看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文出處:http://tiny.cc/ilk9lz 原文有夠長的啦...不過真的能夠更了解AI這個"人" 撇開籃球,你對AI的了解又有多少呢? 這篇文章讓你可以更貼近的認識AI part2主要在說他多想做自己但很難不在意外界的看法 不論是成名太快的壓力、個人風格被批評、社會膚色歧視 來看看他怎麼說的吧! (有些地方翻的比較掉渣,懇請各位大大賜教) ------ 「我想讓你知道關於Allen Iverson 的事 by Allen Iverson」 ------ 「"Here are some things about Allen Iverson that I want you to know, by Allen Iverson."」 Let’s do that. 「我想讓你知道關於Allen Iverson 的事 by Allen Iverson」 讓我們開始吧! 1. I love to draw. A lot of people don’t know that about me. See, I’m from the era where dudes would try to talk your ear off on the court: Gary, Reggie, KG, Kobe — that whole generation. And the reason they talked so much? It’s because that was their way of finding an edge. 1.我喜歡畫畫 大多數的人不知道這點。 注意,我身在的時代裡,在球場上這些老哥會在你耳邊不斷噴垃圾話: 例如手套裴頓、大嘴米勒、KG、老大等等的整個世代。 為什麼他們要一直噴垃圾話?因為那是他們佔據優勢的方法。 And it’s funny, I guess, because I was never much of a talker like those guys……. but I still found my own way to keep that edge. I’d draw. That’s right — I’d draw. 我想...這很有趣。因為我從未像他們一樣到處噴垃圾話, 但我仍找到自己的方式去保持優勢。 我喜歡畫畫。沒錯,我喜歡畫畫。 (附上AI自己的作品:https://imgur.com/xRCXR7U) You’d do me wrong, say something I don’t like, get on my bad side? I’d be liable to cartoon you up. And yeah, it’s just what it sounds like: I would take my paper, my pen, that good ink — and I would straight-up bury you. I would draw you as a cartoon, man. And all your worst features, your worst whatevers, I’d just put them on blast. I’m telling you all, it was cold. Nobody out there was (or is!) wanting to be on the wrong end of my pen. 你可以冤枉我、說一些我不喜歡的話來得罪我? 我是有辦法激怒你的。(譯者註:這句有點不懂,求解) 你沒聽錯,我會拿起我的紙張、我的筆、好一點的墨水,我會直接將你埋葬。 把你畫成像卡通似的。你所有的缺點、不論你最糟的是什麼,我會使之一覽無遺。 我會讓你知道,這麼做很冷酷。不論過去或現在都沒人願意在我筆下有不好的結局。 (此處AI應是想強調自己不靠垃圾話那套, 他有自己的一套辦法讓你的缺點無所遁形,踩著你的痛點打, 這就是他佔據優勢的方法。 他描述的方式挺有趣的,大家可以參照原文體會一下,我自認翻譯得不夠精髓。) 2. I remember the night that I found out Coach Thompson was no one to mess with. 2.我記得那個晚上,我發現沒人敢惹湯普森教練(AI就讀喬治城大學時的教練) We were playing Villanova at their place — had to have been the middle of my freshman year. Big rivalry game, plus a little something extra with both of us being ranked that season. 我們在客場迎戰Villanova大學,大約是大一球季的中旬。 這是一場激戰,我們在競爭賽季排名。 We come out of the tunnel and get in our warmups. All good — we’re ready. There’s some real energy in the building. But then suddenly one of our guys, he notices something…. and he points up to the crowd. 我們從球員通道走出來,並準備開始熱身,一切都很好, 我感覺我們準備好了,這棟建築物有一些真實的能量。 突然我的一個隊友注意到了,他指向觀眾群。 And I’ll never forget it. 我這輩子都忘不了。 There were four men, making some noise way up in the stands. And they all had on handcuffs….. and chains..…. and orange jumpsuits. Those kinds of orange jumpsuits. And I remember the sign they were holding up — clear as day. It said:ALLEN IVERSON: THE NEXT MJ But then it had “MJ” crossed out. And they had markered in “OJ.” 有四個人在看台上發出噪音,他們身上都有手銬、鍊子和橘色連身褲裝。 “那種“橘色連身褲裝。我記得他們舉起的牌子, 像白日一般清晰:ALLEN IVERSON 下一個 MJ 然後把MJ畫掉,改成OJ (此處應該是指OJ Simpson,黑人運動員、前美足明星球員、著名的辛普森案本人, 這邊有暗示黑人運動員都是殺人犯的意味) You have to understand….. I mean, I’m a grown man, now, writing this. But at the time??? I was 19. That’s near a child’s age. And it’s not like I was embarrassed about my past, or about where I came from — NEVER that. But on the same token, it was just, like, Damn. Damn!! Can your boy start fresh, like, ONE time?? Can I just go to college like a normal kid, and play some ball? I’ll tell you this: there isn’t a luxury in the world like being carefree. All these people, they’ll be out here chasing money, and happiness, and this that and the third. But there’s nothing on this earth better than carefree. And that’s the one thing that I realized some of these people out there were never going to let me be. 