看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y3pl8hqy Doc Rivers embraces Clippers being NBA title favorites with Kawhi Leonard, Paul George 快艇總教練Doc Rivers欣然接受因為Kawhi Leonard跟Paul George加入後快艇成為總冠軍 熱門隊伍 LOS ANGELES – He has spent part of his summer enjoying the culinary delights that this cosmopolitan city has to offer. Rarely has Doc Rivers had to pay a cent. 在過去這個夏天,快艇總教練Doc Rivers著實好好享受了洛杉磯這個大城市所擁有的美 食,而且很多的時候他一毛都不用付。 The reason? The Los Angeles Clippers spent last summer landing Kawhi Leonard (as a free agent) and Paul George (in a trade with the Oklahoma City Thunder). Therefore, the Clippers have the chance to win an NBA championship in a city that has loved the Lakers more. 為何?那是因為這個夏天快艇得到Kawhi Leonard(以FA身分加入)以及Paul George(與雷霆 交易),因此對於洛杉磯這個愛湖人比愛快艇多的城市來說,快艇有機會替洛杉磯拿下NBA 總冠。 “I got a couple of free meals out of it,” Rivers joked recently. “You also know if you don’t win it, you have (to) pay for the rest of them.” 「就是因為那樣子的關係,我有好幾次吃飯都不用付錢,」Rivers開玩笑的說。「不過大 家也知道若是我們沒拿下冠軍的話,之後都得要付錢的。」 The 29 other NBA teams would love to make Rivers pay for his tabs once again. Rivers seems partly driven by not needing to pick up the check again. 聯盟其他29支隊伍應該都很想讓Rivers付帳單的,不過Rivers也因為不想吃飯要付錢的關 係也更有動力。 “I’m not going to be out in the front saying we’re going to win it. But I’ m fine if that’s what everybody thinks,” Rivers said. “Why run from expectations? I’ve never understood that.” 「我不會在大家面前就直接說我們將會拿下總冠,但是對於大家對我們有那樣的期待我很 OK的,」Rivers說。「為甚麼要逃避大家對我們的期許呢?我真的不懂。」 The Clippers appear in prime position to win their first NBA title in franchise history, and the reasons go beyond the acquisitions of Leonard and George. Clippers owner Steve Ballmer has deep pockets. Clippers general manager Lawrence Frank and legendary consultant Jerry West are well respected. Rivers has been a Hall-of-Fame caliber coach. The Clippers tested the Golden State Warriors in last season's first-round playoff series, pushing it to six games because of the team’s depth and hustle. 現在的快艇處在他們隊史上拿下他們首冠的絕佳位置,這不僅僅只是因為他們有Leonard跟 George的加入;快艇老闆Steve Ballmer口袋深不見底,總管Lawrence Frank以及顧問 Jerry West都是聯盟受人尊敬的人,總教練Rivers也是名人堂等級。在上個賽季季後賽第 一輪,快艇以他們的陣容以及鬥志好好測驗了勇士一下,打到了第六場才分勝負。 Still, plenty of the Clippers’ success this season hinges on how productive and healthy Leonard and George remain. 不過,今年的快艇是否能打出成功的一季很重要的因素會決定在到底Leonard跟George能多 健康,能貢獻多少給比賽。 After playing in nine games because of complications with a quadriceps injury in his final year in San Antonio, Leonard joined the Toronto Raptors and “ load management” became part of the league’s lexicon. After winning an NBA title in his lone season in Toronto, will Leonard follow the same program? Leonard在馬刺的最後一年因為大腿四頭肌傷勢只打了九場比賽,之後他被交易到多倫多暴 龍,在暴龍的那段時間他也成為聯盟所稱的"負荷管理"的一員。在幫暴龍拿下冠軍後,加 入快艇的他是否也會採用同樣的模式呢? “I don’t anticipate that being an issue,” Rivers said. “It helps we’re a pretty deep team.” 「我不認為那會是個問題,」Rivers說。「我們的陣容深度很夠。」 As for George? Frank said that George has “made great progress” since having off-season surgery on his left shoulder, but declined to provide a timetable on his possible return. 那George呢?總管Frank說在休賽季George接受手術,左肩膀目前恢復進度很好,但是他不 願意對於George何時回歸給出時間表。 