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消息來源:(網址或出處) https://reurl.cc/ObRXDr 內容: Ray Allen: I would have re-joined Celtics if they signed Kevin Durant By Darren Hartwell November 15, 2019 9:15 AM Ray Allen:當年賽爾提克有簽下KD,我就會復出 Remember when the Boston Celtics made a serious push for Kevin Durant during the 2016 offseason? 還記得2016休賽季賽爾提克強烈追求KD嗎 Apparently he wasn't the only player who would have come to Boston in that scenario. Retired NBA guard Ray Allen, who spent five seasons in Boston from 2007 to 2012, admitted Thursday he spoke with Danny Ainge in 2016 and told the Celtics president of basketball operations he was open to re-joining the C's if they landed Durant in free agency. 但他不僅僅是當年唯一會加入賽爾提克的人選,賽爾提克名人球星Ray Allen承認他曾與 安吉交流過,如果當年賽爾提克能爭取KD加盟,他也會重返聯盟並加入賽隊 "I had a conversation with (Ainge) and I told him this was my last-ditch effort. I would’ve went back,” Allen said on WEEI's "Ordway, Merloni & Fauria" radio show. Allen在某radio show談到:這會是我最後一次考慮重返NBA,沒有了以後也不會再有了 "This was when Kevin Durant was a free agent. He was thinking about going to Boston. And I said, ‘Hey, if you guys land Kevin, I would certainly look at lacing them back up one more time and try to make something good happen here in Boston.' " 當年KD處於自由約,他正在考慮賽爾提克,Ray對安吉說說: 嘿~ 如果妳們能讓KD加入,我也會重返NBA,並能讓波士頓發生一些很棒的事。 Allen was two years removed from the NBA at that point and hadn't played since 2014 with the Miami Heat. But Allen played the "sidekick" role well during his stint in Boston, winning an NBA title in 2008 after forming the "Big Three" with Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce. Allen didn't have the cleanest split with the Celtics: Several C's players bristled at the sharpshooter's decision to reject Boston's contract offer to sign with the Heat in 2012, taking issue with Allen's lack of communication over his decision. Pairing Allen with Durant would have made the Celtics an instant title contender, though, and likely would have helped Allen put his past behind him. Alas, a cameo from Tom Brady wasn't enough for the C's to prevent Durant from joining the Golden State Warriors, leaving fans to ponder this new twist to one of the NBA's great "what ifs." 後面就是最後KD選擇加入勇士,震撼全聯盟 短評或心得: 差一點重新變成綠血人了@@ -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1573850747.A.663.html ※ 編輯: VeryGoodBoy ( 臺灣), 11/16/2019 04:47:50
leg0125 : 這樣是抱腿還是不抱 11/16 04:51
louispencer : 他那時候復出 其他幾個484就不能嘴他雜血人惹 11/16 05:05
gt097231 : 問題是 綠血人會收他嗎?不是都當他叛徒 11/16 05:21
jackysuyu : kd也是自己想不開kd在勇士不管得多少冠都等於0 11/16 05:35
jackysuyu : 跟rmbj在熱火的時候不管拿多少榮譽都沒啥用一樣道理 11/16 05:36
Lantrylol : lbj跟kd的情況差那麼多 11/16 06:05
saiwilly : 樓上..證明自己是大腿就好啦 11/16 06:06
leo755269 : 還真的看不出來LBJ跟KD差在哪 11/16 06:14
XperiaZ6C : LBJ旁邊是好朋友,一起分享榮耀 11/16 06:18
