親眼看到這三位的合體 05/07 15:03
NOWITZKI4141: 推 05/07 15:20
Ayreon : 好在鐵牛有在馬刺拿一冠 幫NASH QQ 05/07 15:21
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kyo611128 : 記得前陣子有看到一個專訪,說在Nash退休後Cuban有 05/07 17:29
kyo611128 : 找Nash回小牛任職,Nash拒絕,但不是因為當時Cuban不 05/07 17:29
kyo611128 : 續約他,而是他認為他就丟下Dirk自己跑了不能一起奪 05/07 17:29
kyo611128 : 冠很愧疚,等他哪天釋懷了他就會回小牛 05/07 17:29
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