看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
納悶為什麼這些價值不菲的球隊,都沒有股票上市? 那既然沒有上市,應該財報就沒公開。那這些估值哪來的? 於是我翻了一下Forbes,它寫:Forbes team values are enterprise values (equity plu s net debt) based on the multiples of revenue of historical transactions, as wel l as offers to buy and invest in teams currently on the table . The values are a djusted--to the extent we have a handle on the change in the economics--for team s moving into new stadiums. Revenue and operating income (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) are for the 2015 season, net of revenue sharing and stadium debt s ervice.Revenue from non-NFL events, like concerts and stadium tours, is includ ed when such revenue is pocketed by the team owner or an entity the owner contro ls. We gathered our information primarily from the teams, public documents, spor ts bankers, credit rating agencies, network executives, and media experts like S NL Kagan. 大概意思就是估值是台面上其他人的開價,及參考過往交易。 這跟上市公司市值=股價x股數 的精准度差很多吧! 球隊其實財務蠻隱蔽的。 這幾年,隨著大量資本從中國流向海外,買球隊股份成為很好的流出方法。職業球隊估值水 漲船高不意外。 ※ 引述 《kaga1991》 之銘言: :   : 消息來源:https://reurl.cc/3zQQX :   : 內容: :   : The World's 50 Most Valuable Sports Teams 2019 :   : 1.Dallas Cowboys (NFL) $5 billion :   : 2.New York Yankees (MLB) $4.6 billion :   : 3.Real Madrid (Soccer) $4.24 billion :   : 4.Barcelona (Soccer) $4.02 billion :   : 5.New York Knicks (NBA) $4 billion :   : 6.Manchester United (Soccer) $3.81 billion :   : 7.New England Patriots (NFL) $3.8 billion :   : 8.Los Angeles Lakers (NBA) $3.7 billion :   : 9.Golden State Warriors (NBA) $3.5 billion :   : 10.New York Giants (NFL) $3.3 billion :   : 10.Los Angeles Dodgers (MLB) $3.3 billion :   : 12.Boston Red Sox (MLB) $3.2 billion :   : 12.Los Angeles Rams (NFL) $3.2 billion :   : 14.Washington Redskins (NFL) $3.1 billion :   : 14.Chicago Cubs (MLB) $3.1 billion :   : 16.San Francisco 49ers (NFL) $3.05 billion :   : 17.Bayern Munich (Soccer) $3.02 billion :   : 18.San Francisco Giants (MLB) $3 billion :   : 19.Chicago Bulls (NBA) $2.9 billion :   : 19.Chicago Bears (NFL) $2.9 billion :   : 21.New York Jets (NFL) $2.85 billion :   : 22.Houston Texans (NFL) $2.8 billion :   : 22.Boston Celtics (NBA) $2.8 billion :   : 24.Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) $2.75 billion :   : 25.Manchester City (Soccer) $2.69 billion :   : 26.Denver Broncos (NFL) $2.65 billion :   : 27.Green Bay Packers (NFL) $2.63 billion :   : 28.Atlanta Falcons (NFL) $2.6 billion :   : 29.Baltimore Ravens (NFL) $2.59 billion :   : 30.Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL) $2.59 billion :   : 31.Seattle Seahawks (NFL) $2.58 billion :   : 32.Chelsea (Soccer) $2.58 billion :   : 33.Miami Dolphins (NFL) $2.58 billion :   : 34.Oakland Raiders (NFL) $2.42 billion :   : 35.Minnesota Vikings (NFL) $2.4 billion :   : 36.Indianapolis Colts (NFL) $2.38 billion :   : 37.Brooklyn Nets (NBA) $2.35 billion :   : 38.Houston Rockets (NBA) $2.3 billion :   : 38.Carolina Panthers (NFL) $2.3 billion :   : 38.New York Mets (MLB) $2.3 billion :   : 41.Los Angeles Chargers (NFL) $2.28 billion :   : 42.Arsenal (Soccer) $2.27 billion :   : 43.Dallas Mavericks (NBA) $2.25 billion :   : 44.Los Angeles Clippers (NBA) $2.2 billion :   : 45.Liverpool (Soccer) $2.18 billion :   : 46.Arizona Cardinals (NFL) $2.15 billion :   : 47.St. Louis Cardinals (MLB) $2.1 billion :   : 47.Kansas City Chiefs (NFL) $2.1 billion :   : 49.Jacksonville Jaguars (NFL) $2.08 billion :   : 50.New Orleans Saints (NFL) $2.08 billion :   -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1563851473.A.C4A.html
d62353 : 讚,有研究給推 07/23 11:11
paul5566 : 意思是~NBA球團也越來越多中資惹嗎? 07/23 11:18
PeterHenson : 沒IPO本來就很難估真實價值吧 07/23 11:21
victor21835 : 推 07/23 11:23
wsx1678904 : NYY超會藏錢的 根本很難估算他的價值 07/23 11:26
Rayshief : NFL大洗版 07/23 11:31
IBIZA : 他明明就寫估值來自過往營收的倍數跟目前檯面上的 07/23 11:33
IBIZA : 收購價 07/23 11:33
IBIZA : 檯面上的收購價不用講, 營收倍數本來就是估值的方式 07/23 11:34
IBIZA : 之一 07/23 11:34
IBIZA : forbes專門就是幹這個的, 不用為它們的估值擔心 07/23 11:35
IBIZA : 更正一下, 應該是收益的倍數 07/23 11:36
IBIZA : 這幾年美國球隊價值水漲船高, 主要是因為ESPN FS跟 07/23 11:38
IBIZA : NBCSN的惡鬥造成北美運動轉播權利金暴增 07/23 11:38
IBIZA : 跟中國資金沒甚麼關係 07/23 11:38
IBIZA : https://imgur.com/a/zQbPp 07/23 11:40
IBIZA : 北美運動收入, 轉播權利金在過去十幾年飆漲了快3倍 07/23 11:41
IBIZA : 同期的商品銷售幾乎沒有變化, 門票也只漲了五成左右 07/23 11:43
somanyee : 樓上內行,感謝補充及分析。你講的轉播應該是屬於r 07/23 11:50
somanyee : evenue的部分;我臆測的中資開價是offer部分,應該 07/23 11:50
somanyee : 沒衝突啦 07/23 11:50
ChrisDavis : 目前北美這幾個運動除了Nets其他還沒被中國人買八 07/23 13:40
ChrisDavis : 甚至連油王都沒有黑船開進來惹 07/23 13:41
timmyen : 米國職業運動太好賺了八 已經入場的都捨不得賣 07/23 18:57