你必須了解到,正在寫這篇文章的我,已經是完全成熟的成年人了。 但...那個時候我才19歲,幾乎還是一個孩子的年紀。 並不是說我會對我的過去或是我來自的地方而感到尷尬,只是...同樣的, 該死的,可以讓我就像個新生嗎?一次就好? 我可以向一個普通的孩子一樣,去上大學、打個籃球就好嗎? 我可以告訴你,這世界上沒有比無憂無慮更奢侈的事情了。 其他人都在追求金錢、快樂等等之類的,但在這個地球上沒有比無憂無慮更好的事物了 ,然而我了解到因為那些人讓我永遠都無法得到。 And what made Coach Thompson so special is he knew that, man. He knew that. Coach knew……. and he could see my heart just sinking in that moment. He knew he couldn’t protect me from everything that was in this world. But he sure tried. 是什麼讓湯普森教練如此特別呢? 因為,他知道這些,他知道我感受到的這一切, 教練知道也看到此刻我的內心正在沈淪, 他知道他無法保護我免受這世界帶給我的傷害,但他肯定嘗試過。 Here’s what Coach Thompson, MY coach, did for me on that night: He didn’t ask for their sign to be confiscated. He didn’t yell and shout and make a scene. No. See, what Coach did is he calmly walked over to us, player by player, and told us that — don’t worry about our things — we were leaving the floor. That’s it: We were leaving the floor. No big drama. Heads held high. We were there…. and then we were gone. 我的教練—湯普森教練,他當晚為了我這麼做: 他並沒有要求沒收那些標語牌,也沒有大發雷霆或大聲訓斥。 不…教練是這麼做的,平靜地在我們身邊走動,走過一個接個一個球員, 然後告訴我們:別擔心這些,該上場了。 所以我們就上場了,沒有什麼情緒波動,抬頭挺胸。我們上場...然後離場。 And then once we were off that floor, and it was just Coach back on the court? He calmly told those refs, he said, “Hey, no disrespect. No disrespect to y’all. But here’s what’s going to happen: If you don’t get those four pieces of sh*t outta here, and I’m talking immediately — we’re gonna be forfeiting this game. Understood?” They understood, man. 有一次我們下場之後,咦?教練怎麼又回到場上了? 他冷靜地告訴裁判「嘿不是不尊重你們唷,但這些事將要發生: 如果你們不把那四個偏激的球迷趕出場,我現在告訴你—這場我們就不打了,懂?」 夥計...他們懂了。 (這兩段翻得比較吃力,若有不對的地方懇請賜教) (謝謝Y大指正) 3. I’m a real movie buff — which means I spend a lot of time watching all kinds of movies. 3.我是一個真正的電影迷,我花很多時間看各式各樣的電影 And one of my favorites movies ever I’d say is Heat. It’s this Al Pacino joint, where he has to do some detective work on these white boys because they’ve been robbing banks. These boys, I’m telling you — they’re robbing everyone!! You’ve got Robert De Niro running things, and Val Kilmer as his #2, and then Ashley Judd as his girl……. it’s a tight crew. The main dude, Robert De Niro’s character, he’s like, If you want to be about this life, then don’t have anything you can't walk away from in 30 seconds flat. O.K., Bob. Man, it’s cold as ice!! Their whole crew is. 我必須說我最愛的一部電影是「烈火悍將」,由艾爾帕西諾主演, 他飾演一個警探去偵查一件白人搶銀行的案件, 我跟你說,那些壞人搶劫所有人啊! 勞勃狄尼洛是搶匪、方基墨是他的副手、艾許莉賈德是他女人,是一個嚴謹的團隊。 勞勃狄尼洛的角色就像是說:「你一生中所有想要的東西, 沒有什麼是30秒內不能丟棄的」,好吧鮑伯...就像冰一樣冷酷,他們整個團隊都是這樣。 When I’m watching a movie, I like to pay attention to the details. I like to analyze them, and try to pick up on something new each time. And so check this out: Last time I’m watching Heat?? It hits me……. these dudes are SLICK! Want to know why?? Because they’re wearing suits. Like: these white boys, they put on a suit, they put on a tie, and now nobody ever suspects them of anything!! Because of all these stereotypes that we have about who should be out here wearing what. See what I’m saying? And so to me when you’re watching that, that’s the director — he’s trying to make a point right there. He’s trying to say, like, the things you do, they’ll never be as important as the things people think you do. 