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本篇有提到Morris弟的言論與Jokic的反擊。 連結: https://reurl.cc/Gr2ALD 標題: Nikola Jokic ready to help Denver Nuggets take next step Nikola Jokic已經準備好幫助金塊邁出下一步 內文: Nikola Jokic pulled out his new wedding band to show reporters during his virt ual media session Thursday. Nikola Jokic在週四的網路媒體發布會上秀出了他的結婚戒指。 After a nail-biting run to the Western Conference finals, Jokic got married, a nd he now hopes to help the Nuggets take a step closer toward winning a champi onship ring this season even though the star center feels some still don't vie w the Denver Nuggets as title contenders just yet. 在絕地反攻進入西區決賽後,Jokic結婚了,他希望幫助金塊隊能在本賽季追逐冠軍戒指 的道路上走的更遠,即使這位明星中鋒覺得有些人仍然不把丹佛金塊隊視為冠軍爭奪者。 "Even now, they are talking about how Clippers lost, they don't think about ho w Nuggets won," Jokic said, referencing Denver's erasing of a 3-1 series defic it against the LA Clippers in the West semifinals in the NBA bubble at Walt Di sney World this past season. "We don't care that nobody gives us some kind of whatever, respect. We're going to be there. We were in tough situations last y ear. We fight. Jokic說:「即使是現在,他們仍然在談論快艇隊如何輸球,他們並沒有去思考金塊是如 何獲勝的。」他指的是前一個賽季在西部半決賽中丹佛克服3-1落後於洛杉磯快艇隊而晉 級。「我們不在乎有沒有人會給予我們某種尊重。我們會留在那兒。去年的我們處境艱難 。然而我們奮戰。」 "Just [because] someone doesn't give us respect doesn't mean that we take thei r opinions. We know what we are capable of." 「有些人不給我們足夠的尊重不代表我們要接受他們的意見。我們知道我們能做到。」 Denver is riding the momentum of back-to-back 3-1 series comebacks -- it did t he same against the Jazz in the opening round -- before falling to the eventua l champion Lakers in the conference finals. But it certainly has felt like the Nuggets' historic comebacks were overshadowed by the Clippers' playoff meltdo wn. 丹佛當時正在經歷背靠背3-1系列逆轉的局勢,在首輪對陣爵士時也是如此,直到在決賽 中面臨最終的冠軍湖人隊敗北之前。但金塊的歷史性逆轉,卻毫無疑問地被快艇季後賽的 崩潰所掩蓋。 Denver, though, has gotten a taste of being on that conference finals stage an d is hungry to get back there. 不過,丹佛已經嚐到了準決賽的滋味,並渴望再次回到那裡。 "It is not like we won the championship last year," point guard Jamal Murray s aid when asked about the current perception of the team. "We are going to keep grinding and keep going through kinks." 當被問到對於目前球隊的看法時,控球後衛Jamal Murray說:「我們去年並沒有贏得冠軍 。我們將繼續磨練,努力克服障礙。」 Clippers forward Marcus Morris, meanwhile, was asked about his team's motivati on entering this season after losing to Denver. The veteran said he felt the C lippers were the better team. 同時,快艇前鋒Marcus Morris被問到他的球隊在輸給丹佛之後,進入本賽季的動力如何 。而這位老將表示,他認為快艇是一支更好的球隊。 "I think it hurt people being up 3-1," Morris said. "It's not about the losing , it's about how we lost. And I think that's the biggest motivation for this t eam, because at the end of the day, that team wasn't better than us. We all kn ew that. To be up and to lose, I think that put an extra sting in our mentalit y." Morris說:「我認為3-1領先之後挫敗對我們傷害很大。這不是關於失敗本身,而是關於 我們如何失敗。我認為這是本賽季我們球隊的最大動力,因為歸根究柢,對方(金塊)並 沒有比我們更好。我們都知道。領先後挫敗,我認為這進一步磨練了我們的心志。」 