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https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/27074153/nba-allow-coach-challenges-summer NBA will allow coach's challenges this summer The NBA will implement a coach's challenge at the upcoming summer leagues and anticipates using the rule during 2019-20 regular-season as part of a pilot program, per a memo sent to teams this morning and obtained by ESPN. NBA將會在今年的夏季聯盟實施挑戰制度,並且預計在19-20賽季進行實驗 Coaches will get one challenge per game, and they will lose it even if the challenge is successful, according to the memo. They can use it to challenge only called fouls; goaltending; basket interference; and plays when the ball is knocked out of bounds, the memo says. The league has tested this version of the challenge system in the G League over the last two seasons. 教練每場比賽有一次挑戰機會,即使挑戰成功也會喪失挑戰權,可以挑戰的項目僅限於 犯規吹判、妨礙中籃、籃上干擾以及界外球,這個制度已經在G-League實施兩季 Coaches must have a timeout remaining to use a challenge. The team must call a timeout immediately after the event they would like to challenge, and the coach must "twirl his/her index finger toward the referees" to signal for the challenge, the memo states. If the challenge is successful, the team retains the timeout it used to stop play. If the challenge is unsuccessful, they lose that timeout. 要挑戰時球隊必須還有暫停,教練決定要挑戰的話立刻叫暫停,同時對著裁判旋轉食 指,暗示裁判要使用挑戰,挑戰成功暫停次數會保留,失敗則會損失 The crew chief among the referees will determine the outcome of challenges involving called fouls. The NBA's Replay Center will decide all other challenges. Any technical flagrant fouls that occur during or "immediately after" the call being challenged will stand regardless of the outcome of the challenge, the memo says. 犯規吹判的挑戰會由裁判長決定,其他則是交給重播中心,但挑戰過程中或挑戰後不久出 現的技術犯規,無論挑戰的結果,都會保留 Both the league office and the NBA's competition committee, composed of coaches, front-office executives, and players, are recommending the league's Board of Governors approve the rule for the 2019-20 season "on a trial basis," the memo says. 包括聯盟辦公室以及競賽委員會都建議高層能在19-20賽季進行這項試驗 "We anticipate this rule will be in effect in in the NBA next season as part of a one-year pilot program," the memo states. "我們預期這項實驗在下季就能收到效果" When the league and its teams discussed the challenge concept at the general managers meetings in May in Chicago, there was some trepidation about allowing coaches to challenge called fouls, per sources who spoke to ESPN.com at the time. Backers of a more expansive challenge have apparently won that argument for now. Coaches will not be able to challenge uncalled fouls. Any attempt to expand the challenge rule into that area would result in a bigger, and likely longer, fight, sources have said. 五月時聯盟和球隊就有討論挑戰權的概念,讓教練挑戰犯規吹判讓人有些不安,所以支持 挑戰權的代價必須提高的那些人贏得這場爭論,例如教練不能挑戰沒有吹判的犯規,任何 想要擴展挑戰權的規則都必須面對一場更長更大的抗爭 Approving the proposed challenge rule for use in the 2019-20 regular-season would require support from two-thirds of the league's teams in a formal vote of the Board of Governors. The league will submit it to a vote before the full board on July 9th. "Based on the feedback we have received, we expect it to be adopted," the memo says. 要在19-20年實施挑戰權必須超過2/3的隊伍同意,聯盟將會在7月9號投票, "根據我們收到的回饋,我們期望這項規則會被採用" 大概翻一下,有翻得不好的地方儘管指教,明天有時間再修正 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1561737304.A.736.html
