看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源:Sports Illustrated By CHRIS MANNIX September 17, 2019 LOS ANGELES — Disappointing. Embarrassing. A reason for reevaluation. Just a few of the words and phrases that flooded the internet in the aftermath o 這段是講美國這次取得了有史以來最糟的成績 甚至超越了2002年的第六名。 So: Has Team USA hit a new low? “You can’t compare the two years,” USA Basketball managing director Jerry Col It is.f courset is. In 2002, the idea of playing for USA Basketball had lost all It’s not USA fanboying to submit that this team was snakebitten. The World Cup Injuries happen. That’s what bothers Colangelo the most. Kyle Kuzma—one of the 總管被問到這次是否創下了新低,甚至超越2002? Jerry Colangelo認為兩者無法相比,2002年的失利歸咎於球員打得自私,可怕的罰球命中率以及不擅長管理更衣室的教練Gertge Karl的問題。 這次的問題在於時機點,比賽在奧運的前一年舉辦,比賽甚至在NBA的季前訓練營開始前兩周才結束。 還有傷兵問題,這是總管認為最為困擾的,少數外圍射手的Kuzma因為腳踝傷勢在聯賽開始前退出,以及優秀的側翼得分手Tatum扭傷腳踝缺席了大部分比賽。 “我認為如果沒有這些傷勢,我們會贏得比賽。” Colangelo說。 And you know what? The rest of the world isood.rance, which bounced the U.S. from the quarterfinals, is led by Rudy Gobert, a two-time Defensive Player of the Year. Evan Fournier averaged 15 points for Orlando last season. Frank Ntilikina was a lottery pick. Serbia, which handed the U.S. its second loss of the tournament, has Nikola Jokic and Bogdan Bogdanovic. Good players, complemented by a roster of guys who have spent years playing together. “Basketball is the ultimate team game,” Colangelo said. “The more familiarity that players have with one another on the court, the better. Look at guys on Spain, Argentina. Luis Scola played [for Argentina]. He’s 39, played like he was 20. Manu Ginobili was there, he told [USA coach Gregg Popovich] that he was so proud of the Argentineans … you have to give credit to the rest of the world.” 這段大概是講其他強勢國家隊也有著不少NBA球員,也講到籃球是團隊運動,不能輕視其他隊伍的配合。 So what’s the solution? A national team comprised of non-NBA players, like the one Jeff Van Gundy coached in the qualifier last fall? Unrealistic. Colangelo is clearly irritated by some of the withdrawals this summer. “The disappointment I feel is not from the guys who said they wouldn’t play,” Colangelo said. “It’s those that said they would, and then backed out.” Still, Colangelo isn’t about to turn away talent. He hinted that he has had indications that some of the top players will return for the 2020 Olympics. He has a deep appreciation for the players that committed to play in the World Cup, suggesting that there were “2-3 players” who likely punched their tickets to Tokyo. Kemba Walker, Team USA’s leading scorer, is probably one. Donovan Mitchell, who singlehandedly kept the U.S. team in the game against France, is another. Colangelo also went out of his way to praise Marcus Smart, a defensive menace who can guard multiple positions. 