The Nuggets leaned on their continuity last season, but they return with some changes to the cast around Jokic and Murray. While the Lakers made significant additions in the offseason with Dennis Schroder and Montrezl Harrell, the Nug gets lost Jerami Grant, Torrey Craig and Mason Plumlee in free agency., while adding JaMychal Green and Argentina's Facundo Campazzo. 金塊隊保持上個賽季的連續性,但是他們在Jokic與Murray周圍的陣容上有了一些變化。 湖人隊從休賽期中獲得了Dennis Schroder和Montrezl Harrell兩名顯著的補充戰力,而 金塊則在自由球員市場上失去了Jerami Grant、Torrey Craig和Mason Plumlee,另一方 面則補充了了JaMychal Green和來自阿根廷的Facundo Campazzo。 "To be honest, I don't care about Lakers," Jokic said when asked about trying to keep up with the champs. "They're going to be good probably anyways. About us, I like it. I think sometimes change is really good for the team. Just to b ring some new energy, new guys, new individuals, I think it's going to be inte resting and I'm looking forward to see how we're going to be. 當被問及如何追上冠軍球隊的腳步時,Jokic說:「說實話,我不關心湖人。無論如何, 他們都會嘗試變得更好。至於我們,我喜歡它(它指的是球隊成員變化)。我認為有時候 變化對團隊確實非常有益。這將會帶來一些新的活力、新的傢伙、新的成員,我認為這將 很有趣,我期待著我們的發展。」 "I don't know how we're going to be. Are we going to be better? Are we going t o be worse? I'm just looking forward to see how we're going to do this season in all these weird times (with COVID-19)." 「我不知道我們會怎樣。我們會變得更好嗎?我們會變得更糟嗎?我很期待看到在這個奇 怪的時期(COVID-19),我們將如何面對這個賽季。」 The Nuggets are banking on Michael Porter Jr. to continue his ascension from i njury and into the starting lineup. Porter Jr. averaged 11.4 points and 6.7 re bounds in his first postseason after shining in the seeding games portion of t he NBA restart in Orlando. 金塊希望Michael Porter Jr.能夠脫離傷病並移至先發陣容。Porter Jr.在他的第一個季 後賽場均得到11.4分和6.7個籃板,在奧蘭多重新開始的NBA種子複賽中表現出色。 "We are going to need Michael to take the next step," Nuggets president of bas ketball operations Tim Connelly said. "That is a poorly kept secret." 「我們需要Michael邁出下一步,」金塊隊籃球營運總裁Tim Connelly說。 「這是一個不 是秘密的秘密。」 And of course, it's no secret that the Nuggets will go as far as Murray and Jo kic take them. Coming off his 19-game playoff run in the bubble, Jokic feels l ike his improvement this season will come from his experience of playing in hi s first conference finals. 當然,金塊能走到什麼地步需要仰賴Murray和Jokic兩人同樣也不是什麼秘密。在結束本 賽季19場泡泡圈的季後賽後,Jokic覺得本賽季進步的養分將來自他在第一次打進準決賽 中的經驗。 "How I can get better?" said Jokic, who averaged 24.4 points, 9.8 rebounds and 5.7 assists in his second postseason. "I think it goes back to experience. My body is going to be a little bit kind of used to all the contact, all the phy sicality, how the game is fast, just by experience. I learned a lot from the l ast playoffs and just kind of growing up. Individual-wise, shooting better, be aggressive, whatever, but I just think experience is going to be the most imp ortant key." 「我如何變得更好?」Jokic說,他在第二個季後賽場均得到24.4分,9.8個籃板和5.7助 攻。「我認為這可以歸因於經驗。憑藉著經驗,我的身體已經開始有點習慣運用所有的接 觸,身體的精力,以及比賽的快速節奏。我從上一次的季後賽中學到了很多,從個人角度 來說,更好的投籃,更有攻擊性等等,而我認為經驗將是最重要的關鍵。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1607057084.A.ACB.html
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※ 編輯: andy82116 ( 臺灣), 12/04/2020 12:50:01
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mhfo3035 : 快艇沒進過西決還敢在那嚶嚶狂吠 12/04 14:28
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