donkeys : 魏永泰:我要挑戰!!? 06/28 23:55
a3221715 : 拐氣 06/28 23:55
magicchen : 鷹眼機制? 06/28 23:58
hank13241 : 這個可以,不然裁判錯判,隔天看裁判報告會更不爽 06/28 23:59
k1230588 : 然後以後的裁判報告就是 挑戰的判決錯誤報告 06/29 00:02
chku5015 : 終於要改善一些機制了 06/29 00:03
Bainite : 推推一 06/29 00:04
gunbusergo : 什麼時候才要懲罰離譜哨音 06/29 00:05
z6081313 : Nba要挑戰一節要給10次吧不然一堆吹毛犯規 06/29 00:06
CoreySeager : 終於 06/29 00:08
roger2623900: 覺得挑戰成功裁判要罰錢 懲罰他亂吹 06/29 00:09
ajim36 : 終於 關鍵時刻不是裁判掌握 06/29 00:09
godofdatie : SBL領先美國 06/29 00:11
SunFox58 : “挑戰成功也會喪失挑戰權” 裁判還是想亂吹就亂搞 06/29 00:14
lovewhite : 裁判報告根本完全沒用 報告出來說裁判判錯又能怎樣 06/29 00:14
SunFox58 : 笑死 挑戰還要暫停 真是優秀的改動 06/29 00:15
a3221715 : 成功應該要再給吧 06/29 00:16
Kyrieisme : 挑戰 我要挑戰 這沒有狗天頂吧 06/29 00:17
aasaasaas947: 才一次哦,那還是洗洗睡吧 06/29 00:18
paul5566 : 我一直不懂~為毛裁判誤判都沒事啊 06/29 00:19
yeustream : 犯規卻沒吹判的沒辦法挑戰 = = 06/29 00:19
tomlee1130 : 引進鷹眼跟K zone 06/29 00:22
Giuliani : 除了挑戰制度,也應該考慮降級制度 06/29 00:22
feiwens5566 : 一次太少了啦 06/29 00:23
wuling1001 : 你有freestyle嗎 06/29 00:23
feiwens5566 : 最好被挑戰成功的裁判直接禁賽 06/29 00:23
rl55586 : SBL真的很先進XD 06/29 00:24
gibe : 不能挑戰沒有吹判的犯規 尺度不一樣還不是一樣... 06/29 00:24
seiya1201 : 以後比賽分數拉鋸剩最後五秒應該可以玩上半小時 06/29 00:24
peanut910013: 裁判不爽被挑戰 瘋狂吹T 06/29 00:25
jyekid : 挑戰還可以使用在 想偷偷休息? 06/29 00:25
fack3170 : 裁判:還想挑戰啊 給你T 06/29 00:27
GANZ : 現在裁判看重播常常打斷比賽節奏 再加個挑戰制... 06/29 00:28
julian42 : 我覺得上下半場各限一次差不多 06/29 00:31
RisingTackle: 看到雙重後撤步還可以罰三球就賭爛 06/29 00:38
FY4 : 上半ㄧ次 下半兩次 06/29 00:44
kai08130623 : 籃球跟棒球網球不一樣不適合挑戰… 06/29 00:45
kkl522608 : 581領先全球 06/29 00:51
kkl522608 : 阿泰 我要挑戰我要挑戰 太扯了啦 06/29 00:52
ohya111326 : 裁判有淘汰機制嗎? 06/29 00:56
AndyWT : 覺得挑戰成功應該保留 但最多一次跟MLB一樣 06/29 01:08
REI3173 : 581,永遠走在最前面 06/29 01:13
REI3173 : NBA接下來484季後賽會取28隊 06/29 01:14
JoelEmbiid21: 早就應該有了 06/29 01:15
PussySucker : 某個整天投三分 罰球聯盟之冠的 每一球都該被挑戰 06/29 01:22
t22251974 : Nba怎麼一直學sbl 06/29 01:40
eereer12325 : 邱大宗:挑戰挑戰 06/29 01:43
yooostop : Sbl領先世界 06/29 02:16
eric6616 : 永逝會很不方便 06/29 02:21
ifyoutry : 挑戰成功也失去機會有點坑,上限應該要加個一次兩次 06/29 02:39
ppnow : 早就該用了 06/29 02:41
melzard : 如果挑戰成功你們還懲罰裁判那裁判們絕對會團結 06/29 03:01
melzard : 起來互相保護不給挑戰成功 06/29 03:02
kyleliu2000 : 他們怕的要死 06/29 03:06
Scion : 應該至少兩次吧,一次的話大家前40分鐘都不敢用啊 06/29 04:17
Scion : 珍貴的一次一定會留到最後幾分鐘 06/29 04:17
Scion : 但是最後幾分鐘沒有誤判的話就浪費了 06/29 04:18
gn00324893 : 只能挑戰一次有啥幹用 幫主前面飯早吃到飽了 06/29 04:31
nt880245 : 推一個 06/29 05:15
s128222582 : 那乾脆每次吹判都可以挑戰一場比賽打個3 4個小時以 06/29 05:53
s128222582 : 上 06/29 05:53
oeibei : 終於可以打臉裁判了! 06/29 07:28
tliu223 : 正向改善還是要給個推 06/29 07:47
bbbyes123 : 中職領先全球 06/29 08:45
koae50 : 所以沒暫停就不能挑戰? 06/29 08:55
ihx00 : 不能挑戰沒有吹判的犯規,那勇士還是會被惡搞,真 06/29 09:05
ihx00 : 可惡 06/29 09:05
w28103566 : 就是給你一次機會看重播 06/29 09:15
wylscott : 覺得一節一次 而且不能累加比較好 06/29 09:30
bq5899 : 一次怎麼夠用 06/29 11:40
SIRO5566 : 何不旋轉中指 06/29 13:53
moods : 所以"明明被犯規卻沒吹"可以挑戰嗎? 06/29 14:02
hiphopboy7 : 感覺超級破壞節奏 06/29 17:46
thatear : 完了 一場季後賽要打4個小時了 06/29 22:43
vking223 : 教練甩西裝:出來pk!!我要挑戰! 06/30 10:35