XperiaZ6C : KD旁邊的嘴綠對KD如何就不用說了吧 11/16 06:19
ray155002 : 光打不贏就加入應該是差蠻多的 11/16 06:19
dayjay : 加入73勝1冠勇跟加入50勝0冠熱火,看不出差異? 11/16 06:19
ronald000 : 有KD或許就不需要你了 11/16 06:24
rainthen : 看不出來就電電,不用說出來讓大家笑XD 11/16 06:33
skunnyk : 看不出LBK和KD差在哪的才好笑吧 11/16 06:34
yentsujay : 波士頓超音速隊 11/16 06:34
skunnyk : LBJ* 另外熱火前一年也沒50勝。LBJ組了一隻球隊,他 11/16 06:37
skunnyk : 們還是經歷了很多磨合和成長。KD就像加入已經磨合好 11/16 06:37
skunnyk : 的熱火,你就知道差別了。 11/16 06:37
Amilous : 但KD應該從沒考慮過賽隊吧XD 11/16 06:48
KarlTowns : 熱火哪時50勝,造謠不用錢不捅嗎? 11/16 06:52
garnett05 : 加入的話現在聯盟版圖應該很不一樣 11/16 06:54
Sherlock95 : 打不贏就加入的始祖 不就是Ray Allen嗎? XD 11/16 07:05
gaiaesque : 嗯 11/16 07:12
kevin186012 : 當初KD如果去賽 勇士二連霸大概也沒了 11/16 07:23
bigheadkobe : 無下限耶~噁 11/16 07:23
huatou : 要酸也先做好功課再說 11/16 07:24
DolphinCP : 學KG? 11/16 07:28
kaodio : KD去勇士也可以復出啊 開50勇士也會收 11/16 07:40
lindvior : 噁心的偽君子 11/16 07:48
hunt5566 : 所以慕斯跟藍特的冠軍旁邊會標註=零嗎? 笑 11/16 07:52
a9527a : R72:你來之前我們就贏球了 11/16 08:05
awheaton311 : 謝謝姆斯帶壞KD 讓我勇可以二連霸 11/16 08:18
LAKobeBryant: 熱火哪裡0冠 11/16 08:20
issusu : 在哪講找好兄弟分享榮耀 不就是抱團 噁心 11/16 08:30
z8207262000 : wade:你來之前我就一冠了 11/16 08:32
baobeising : 湖人:你來之前我就十幾冠三連霸了 11/16 08:34
pansonican1 : 岳不群 11/16 08:36
Tawara : 君子劍 11/16 08:46
s920223 : 這樣會分不出來? 原來是勇迷那不怪你 11/16 08:47
featherable : 看不出來差在哪XDDD 11/16 09:06
nayeonmywife: GAP > LCD >>> Kevin Durant+GSW 11/16 09:07
corner0111 : 君子劍雷艾倫 11/16 09:07
vic19880902 : 組團跟跪舔分不出來? 11/16 09:09
windowdoor : 雷槍也會說幹話XD 11/16 09:09
jitr601 : Kd加入勇士地位比嘴綠還不如 姆斯是連偉德都愛死他 11/16 09:10
jitr601 : 了 說沒差的是酸酸吧 11/16 09:10
cblade : 一邊是真愛,一邊是被嘴 11/16 09:13
frost7321 : 勇迷這季躲在廁所昏迷 看不出差別正常 11/16 09:19
roger2623900: 雖然LBJ+Wade+Bosh+RayAllen也很大團 但還是宇宙勇 11/16 09:23
roger2623900: 比較大團一點 11/16 09:23
kerogunpla : 別鬧了 11/16 09:26
jailkobe5566: 抱腿仔一個 11/16 09:33
kobe760903 : 雷槍才是打不贏就加入的始祖… 11/16 09:35
tygodtone : 勇迷哈哈 11/16 09:42
ChildX : 腿 11/16 09:43
zzzzoooo : 大家都說LBJ是抱團始祖 明明這團才是== 11/16 10:27
eh07 : 當年湖人簽下我,我就會跟老大合拿81分 11/16 10:28
MarcPolo : 無尊 噁噁 11/16 10:43
ENCOREH33456: 叛徒 吵 11/16 10:55
mattfan : 要是kd加入塞軍當年LBJ就有機會拿到冠軍了 11/16 10:57
ciman96 : 原來組隊還分那麼細哦XDD 11/16 11:02
purplebfly : 你根本不重要啊 11/16 11:03
ct2189 : 那樣東冠應該很好看 11/16 11:03
SonoSion : 熱火0冠 新警察? 11/16 11:16
icemaker : 在抱與不抱之間 11/16 11:58
ray10133 : 差很多是指 一個組大團 一個是打不贏就入團嗎 XD 11/16 12:06
a123zyx : 差在一個是聯盟第一人 一個不是吧 11/16 13:04
plan1 : 腿 11/16 13:07
ss88812 : 抱腿仔怕人不知道 11/16 13:09
leo755269 : 笑死 能把抱腿分那麼細的真的只有某迷了XDD 11/16 13:55
JWillSoul : 就說你腿了 11/16 14:23
cgabear : 腿詹跟腿肚當然有差啊,一個抱三次一個抱一次。 11/16 16:07
ntusimmon : 那幾個ID就不用浪費唇舌了 11/16 16:46
frayzzz : 真的超噁心閉嘴好嗎 11/16 18:06
fe0727 : 講姆斯跟KD轉隊不一樣的真的沒下限 11/16 22:06
Marshuman : 綠血人是球員一廂情願 安吉哪屌你綠血不綠血 11/16 22:33
turkey7315 : 東冠會變血戰 11/17 01:15
cymtrex : 抱腿投敵僞君子 11/17 06:09
RayAllen : 借轉RayAllen板,謝謝^^ 11/17 19:34
RayAllen:轉錄至看板 RayAllen 11/17 19:35