總管表示不會對於一開始表態不參加的人感到不滿,但是那些中途退出的就不一定了。 同時他也認為這次參賽的球員或許為自己爭取到了東奧的位子-Kemba Walker,這次的頭號得分手,Donovan Mitchell,對上法國隊的精彩表現。總管同時對於Marcus Smart能夠防守不同位置表現給予讚美。 And the late withdrawals, a list of talent that includes James Harden, Anthony Davis and Damian Lillard? If they want to play next summer? “We’ll deal with those cases individually,” Colangelo said. “It’s important to field as strong a team as possible.” Indeed. When the U.S. suits up its A-Team, it’s unbeatable. In 2016, the U.S. routed Serbia in the gold medal game by 30. The average margin of victory in that Olympic cycle: 22.5 points. In 2020, the schedule is ideal; the Olympics open in late July and conclude in early August. The chance to be part of another Redeem Team should be motivating. It is for Colangelo. Next summer will end his 14-year tenure at the helm of USA Basketball. He oversaw the recovery of Team USA in 2008. He’s hellbent on making sure he leaves with the team on top. “There has not been any disappointment around USA Basketball in a while,” said Colangelo. “This will bother me until the 2020 Olympics.” 這段是講那些中途退出的明星AD Harden Lillard該怎麼處理?總管官腔回應“我們會再看看”。對於Colangelo來說,明年是他最後一次帶領國家隊,勢必得留下些什麼,球員名單會持續困擾著他,直到明年。 This summer was disappointing. And there will be disappointment again. The U.S. might never lose another Olympics. But a World Cup, a tournament in between Olympic cycles? They will lose another of those, for sure. The world is too good for the U.S. to scotch tape a collection of good NBA players to a roster and expect to win. It’s not embarrassing or humiliating that Team USA lost—it’s a reality. Send the best, and it’s a blowout. Send anything less, and the struggles of this summer will be repeated. 結語,大概是說現在世界的籃球都在進步,必須要精銳盡出,否則今夏的戲碼只會再發生一次。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1568773408.A.220.html
jtch : 可是要精銳就不會選Kemba跟Mitchell了 09/18 10:26
Yui5 : 褲子+泰坦沒受傷的話應該還能打?至少自殺切會少點 09/18 10:27
auron4041 : 精銳就不想打啊 只想收割而已 09/18 10:28
※ 編輯: Muma5566 ( 臺灣), 09/18/2019 10:30:15
DK47 : 還要酸 真可悲 09/18 10:30
※ 編輯: Muma5566 ( 臺灣), 09/18/2019 10:31:51
matsuwu : 那幾隻領的薪水,根本不能受傷。 09/18 10:30
matsuwu : 講收割說法不太對(雖然鬍子才開完派對可惡....) 09/18 10:32
hank13241 : 新人小咖退隊都有人孜孜不倦的酸了,這些有人酸也 09/18 10:33
hank13241 : 沒什麼 09/18 10:33
※ 編輯: Muma5566 ( 臺灣), 09/18/2019 10:33:24
IBIZA : 所以沒參加35人集訓可以, 不參加20人集訓不行 09/18 10:38
ooxxman : 總管擔保砍爸、米邱、聰明哥的位置?後衛沒車位啦! 09/18 10:38
gibe : 說到底還不就不敢對真大牌講什麼 09/18 10:41
linearppt : Kuzma還能算在外圍射手就知道外線有多慘 09/18 10:42
Rush0406 : 認真說有Kuz在的話應該能拼冠軍 09/18 10:43
ooxxman : 褲子是正牌4號,有他在和三分火力美國隊有餘裕的多 09/18 10:44
tim8333 : B.C咖組成的球隊... 09/18 10:45
ooxxman : Kuz也很可能被POPO抓來打五小中鋒受到長時間重用XD 09/18 10:46
kuz在或許不會因為需要射手把Joe harris拉上來打
dwiee : 明年要招募大咖吧,不過我想看走路人+米邱能打到那 09/18 10:46
※ 編輯: Muma5566 ( 臺灣), 09/18/2019 10:47:34
