看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: ESPN 網址: https://tinyurl.com/rfoav7s By Adrian Wojnarowski John Beilein apologizes to Cavs, says he meant to call players 'slugs,' not 'thugs' 騎士總教練John Beilein跟球員道歉,說他意思本來是說球員是"slugs",不是"thugs" After stunning his players in a film session on Wednesday with a verbal suggestion that they were no longer playing "like a bunch of thugs," Cleveland Cavaliers coach John Beilein later reached out to players individually to insist he had instead meant to use the word "slugs." 在星期三的影片時間,騎士總教練John Beilein講出騎士球員打球不再"像是一群暴徒" (thugs)嚇到騎士球員後,他之後個別去找球員澄清,堅持說他本來是要講"蛞蝓"(slugs) 這個字的。 Delivering the term thugs onto a group of largely young African-American men carries obvious racial connotations, and Beilein acknowledged to ESPN in a telephone conversation on Wednesday night that he understood that. 在一群主要是由非裔美國球員組成的球員前用"thugs"這字會有明顯的種族意味在裡面, 而Beilein星期三晚上在與ESPN的電話訪談中說他有了解了。 Beilein had been wrapping up what had been an off-day film session in Detroit and a hush fell over the room when his players and staff heard the words come out of his mouth, sources said. 消息來源說,球隊在底特律時,Beilein在影片時間要結束前,球員聽到他講了那個字後整 個房間變成一片寂靜。 The Cavaliers players left the room initially stunned and were increasingly disturbed as they dispersed out of the meeting, league sources said. 消息來源說,當會議結束球員們離開房間時先是驚訝,然後開始覺得不舒服。 Cavaliers general manager Koby Altman was alerted to the issue in the aftermath of the meeting and reached out to Beilein for clarification later on Wednesday. Soon after, Beilein said he started to contact his players individually to clarify his words and meaning. 星期三的時候總管Koby Altman知道了這場會議後的騷動後就去找了Beilein,想澄清事情 的真相。很快的,Beilein說他開始去跟各個球員談,釐清他本來要講的話以及要表達的意 思。 "I didn't realize that I had said the word "thugs," but my staff told me later I did and so I must have said it," Beilein told ESPN on Wednesday night. "I meant to say slugs, as in slow moving. We weren't playing hard before, and now we were playing harder. I meant it as a compliment. That's what I was trying to say. I've already talked to eight of my players tonight, and they are telling me that they understand." 「我不知道我有講"thugs"那個字,但是我的工作人員之後告訴我說我有說,所以我一定是 說了,」Beilein跟ESPN說。「我本來是要說"slugs",就是指慢吞吞的意思。我們之前打 得不夠努力,而現在我們打得比較努力了,我本來是要讚美球員的,那是我本來想說的意 思。我已經跟8個球員解釋過了,他們跟我說他們有了解了。」 Altman was in the process of gathering details and context on the team film session on Wednesday night, sources told ESPN. 消息來源說,總管Altman正在蒐集那天影片時間到底發生了什麼的所有細節以及內容。 After signing a five-year contract, Beilein, 66, has been slow to connect with his players and adjust to the NBA in his first year on the job. Beilein has been on the receiving end of significant frustration from All-Star forward Kevin Love, and in some cases, several of the younger core of players whom Beilein had been hired to teach and develop. 66歲的Beilein與騎士簽下五年的合約,他的第一年在與球員溝通上還不是很快,還在做調 整中。除了接受來自球隊全明星前鋒Kevin Love的許多抱怨外,其他一些本來是要聘 Beilein來培養的年輕球員也對他有抱怨。 Beilein held a film session at a Detroit hotel on Wednesday, and largely derided his players for poor decision-making and execution, sources said. The Cavaliers play the Pistons on Thursday in Detroit. 消息來源說,Beilein的影片時間大部分是在數落他的球員們場上做錯誤的決定以及執行戰 術不佳。明天騎士會在客場面對活塞。 The Cavaliers are 10-27, and planning to continue making veterans players available on the trade market to cycle into a full rebuilding mode. Cleveland hired Beilein from the University of Michigan, his final college stop on a coaching career that had spanned over 40 years in the collegiate game. 騎士戰績10-27,持續在交易市場上想賣他們的老將,好進入重建期。騎士是從密西根大學 聘Beilein來當教練,他在大學籃球已經執教超過40年。 -- 會不會比隊上老將還早捲鋪蓋 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1578544836.A.BF2.html
