看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
It still feels like a horrible dream, but I wanted to share a few words about Ko be as we mourn losing him, his beautiful daughter Gianna, and the others who tra gically passed. 到現在還是感覺像是一場惡夢 但是我還是想在大家哀悼Kobe和他美麗的女兒跟其他罹難者 的 時候分享一些KOBE的軼事 I remember when Kobe first got into the league. I told MJ during a workout, "Thi s kid plays like you, talks like you, walks like you, he even sticks his tongue out like you. He's going to be special." 我還記得當年Kobe踏進這個聯盟的時候 我在健身的時候跟MJ說 這小子打球的風格像你 說話的方式像你 走路的樣子也像你 就連吐 舌頭的樣子都像你 他會成為一位特別的球員 Right away, it was obvious that Kobe was insanely competitive, supremely confide nt and as driven as anyone I've ever seen. In his early years, we were still in our prime. But you could see what he was thinking: "Y'all better than me now, bu t that's not going to last." 很明顯Kobe是位我看過極度好勝 超級有自信 跟鍥而不捨的球員 在他生涯早期的時候 我們還在我們的巔峰期 但是你可以看得出來他在想什麼 你們現在都比我優秀但這不會持續太久的 * Kobe wanted to be like Mike, and who didn't? He modeled his game after MJ's and aspired to be the best. But behind the scenes, Kobe was picking everybody's brai ns. I loved his approach. He had so much respect for the game, his teammates and his competition. * Kobe想要跟MJ一樣,而誰不想呢? 他在他的比賽中模仿MJ的打法並渴望成為那個最好的球員但在看不見的地方Kobe在挑戰大家 的大腦,我很愛他的態度,他總是有那麼多對比賽隊友的熱愛 When Kobe was still playing, he'd call or text on occasion and we'd talk about b asketball. He was so curious and he asked a lot about how to become a better def ender and play certain guys. I'll always cherish those conversations. 當kobe還是現役球員時他好幾次打電話或傳簡訊跟我討論籃球,他充滿好奇心然後他問如何 變成一個更好的防守者和對到特定的球員時的打法,我會好好的珍惜這些對話 He cared so much about the game and winning, and had an insatiable drive to cons tantly learn and improve. Championships and MVPs aside, those are the things tha t will define his legacy. * 無盡的動力去學習和進步才是他留給後世的,不是冠軍和MVP For all the glory he achieved as a player, I think he was happiest in these rece nt years. Retirement for guys like him isn't easy, but he was enjoying as much s uccess off the court as he did on it. He loved his family more than anything in the world. 我覺得他在這幾年很快樂是因為他在球員身分得到的殊榮,退休對他這類選手並不是一件簡 單的事,他享受場下的成功就像在場上一樣,他甚至愛他的家庭甚過這世界的任何東西 I'm devastated and I feel like I lost a part of me. Kobe was amazing, a champion and an icon, and it's impossibly difficult to know he's not here anymore. 我非常沮喪就好像我失去了一部分的我,Kobe 是個非常驚奇的人也是冠軍更是個標誌 很難去相信他已經不在這世界上 My thoughts and prayers are with his wife Vanessa, daughters Natalia, Bianka and Capri, and his extended family and frinds. There will never be another Black M amba. RIP 我會為凡妮莎和他的女兒他的家庭跟朋友支持跟祈禱 這世界將不會有第二個黑曼巴科比,祝你安息。 翻得不好請指教 https://www.instagram.com/p/B71Zjg_nMC2/?igshid=1f82yqs4hjdr9 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1580360567.A.507.html ※ 編輯: akanishiking ( 日本), 01/30/2020 13:04:43
tonytony0628: 淚推 01/30 13:05
josh861010 : 好想念老大 01/30 13:05
hiarpu : 推01/30 13:07
yuyi0504 : 越看越難過01/30 13:10
rrow : 推QQ01/30 13:13
justice0926 : 唉...QQ01/30 13:20
ThunderLord : 推01/30 13:20
locka : hw was enjoying as much success “off“ the cour01/30 13:20
locka : t as he did “on“ it. 並不是享受球場上的成功;01/30 13:20
locka : 而是他「享受場下的成功就像在場上一樣」01/30 13:20
apestage : 老實說 我到現在都還無法相信...01/30 13:23
skunnyk : 無盡的動力去學習和進步才是他留給後世的,不是冠軍01/30 13:30
skunnyk : 數和MVP<-這邊你語意完全相反了 01/30 13:30
bcqqa7785 : 樓上我也是 總覺得他好像躲在某處偷笑 XD 唉 01/30 13:30
JH4748 : QQ01/30 13:30
kile612 : 永遠忘不了當年Pippen守Kobe居然差點滑倒的畫面(01/30 13:35
kile612 : 當年我是柯黑)01/30 13:35
※ 編輯: akanishiking ( 日本), 01/30/2020 13:37:28
qw1230124 : 這幾天的狀態就是 每看一篇老大的回顧 就會又哭一次 01/30 13:42
qw1230124 : 反反覆覆的 01/30 13:42
zaza1128 : 老大真的好棒,像好多人請教 01/30 13:53
power41 : 淚推 01/30 14:43
woowoo66NO1 : 原來KOBE也有跟PIP討教過防守 01/30 14:47
ivorkobe : 感謝轉貼,更感謝翻譯。老大的精神,永存不朽 01/30 14:49
ltw89104 : 感動 01/30 14:56
hasebe : 老大不吝請教阿,之前退休有拜訪過投資家 01/30 15:17
hasebe : 所以老衲說跟他請教隊友相處方法 01/30 15:17
hasebe : 應該不是心理戰,是認真的XD 01/30 15:18
fred5566a : 無盡的努力那段好中肯 雖然我是柯酸 但我不會否認他 01/30 15:23
fred5566a : 自虐式的自我要求不輸給MJ 01/30 15:23
ArNan : QQ 01/30 15:30
jzbobby : 老皮中肯 01/30 15:43
anthony148 : 淚推 01/30 15:54
ya123yo : 淚推 01/30 16:33
aa091811004 : 與其說是學MJ,不如說他其實是想成為最好的,而最好 01/30 16:38
aa091811004 : 的球員就是MJ,之後除了跟皮朋之外好像也有跟nash、 01/30 16:38
aa091811004 : wade討教過 01/30 16:38
kaka66 : 老大... 01/30 16:39
CSRRubio : 推 01/30 19:22
fransiceyho : 皮朋防守真的很強 但最後還是被Kobe 打爆了 01/30 19:46
ohmyya : 當年季後賽皮朋說KOBE裝病 KOBE也回酸 印象深刻 01/30 19:49
monocyte123 : 老大!!! 01/30 20:23
pett : Kobe 對皮朋的防守一直很讚賞 01/30 21:43
umyiwen : 感謝翻譯! 01/31 00:07
iorittn : 推 01/31 00:16
sinben : QQ 01/31 01:45
eddieblue : 推 01/31 08:06
iamaq18c : QQ 02/01 11:19