Kazmier : Kuz絕對是拉去守苟貝啊 09/18 10:47
IBIZA : Kuz有選上也改變不瞭甚麼的 這只是敗戰藉口 09/18 10:48
IBIZA : 當射手的話, Harris絕對比kuz好吧 09/18 10:50
原本想說Joe harris的防守,看了看kuz 算了
spa147369 : 改變不了什麼是你說的算嗎 能打的多一個是一個 09/18 10:50
EQUP : 但事實上就是沒打 也拿下最差成績 09/18 10:51
EQUP : 現在講什麼都是藉口 09/18 10:51
dwiee : kuz有上可能會變5-6名吧 1和5號都太慘了 09/18 10:51
CharlesHRU : #超越 09/18 10:51
IBIZA : Kuz選上就會有一個被取代 哪來的多一個 09/18 10:51
IBIZA : Kuz取代Harris, 只會讓已經很破爛的外線變更爛 09/18 10:52
IBIZA : Harris好打是今年的3p%王 也是美國隊三分命中率最好 09/18 10:52
IBIZA : 的 09/18 10:52
※ 編輯: Muma5566 ( 臺灣), 09/18/2019 10:52:48
IBIZA : 好歹 09/18 10:53
timmy1eric : “We’ll deal with those cases individually”重 09/18 10:53
timmy1eric : 點畫線,所以還是會看牌子嘛 09/18 10:53
hank13241 : 這成績不是一名球員能解決的,我也不覺得明年奧運 09/18 10:55
hank13241 : 會因為退出也不選,主要還是實力差距,因為後期退 09/18 10:55
hank13241 : 出的大多是二隊實力才能這樣說,這些人有人打出球 09/18 10:55
hank13241 : 星甚至巨星實力還是會邀,只是明年不太可能而已 09/18 10:55
SilenceWFL : 我覺得真香的機會比較大哈哈 09/18 10:57
IngramBrando: 今年就是證明美國的選訓模式就是要去跪求大牌明星才 09/18 11:00
IngramBrando: 穩R 09/18 11:00
hank13241 : 明年奧運可能太勉強,但過三四年新人成長,一定還 09/18 11:01
hank13241 : 會有人入選的,畢竟這次大部分人已經算美國的未來 09/18 11:01
dwiee : AD 鬍子 想要參加東奧,籃協敢拒絕嗎 09/18 11:02
dwiee : fiba吸引力太小了 別說大咖了 一些新生代小咖都不想 09/18 11:03
dwiee : 去 09/18 11:03
samsam80821 : Kuz選上代表好歹有個真的能打四號的人 09/18 11:06
JMashburn : 哇總管直接嗆那些中途退出的,看來真的被那幾隻背骨 09/18 11:26
JMashburn : 仔弄的很不爽XDD 09/18 11:26
phoenician : 奧運還是要靠巨星啦 籃協承受不住壓力啦 09/18 11:28
jack19931993: 不同定位啊 Kuzma可以是快攻箭頭 這個Harris做不到 09/18 11:37
jack19931993: 而且也不一定要拿Harris換 怎麼看該踢掉的都是Middl 09/18 11:38
jack19931993: eton吧 09/18 11:38
jack19931993: 雷湯換Kuzma 怎麼看都是大升級 09/18 11:39
monmo : 為什麼沒差? 熱身賽Kzuma比Harris還像射手 正賽當然 09/18 11:48
monmo : 沒上場沒有如果 但他取代Plumlee 跟Harris一起上場 09/18 11:48
monmo : 難道不行嗎? 多一個射手對三分很爛的美國當然有幫助 09/18 11:49
monmo : Kzuma的競爭關係不是Harris 美國欠射手本來多多益善 09/18 11:49
monmo : 何況Kzuma是真的可以扛到四的 比選入不用禁區組好多 09/18 11:50
jack19931993: 所以說不用跟Harris比啊 該踢的是雷湯 09/18 11:50
monmo : 還有Kzuma跟Harris也是不同類型射手啦 Harris像 09/18 11:50
monmo : KK那種角色射手 Kzuma好歹是還能單幹的球員 09/18 11:51
hbkhhhdx2006: 在還沒打世界杯前也不可能把密豆湯踢掉好嗎== 雖然 09/18 11:52
hbkhhhdx2006: 季後賽表現不好但至少還會有期望 09/18 11:52
kazzak16 : 就是FG就是投不進罰球又爛開始怪東怪西 09/18 12:01
jack19931993: 雷湯整季都在雷 謝謝 09/18 12:02
samsam80821 : 不過事實上 最後跟褲子在選的好像是小雞就是 09/18 12:18
samsam80821 : 很多雷的那時候不可能換 09/18 12:19
saintmin1002: 像鬍子AD這種頂級球星說要打 籃協真的敢拒絕嗎... 09/18 12:46
matsuwu : 瓜說要打不給打還酸就注定雷爆 09/18 12:50
HPPH : 反正Jerry Colangelo只是要找人背鍋..順便轉移在他 09/18 13:46
HPPH : 自身的焦點...在球星一受傷就幾百萬幾千萬美金飛掉 09/18 13:47
HPPH : 的現在..除非能給予這些參加的球星一些保障不然這屆 09/18 13:48
HPPH : 發生的事只會一直重複 09/18 13:48
SIRO5566 : 這隻Colangelo 跟之前76總管有關ㄇ 09/18 14:26
TimmyJiang : 就之前76人的小柯他老爸 09/18 14:30
TimmyJiang : 老柯呀 09/18 14:30
thesmartest : 當總管連Kuz這種等級的球員都能形容成救世主,就知 09/18 19:37
thesmartest : 道今年的美國隊到底有多慘了 09/18 19:37
LuckyTrump : 如果Curry Harden Lillard Thompson說要打奧運你還 09/19 00:33
LuckyTrump : 會選Kemba嗎 09/19 00:33