看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
This was my last picture with you at the 2019 World Cup. We had dinner that night afterwards and we had a legendary night just hanging at the dinner table. We talked all night about writing, storytelling, film, books, music and the game. You told me how you were going to win another Oscar and a Tony award for things you had in the works. You talked about how GiGi is a beast on the court and how fundamentally sound she was and how she had every move down at her young age. I was just soaking up as much of your greatness as I could. We talked about your scheduled days and how you put everything in to being a father, coach and executive among other things and how to balance it all. I enjoyed our convos and I took so much to try and learn from you for my next chapter in life after ball. I find myself racking my brain trying to remember your words that night because I just knew there would be another conversation and I’d have even more questions to ask you the next time we met up. You’ve set the standard for excellence around the world. I cherish the moments we had man. Most importantly I pray for strength for your wife & kids. This one hurts really bad. Going forward I know you’ll be that voice pushing me and others to do more when we’re tired and think we have nothing left to give. Rest In Peace my brother. ---- 這是我在2019年世界盃和你拍的最後一張照片。 那天晚上我們一起吃晚餐,我們在餐桌上度過了一個傳奇的夜晚。我們整晚都在談論寫作 、故事、電影、書籍、音樂和遊戲。你告訴我你作品中擁有的東西讓你如何贏得一座奧斯 卡和東尼獎。你聊到gigi在球場上是隻野獸,而且聽起來她就是如此,以及她小時候的一 舉一動。 我只是盡可能地浸泡在你的偉大之中。我們談論了你安排的日子,你如何把一切都放在成 為一個父親、教練和行政人員,以及如何平衡這些。我喜歡我們的對談,我為我在籃球之 後人生的下一個章節努力並且像你學習。我發現自己努力記住那天晚上你說的話,因為我 只知道還會有另一次的對談,下次我們見面時,我會有更多問題要問你。 你已經為全世界設定了卓越的標準。我珍惜我們擁有的男人時刻。最重要的是,我為你的 妻子和孩子祈求力量,這傷得很重。"繼續前進",我知道你會是那個聲音,當我們感到疲 倦並認為我們無能為力時,推動我們做更多的事情。 安息吧,我的兄弟。 https://reurl.cc/QpMEj9 難過 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1580287470.A.EFF.html
Playonenight: 呱呱 QQ 01/29 16:45
hmt17 : 齋藤飛鳥QQ 01/29 16:45
※ 編輯: TheBatman ( 臺灣), 01/29/2020 16:46:32
okc5566 : QQ 01/29 16:46
ja1295 : QQ 01/29 16:49
ssweet : QQ 01/29 16:51
rondoya : QQ 01/29 16:54
RonaldPan : QQ 01/29 16:58
lovebuddy : QQ 01/29 16:58
yutapon : 呱呱也要好好保重身體啊QQ 01/29 16:59
guesswho : 可以想像到那是多麼有建設性的一天,籃球外的人生 01/29 17:05
karoshi : 推Bosh 01/29 17:08
Benbenyale : QQ 01/29 17:10
CW4 : QQ 01/29 17:11
l5i9hbba : QQ 01/29 17:18
s6212david : 每篇文都看得好難過 01/29 17:19
KMTlikesshit: >< 01/29 17:20
babysongs : 呱呱QQ 01/29 17:21
turkiali01 : 每篇悼念都充滿了不捨四年前與感慨...唉 01/29 17:21
turkiali01 : *思念 01/29 17:22
dl2002100 : 龍王QQ 01/29 17:28
k1230588 : 浸泡… 01/29 17:32
jack19931993: 老大退休的生活真的不只籃球 很精彩 QAQ 01/29 17:55
takewind : Bosh自己的病應該讓他對Kobe的話很有感觸,沒下次QQ 01/29 18:12
lovebean : QQ 01/29 18:25
ag007470 : 呱呱寫的很催淚 01/29 18:36
jack7775kimo: QQ 24 01/29 18:40
firewill : bosh真的可惜 01/29 18:46
summer3900 : QQ 01/29 19:07
jo4jp6wl123 : QQ 01/29 19:08
rojjujj : bosh見證老大的81分 01/29 19:18
jcto04 : 老包QQ 01/29 19:27
alen0130 : 每位球星的悼念都會讓我鼻子酸酸的 01/29 19:38
orb2121 : 推老包! 01/29 19:45
ya123yo : QQ 01/29 19:51
Wall62 : QQ 01/29 20:05
tony4417 : 下次我們見面時,我會有更多問題要問你QQ 01/29 20:05
kbgarnett : Bosh之前一直想回賽場,多少也被kobe影響吧? 01/29 20:20
steven89185 : 呱呱QQ 01/29 20:25
skunnyk : Bosh也是多才多藝型的,兩人聊天籃球以外的事互相激 01/29 20:57
skunnyk : 盪一定很有感觸 01/29 20:57
ethel7669 : Bosh熱愛閱讀和學習 還會寫Codes,是個知識咖 01/29 21:47
fongminp : Q_Q 01/29 21:56
ArNan : QQ 01/29 22:25
manpower9 : QQ 01/30 00:20
fransiceyho : QQ 01/30 00:52
hyc0725zz : 呱呱QQ 01/30 01:04
sinben : QQ 01/30 02:10
iamaq18c : QQ 02/01 11:37