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來源 https://reurl.cc/2b4LN6 Can basketball heal South Sudan? Luol Deng, a star in America, has high hopes for the game Jan 9th 2021 籃球救得了南蘇丹嗎?羅爾.丹恩寄與厚望 THE PEOPLE of South Sudan are among the tallest in the world. That helps explain why several of them have had stellar careers playing basketball abroad. One is Luol Deng, a former all-star in America’s National Basketball Association (NBA). Mr Deng, who retired in 2019 after 15 seasons on the hardwood for the Chicago Bulls and other teams in the NBA, took over as coach of South Sudan’s national team in November. Now he is using the sport to try to mend his war-torn motherland. 南蘇丹人的平均身高在全球是名前矛的,這說明了為什麼他們相對容易在籃球上取 得亮眼成就。羅爾.丹恩就是其中之一,效力公牛隊其間曾入選明星賽,在15年的 征戰後,選擇高掛球鞋。退休後接任南蘇丹國家隊教練,而他希望用籃球這個運動 來重建這個被戰火蹂躪的家鄉。 In December, for the first time in its history, South Sudan won enough games to qualify for the African basketball championship, known as AfroBasket. That is no small feat for a team that is relatively new to international competition. For five of the ten years that South Sudan has existed as a country, it has been beset by civil war. Of its 12-member squad, all but one player grew up abroad. 很快地,南蘇丹取得足夠的戰績,並首度取得非洲籃球錦標賽的資格賽的門票,這 對剛揮軍國際賽不久的南蘇丹國家隊而言是個得來不易的成就。過去十年間,就有 五次因為內戰而未能成軍,而如今,他們這隻青年軍不但成績出色,12 位球員中, 更有11位是來自本土所訓練出來的球員 The war has directly led to the deaths of almost 200,000 people, and perhaps caused twice as many deaths indirectly through hunger and disease, according to a study in 2018 by researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Mr Deng, who also funds the national squad, hopes it will help bring the country together and change its image abroad. “We’re doing something that’s bigger than basketball,” he says. “There are people that are depressed and hungry and struggling… That two-hour game gives them pride to keep going.” 南蘇丹的內戰造成20萬人死亡,估計因內戰帶來的飢荒及疾病至少40萬人死亡。而丹恩 先生出錢出力成立的國家隊,希望這些成就而夠帶領南蘇丹這個國家團結,讓世人看到 我們的改變,他說:我們不僅僅是打籃球,國內的平民百姓飢餓受苦,生活充滿絕望, 希望藉由籃球帶給國家希望,帶給人們信心。 The young minister of youth and sports, Albino Bol Dhieu, is a believer. He hopes that what has been “spoiled by politics can be fixed by sports”. He plans to build a sports complex and at least one basketball court in each of the country’s ten states and three administrative areas. Quite how he will pay for this is not clear. The government’s budget set aside the equivalent of just $5.3m, or less than 1% of spending, for his ministry. By contrast, nearly $130m was allocated for security. 南蘇丹的青年及運動部長,就是頭號信徒。