當我在看電影時,我喜歡專注在細節上,每次我都喜歡分析細節,然後試著找出什麼。 注意以下內容:上次我看「烈火悍將」,我嚇到...這些人有夠狡猾,知道為什麼嗎? 因為他們穿成套西裝,就像是說:這些白人穿西裝、打領帶, 所以現在沒有人會懷疑他們任何事情!! 因為這些刻板印象,我們認為某些人就該有那樣的穿著。 知道我在說什麼嗎?對我來說,當你在看這些時,就是導演在試圖提出自己的觀點, 他試著告訴你:你做的事情永遠不會像人們認為你該做的事情一樣重要。 Like I said, it’s all about these stereotypes. 如我所說的,這就是刻板印象。 Man you would not believe, back in the day, how many times I would get told this and that about my clothes. AI, he’s a thug. His hair, it’s gang related. He don’t dress like a professional. Had to be a thousand different things people said. But it’s like — do they even get how this all works? Jewelry is just jewelry. Hair is just hair. Clothes are just clothes. Answer me this…… has anyone ever committed a crime with their HAIR? O.K., I’m young and I’m black, and I dress that way. But what am I doing — just ask yourself that. What am I doing? I’m getting out of my car…… to walk to my office…… to go to my job. 你可能不會相信,在過去這些日子裡, 數不清有多少次因為我的穿著被人說著這些: AI是一個流氓,他的頭髮和黑幫有關,他穿得不像個專業人士。 人們說過無數種類似的話語,但...他們真的懂這些代表的意義嗎? 珠寶就是珠寶、髮型就是髮型、衣服就只是衣服。 回答我這個問題...有人因為他的”髮型“被定罪嗎? 好吧,我就是年輕還有我就是黑人,然後我是這種穿著。 但問問你自己,我在做什麼?我下了車...走去辦公室...去做我的工作。 It’s crazy. Like — you don’t even know. You don’t even know! I would be out here, and let’s say it’s 2001, and I’m as famous as I’ll ever get. I’m probably one of the 10 or so most famous people in the country. And man….. I will tell you what. If I would be walking down some sidewalk? O.K., yeah, I’d get some autograph requests, I’d get some hooting and hollering, “WHAT’S UP, AI,” I’d get that love, 100%. But here’s what’s crazy: I’d STILL get some of these people, taking one good look at me, and sort of doing that..…..thing, you know what I’m saying? That “not trying to offend anyone, but I’m going to shuffle my way on over to the other side of this street thing. It’s like some people, I swear — they feel safer around a white criminal, than they feel around a black famous person. Isn’t that messed up, for real? 這很扯。 就像—你甚至都不知道,你甚至什麼都不知道! 我會出現在這,比方說2001年,我如此出名,我大概是國內最知名的前十位人物吧。 然後我告訴你,當我走在街道上?沒錯,會有人找我簽名、會得到一些歡呼聲 :”你好嗎?AI“,我得到這種百分百的愛戴。 但扯的還有:會有那種人盯著你看一眼,然後做那種...事情, 你懂我在說什麼嗎? 那種”試著不要冒犯任何人,但我要換條路到街道的另一邊”的事情。 我發誓有些人比起在黑種人名人身邊,他們感到在白種人罪犯身邊更安全。 這不是搞錯了嗎?你認真? ------ 未完待續... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1585716302.A.DBB.html ※ 編輯: TimmyDD ( 臺灣), 04/01/2020 12:46:25
babycarlos : 推AI,感謝分享 04/01 12:49
pneumo : 推 04/01 13:06
Yeeeha : 教練是說 不處理那四個偏激球迷 我們會直接棄賽 04/01 13:08
重新看一遍看懂了>< 謝謝你
stocktonty : 烈火悍將 經典神片 04/01 13:12
mike110100 : 感謝分享 04/01 13:27
voglish : 中間教練應該是湯普森不是辛普森哦 04/01 13:30
JUNstudio : 文章中寫成辛普森教練了啦...... 04/01 13:34
akanishiking: OJ沒被判刑 他是證據不足所以無罪 04/01 13:41
Dogmeat : 錯譯非常多... 04/01 13:54
sam352306 : 推 04/01 13:55
XD051 : 努力翻譯給推 04/01 14:56
Razzer : do me wrong 不是讓我犯錯的意思 04/01 15:11
gydiaw : 推 04/01 15:12
Razzer : 畫畫那段就是在講畫畫 別想太多 04/01 15:16
takoQAQ : Good job 04/01 15:25
cloki : 努力翻譯就很好啊,興趣使然的就別抓得那麼緊 04/01 16:18
謝謝你~我會努力翻完 ※ 編輯: TimmyDD ( 臺灣), 04/01/2020 16:39:46
iorittn : 推AI,我最喜歡的退役球星 04/01 17:02
stocktonty : 不是畫畫難道是草人插針嗎? 04/01 17:30
AnnandLeon : 推AI,也推辛苦翻譯 04/01 17:38
dixieland999: 圖的連結尾巴多了一個) 04/01 18:25
MARTINA3016 : 有艾就推 04/01 22:47
q161719 : I’d be liable to cartoon you up. 翻成我絕對有 04/01 22:53
q161719 : 辦法搞到你 會不會好一點啊 04/01 22:53
chijim : 推翻譯! 04/01 23:48
obeyxxxx : 謝啦翻譯 沒球賽可看看這些也蠻有趣 04/02 01:04
DESTINY3 : AI 推 04/02 08:46
Scarugly : 感謝翻譯 04/02 15:32
loki94y : 那句是我很可能把你畫成卡通 04/02 16:49