Dorae5566 : 不要硬凹,乖乖道歉不好嗎 01/09 12:41
EDDYYYYY : 承認錯誤就好不要硬凹 難看 01/09 12:42
frank47147 : 騎士教練整天在道歉的感覺 01/09 12:42
NightBlue03 : 臺灣領先全球 NBA X總 01/09 12:42
Ten6666 : 喔... 這個很麻煩 現在美國白人如履薄冰 01/09 12:42
dannyshan : 一群蛞蝓 01/09 12:42
ellis5566 : 不在大學籃球當老大跑來NBA 01/09 12:43
brian040818 : 氣氛大隊 01/09 12:43
LoMing1021 : 騎士本來休息室就不平靜 還搞這齣= = 01/09 12:43
cross980115 : 我騎又發生了什麼鳥事?? 01/09 12:44
lousen0068 : 在大學當老大 在NBA大家都是你老大 01/09 12:45
mose56789 : 啥 騎士又發生啥鳥事 01/09 12:45
manuginobii : Thug Life 01/09 12:47
alex53001 : 難怪休息室爆炸…這個字也是危險的 01/09 12:47
nameless22 : 這個超麻煩...一說出口可能就掰了 01/09 12:48
kingcharlie : thug life 01/09 12:48
wch2 : 把球員稱作蛞蝓? 伊藤潤二表示 01/09 12:49
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 01/09/2020 12:50:04
zego41 : 米國真累,整天政治正確 01/09 12:49
janson1357 : 之前不是說會用動物當戰術? 01/09 12:49
andy82116 : woj有把戰績偷偷校正成正確的10-27了,剛剛也在翻 01/09 12:50
andy82116 : 譯這篇文章QQ 01/09 12:50
不好意思先翻了 我也做修正
eh07 : 還好不是sluts 01/09 12:50
raysbuck : 蛞蝓好吃 01/09 12:51
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 01/09/2020 12:51:37
andy82116 : Slugs意思是指球員懶散與移動緩慢 01/09 12:51
SCLPAL : 教練:伊藤潤二(?) 01/09 12:52
andy82116 : 沒關係,還有人會注意我騎表示欣慰 01/09 12:53
andy82116 : 英文哪裡沒改到 01/09 12:53
阿~~只改了翻譯的部分 謝謝提醒
chi12345678 : 教練:你們這群富江 01/09 12:53
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 01/09/2020 12:54:30
a22122212 : 不再打得像蛞蝓?有沒有影片前後文可以比對一下 01/09 12:56
cross980115 : 騎士最近的消息都是氣氛、糟糕的消息啊 01/09 12:57
wwf1588 : 應該差不多了 01/09 12:58
CMPunk : 來人啊給他p個墨鏡跟大麻煙 01/09 13:03
semicoma : sluggy p 01/09 13:03
NicolaJokic : lbj在的時候到底怎麼帶進東冠的.. 01/09 13:03
taiwanalien : LBJ BUFF的強大,就是有人不願意承認而已 01/09 13:05
js2a117573 : young thug 01/09 13:05
AndyWT : Thug Life 01/09 13:05
d147258 : 還好是蛞蝓不是國瑜 01/09 13:10
Pixis : 兩個都是很嚴厲的批評 01/09 13:14
PaladinEnola: 感覺沒錯啊,騎士打球哪裡像暴徒了 說尼克我還信 01/09 13:23
PaladinEnola: ,其實就一群菜雞都不認真啊 01/09 13:23
Tawara : 黑人才能講thug 01/09 13:23
Ten6666 : 其實我蠻信他的講法 但沾到種族就很麻煩 特別是黑色 01/09 13:27
iecdalu : 騎士隊怎麼會從大學籃壇挖角這個老阿公 01/09 13:31
cloudenvy : 不妙 01/09 13:31
TsukimiyaAyu: 衰尾查某 01/09 13:33
cblade : 我是說在座的各位 01/09 13:34
KotoriCute : 在美國沾到種族歧視就沒救了,騎士教練差不多要走人 01/09 13:36
KotoriCute : 了 01/09 13:36
KotoriCute : 他接下來大概沒有辦法帶人了 01/09 13:37
KotoriCute : 騎士可能要找新教練了 01/09 13:38
tupacshkur : thug life by 2pac 01/09 13:40
tomlee1130 : 腦袋馬上冒出音樂 01/09 13:41
sampsonlu919: 可是貝總 蛞蝓聽起來也沒多好聽啊xdrz 01/09 13:45
loserloser : 拿對學生講的話來對一些比你有錢的富翁講 01/09 13:47
King5566 : 施鹽 01/09 13:52
nameless22 : 重點不是好聽不好聽 是涉及種族歧視.... 01/09 13:52
Amilous : 老白人? 01/09 13:54
xgMd1trtw : 從打法來看 他的確講蛞蝓比較像吧 01/09 14:00
lkk88 : 在偽善的美國 說出這個詞應該就掰掰了吧 01/09 14:01
lkk88 : 不論是不是有意 基本上已經帶不動了 01/09 14:02
Myosotis : 蛞蝓超噁的 這算公然侮辱了吧  01/09 14:25
solidmiss : 大舌頭 01/09 14:44
erosha : 蛞蝓?? 01/09 14:51
tony20095 : 我還以為是sluts勒 01/09 14:56
toast1521 : 對付蛞蝓只能施鹽 01/09 15:02
xm3k0828 : 這些只是濕骨林蛞蝓大人的1/10而已 01/09 15:20
WarIII : 米國真的開始有點黑色恐怖的氛圍了 01/09 15:52
WarIII : 沒覺得他有說錯 不過在米國扯到種族歧視基本掰定 01/09 15:53
sunnyyoung : 有比較好嗎.... 01/09 15:55
nashill13 : Love:+1 01/09 16:10
autechre : thug怎麼跟騎士尼哥有關的啊 不懂由來 01/09 16:49
sampsonlu919: 我看過探險活寶有一集跟蛞蝓有關 由此可知西方人蠻 01/09 17:05
sampsonlu919: 瞧不起蛞蝓的 地位連蝸牛都不如 01/09 17:05
skixhbyu : 越想越不對勁 01/09 18:52
LiamMcMorrow: 唉 01/09 19:00
MG1211 : thug常用在美國街頭黑人 通常是黑幫或狠腳色的意思 01/09 19:30
semb15 : young thug 01/09 21:25
SBSB : thug是指幫派份子,角頭老大那些的 01/10 22:18
SBSB : 應該是真的是口誤啦,不過這個詞是真的很禁忌 01/10 22:19
SBSB : 因為nba黑人很多就是在那種魚龍混雜的地方出生的 01/10 22:20