部長計畫在各州蓋運動場,然而錢從哪裡來 是個問題,政府預算不多,大部份都花在國防安全上 With its recent performance the national team has risen a remarkable nine places (to 98th) in the rankings of the International Basketball Federation, known as FIBA, the sport’s global governing body. Locals hope that when AfroBasket tips off in August, it will provide more than just national pride. They hope that the team’s success will inspire young men to put down their guns and start shooting hoops. ■ 憑藉著近期的好表現,南蘇丹的FIBA排名上升了9個名次來到98名,當地人希望今年8月 非洲錦標賽開打時,國家隊的成功不僅為南蘇丹帶來榮耀與驕傲,他們更希望告訴戰場 上的年青人,不要再打人了,來打球吧。 -- https://www.thenewslens.com/article/110095 20歲才從會計系學生轉進職業足球,他用一場球賽終結3年內戰 看到這個新聞想到同樣是非洲的象牙海岸因為傳奇球星德羅巴帶領象牙海岸打進足球的 世界盃,最後促成內戰中的國家停戰,雖然不知道南蘇丹能不能重現佳話,但至少以後 看到魯蛋會肅然起敬。 很想罵個髒話,發個文斷線三次 -- -- realtw: 經濟學人?哈 原來加上這四個字 連人名都沒有的就變權威了 11/16 14:19 realtw: 我也是經濟學人 我權威嗎 11/16 14:19 realtw: 台日韓新某經濟學家=全世界=權威 11/16 14:21 realtw: 知道啊 經濟學人是英國一個小報啊 就是故意留梗啊 11/16 14:42 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1610200824.A.5E4.html
corlos : 魯蛋又想卡哪隊薪資了 01/09 22:00
y1896547 : 一樓有看完嗎? 01/09 22:01
event129 : 這文也能酸 推 01/09 22:02
semaj909097 : 這標題感覺好像在問他可不可以守街亭... 01/09 22:02
MK47 : 靠籃球這種少數人鯉魚躍龍門的機會 不如靠教育實在 01/09 22:05
Aotearoa : 最後一段翻譯錯了 01/09 22:05
longlyeagle : nice nice 01/09 22:05
ayabrea : 一樓嘛看一下內文再決定要不要酸 推 01/09 22:05
Aotearoa : 是上升九名來到第98名 01/09 22:06
jerrys0580 : 推 真的是more than athletes 01/09 22:09
Amis5566 : 98名竄升至第9名..? 01/09 22:09
ARCHER2234 : 殺人幹嘛,籃球薪水多棒啊,傻傻 01/09 22:11
skipperdinky: 應該是第98名吧 01/09 22:13
※ 編輯: KirkSynder ( 臺灣), 01/09/2021 22:23:56 謝謝大家的推文提醒,已修改 查了一下fiba官網,確實是98名 98. SSDSouth Sudan 16. SSD 95.0 +9 ※ 編輯: KirkSynder ( 臺灣), 01/09/2021 22:26:05
puro : 如果那麼高都有魯蛋那時候的本事...真可怕 01/09 22:29
ellisteng145: 南蘇丹有丁卡族 世界最高人種 maker bol都是 01/09 22:36
ellisteng145: 我看網路上都說deng也是丁卡人 不過他看起來沒那麼 01/09 22:39
ellisteng145: 黑 01/09 22:39
sunnyyoung : 難得看到的好新聞 01/09 22:51
KirkSynder : http://i.imgur.com/UcaP3yr.jpg Bol Bol 跟Deng 01/09 22:51
KirkSynder : 的合照 看起來應該算同個等級的膚色吧 Deng也是丁卡 01/09 22:51
KirkSynder : !還真的,但是他的體型跟Bol Bol. Thin Maker差好 01/09 22:52
KirkSynder : 多 01/09 22:52
a1773042 : 原來滷蛋去當教練了 01/09 22:55
KirkSynder : 這個教練不好當,可能沒錢領,還要倒貼,但是如果能 01/09 22:58
KirkSynder : 夠改變成真那才是再多錢買不到的好處 01/09 22:58
mvpdirk712 : 備註幫你補充一下,德羅巴那一跪內戰雖然有停 01/09 22:59
mvpdirk712 : 但2010年又爆發衝突,不過以他的號召力哪天如果選總 01/09 22:59
mvpdirk712 : 統,或許能上也說不定XD 01/09 23:00
Pixis : 南蘇丹是命運多舛的國家啊 01/09 23:04
jason61206 : 連這個也要酸 水準也太低落了 01/09 23:21
jason930502 : 滷蛋加油 01/09 23:32
c6500123000 : 淚推滷蛋 01/09 23:39
asdlee : 先救湖人吧 不要卡我薪資啦 01/09 23:56
Lightten : 推滷蛋 不懂某樓卡薪資和國家的戰爭存亡比哪個重要 01/10 00:11
Lightten : 還能那樣噓文 01/10 00:11
ENCOREH33456: 推爆!!! 01/10 01:00
bluemei : 推和平 打球不打仗 01/10 01:17
jsstarlight : 推 01/10 01:21
meipialoha : 總板素質從來不會讓我失望 01/10 01:37
b54102 : 有啥好酸 明明是教練問題 01/10 02:33
HotDogCC : 願蘇丹內戰儘早結束解放人民苦難 01/10 02:36
kkk777 : 滷蛋是貴族世家不是? 希望內戰快平息 01/10 07:17
attpp : 不是英國人嗎?真複雜 01/10 08:26
zsp9081a : nba魯迅 01/10 09:46
t5368836 : 人家在談大海你在講漱口杯 01/10 09:57