The Clippers also have nine players from a bench that led the NBA last season in scoring (53.4 points per game), including Lou Williams, Montrezl Harrell, JaMychal Green, Patrick Beverley and Landry Shamet. The Clippers also acquired Maurice Harkless in an offseason trade, and Rivers might also depend on rookies Mfiondu Kabengale and Terance Mann. Therefore, Rivers said his offense will center around Leonard, George and “parts of the right system for them and the team.” 快艇目前也有九個板凳球員在上個賽季在板凳得分數上領先(場均53.4分),其中包括Lou Williams,Montrezl Harrell,JaMychal Green,Patrick Beverley跟Landry Shamet。而 在休賽季快艇也得到了Maurice Harkless,同時他們也可能要依賴菜鳥Mfiondu Kabengale 跟Terance Mann。也因此,Rivers說他們的攻擊會圍繞在Leonard,George以及"球隊內的 體系"。 “I don’t know if I’ve done the parade route and all of that. But you have to at least envision it,” Rivers said. “I find myself doing that. Then you have to do the work.” 「我不知道我去探過冠軍遊行的路了沒有;不過至少可以在腦海裡想像一下,」Rivers 說。「我發現我會這樣子做,然後之後就去努力作到。」 That way, Rivers will not have to pay for many meals again. 也因為那樣,Rivers或許可以很多餐都不用付錢了。 -- 期待開季 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十
kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18
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kevin9841 : 宇宙艇幾冠樓下回答 09/24 00:03
silencepap : 0 09/24 00:03
silencepap : 就不要某人快攻完又再折一次哦 09/24 00:04
evedder : 這咖不是之前被說是快艇真正的問題? 09/24 00:07
OPPAISuki : 騙甲騙甲 09/24 00:08
paul5566 : 這言論~湖迷看到會很火吧 09/24 00:12
cobras638 : 好敢講 09/24 00:17
ayabrea : 只要把他兒子弄走,他就會恢復成好教練 09/24 00:20
crownschou : 工三小 折什麼折... 09/24 00:21
OPPAISuki : 會敗人品嗎?感覺會激起湖人奪冠 讓他付錢 09/24 00:25
chunyo0229 : 客家 09/24 00:25
kai08130623 : 洛杉磯Harden? 09/24 00:30
yutin916 : 老河屁話真多,可愛兩年後一定走 09/24 00:31
WLR : POPO:一堆跟我蹭飯的 09/24 00:32
zsp9081a : 可愛加入快艇最大的原動力找到了,免錢的食物 09/24 00:34
kmters : 某樓在折什麼折 09/24 00:40
awxsd456 : 蹭飯仔>0輪追殺仔 09/24 00:42
andy991217 : 二樓這種人真的可憐 09/24 01:01
matsuwu : Logo真的猛,但跪求LBj和AD把他們打爆 09/24 01:11
a11011788 : 三樓可以桶了吧 09/24 01:13
michael9999 : 哇噻 那麼沒水準我也是開眼界 09/24 01:13
generic : 因為球隊付 09/24 01:30
lala31446 : 先把二樓對折再對折好了 09/24 01:35
wisdomcowcow: 三樓該桶吧 09/24 01:35
chenborruey : 3樓8888 09/24 01:42
zihao0422 : 只是打個籃球到底在詛咒什麼? 09/24 02:34
ChenWay : 免費仔 09/24 04:00
watwmark : 湖迷火又怎樣 他是快艇教練 又不對湖迷負責 09/24 05:29
yowhatsupsli: 吃了兩碗粉的錢只給了一碗錢 09/24 07:02
hata506 : 索尼嗎 有沒有偷看老太婆洗澡? 09/24 07:19
angels : 小河流: 09/24 07:43
CW4 : Kerr筆記:以後到LA就找老河吃飯 09/24 07:45
ng1life1 : 3樓8888888 09/24 07:45
hn11 : 我2K都拿掉傷病 所以不會折到>< 09/24 07:49
NiaosongLBJ : 好爽 09/24 08:07
power2618 : Mike Brown表示 09/24 08:29
lyfenanook : 趕快滾離洛杉磯去吃其他地方的免費食物吧 09/24 08:41
Bilison : 二樓水準 09/24 08:51
miksim : 2樓祝你出門平安喜樂喔 09/24 08:54
Derrick906 : 0 09/24 09:02
wowkerker : 三個月老艇迷出來簽到囉 09/24 09:15
messaround : 無論如何,只要能讓姆咪崩潰我就是推 09/24 09:26
peanut910013: 希望2 3樓人生順利 09/24 09:30
kyoko3678906: 詛咒別人有夠噁心 09/24 09:40
kyoko3678906: 某迷也只能繼續活在過去 09/24 09:41
playkill : 這隻2K.....幸好我自己打 09/24 09:42
jsliao9786 : 某樓水準好低 09/24 09:43
jyunwei : 我記得PTT 洛杉磯人們說真正的洛杉磯球迷都很看不 09/24 09:46
jyunwei : 起快艇,怎麼可能讓他免費吃飯 09/24 09:46
zxcvasdf : 噓二樓 09/24 10:03
joshua0606 : 客家之光 09/24 10:29
Howard000123: 素質真差 09/24 10:33
z19880215 : 這隻2k只是顆西瓜 09/24 10:36
PleomaxKai : 某樓真的嘴賤 09/24 11:45
LoMing1021 : 某迷素質 意外嗎 得不到就詛咒 09/24 12:12
as508114 : 客家血統? 09/24 13:06
bubblewn : 在自己家裡吃要付錢的也是很可憐啦 09/24 14:00
zzzz5602 : 詛咒球員是真的噁心 09/24 14:13
MaRin0725 : 低能二樓真的可悲 09/24 15:47
kenslc199 : 到底二樓還三樓 09/24 19:15
a50142 : La就是快艇的天下 09/24 20:48
bravo189226 : 才兩隻就宇宙艇?是有多急 09/24 20:56
s1001307 : 折什麼 2樓水準.. 09/25 04:52
Childishan : 23樓這水準趕快桶啦 09/28 19:59