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來源: ClutchPoints 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y6gdm8bd Lakers’ Jared Dudley responds hilariously to fan attempt at getting him a Taco Tuesday invite with LeBron James 湖人Jared Dudley對於有粉絲想要幫他去LBJ的星期二Taco日的有趣回應 It’s already well known that Lakers superstar LeBron James is a big fan of Taco Tuesday. The three-time NBA champion has had several videos of him preparing a taco feast for his family go viral. Most recently, he had new teammate Anthony Davis over for the big day. A fan noticed Davis’ inclusion and advocated for forward Jared Dudley to get an invite, which Dudley responded to humorously. LBJ對於星期二Taco日著迷是眾所周知的,這三屆NBA冠軍PO了好幾個他為家人準備的Taco 趴影片都在網路上瘋傳。而最近,湖人新隊友Anthony Davis被邀請參加LBJ的Taco日趴 體。有粉絲看到Davis參加了LBJ的Taco趴後,希望替前鋒Jared Dudley也爭取到去參加LBJ 趴體的機會,對此Dudley回應頗具幽默感。 Dudley推特: https://tinyurl.com/y23feks7 粉絲: "Someone get @JaredDudley619 an invite to the next #TacoTuesday" 「有人可以幫Dudley跟LBJ討個邀請函去參加星期二Taco日嗎?」 Dudley: "Oh I’m coming over!!!!! @KingJames !!! Next time!!! " 「喔~~我一定要去的!LBJ下次揪喔!!」 It looks like the veteran forward is ready to chow down on some Mexican food with the Lakers superstars. Move over, AD. 看起來這位前鋒老將已經準備好要跟這兩位湖人球星一起享受墨西哥料理了。 While it may just be sharing a meal, James would be smart to get some quality time in with his new teammates. The Lakers are putting out a revamped roster with a lot of new players. Besides Dudley and Davis, Avery Bradley, DeMarcus Cousins, Danny Green, Quinn Cook, and Troy Daniels will all be wearing the purple and yellow for the first time. 或許只是大家一起吃頓飯,不過LBJ很聰明的利用這樣的時間好跟他的新隊友相處。這個休 賽季湖人著實了補強了他們的球員名單,有很多新球員加入。除了Dudley跟Davis,Avery Bradley,DeMarcus Cousins,Danny Green,Quinn Cook跟Troy Daniels等都會是第一次 穿上湖人的制服。 If this talented group can gel together quickly, the Lakers could make a legitimate run at having the best record in the league. 如果這群有天賦的球員可以很快就磨合完畢,湖人本季是有機會可以搶下聯盟最佳戰績 的。 We’ll stay tuned to LeBron’s Instagram story to see if Dudley (or any other new Lakers) actually make it to the next Taco Tuesday at the James’ house. Maybe tacos as a team will translate to more wins. 大家就繼續看著LBJ的IG上會不會看到Dudley(或者其他湖人球員)真的去LBJ的家參加Taco 趴吧! 或許藉由一起吃Taco會讓他們多拿幾場勝利也說不一定。 -- LBJ: Jared,你的Taco可以去Taco Bell買。 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十
kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1563417439.A.653.html
overkill0802: LeBron:你誰啊 ? 07/18 10:38
andy06292 : 別舒服拜託 07/18 10:40
icou : LBJ:.......雜魚....... 07/18 10:40
ntusimmon : 身為三巨頭之一参加不是正常嗎? 07/18 10:40
Kazmier : LBJ:Who you? 07/18 10:40
LA24 : LBJ:不是大腿 不吃TACO 07/18 10:41
lp123gbaj : 還想蹭啊我操 07/18 10:42
skygray2 : 三巨頭你敢嘴? 07/18 10:43
shellback : 雜魚的功能是等球和交易籌碼 不是當兄弟 07/18 10:45
yuiop358 : 非巨頭沒資格蹭飯吃 免費仔阿 07/18 10:46
keny868 : 2nd JR 07/18 10:46
providence : 姆斯: 我家只歡迎精英 沒被邀請的都是... 07/18 10:47
hunt5566 : 你不是巨頭 吃香蕉 07/18 10:47
aoka : 季中籌碼 07/18 10:48
migoyo : 詹皇:你有AD這麼強嗎 07/18 10:50
mhfo3035 : 褲子都沒去過了 07/18 10:56
CW4 : 巨頭惜巨頭 07/18 10:56
ganlinnia : 究竟姆斯會不會邀呢 我猜是會 不邀說不過去 07/18 11:02
buns958 : 教練日常 07/18 11:39
JiaK2rving : 保鏢去顧門口就夠了 還想蹭飯? 07/18 11:41
dream1285201: 取代殺魁成為19-20賽季的亡者 07/18 11:56
ramirez : 去顧門口當圍事的可以唷 07/18 12:05
hulan5566 : 無名小卒 07/18 12:06
alittleghost: 裝熟哥 07/18 12:17
ben840619 : 都標記了 應該會整隊邀去吃一次吧 07/18 12:39
nykp06 : 雜魚也想湊熱鬧。 07/18 14:28
heywaha12 : 三巨頭 07/18 17:10
glay7566 : LBJ:為什麼這太陽球員會出現在這? 07/18 17:34
jzbobby : 圍事的來吃 可以啊 07/18 18:33
yeustream : 馬的都不揪 07/18 18:35
theskyofblue: 好尷尬 07/18 19:20
liusim : 肯定會辦個隊員趴啦 07/18 19:49